Chapter 3: New Arrival

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"I know you're there. I can hear you."

I hear rustling, as the light flickers.

For God's sake, just talk. Don't make me think I'm crazy.

I stand and turn off the light. They like the darkness. It's why I always hear them as midnight.

"I hear you."

The whispering starts. A breeze blows through the curtains, sending a chill down my spine. A chill I'm so used to.

"How was the check up?"

"The usual. Boring. Pointless. Why are we talking about this?"

"It's called making conversation. You know, being polite?"

"That's never bothered you before. You normally just invade my head and tell me what to do."

I hear them sigh. The angry sigh. I flinch back against the wall, ready for their wrath.

"We're not in your head Newt. How many times do we have to tell you? Don't listen to Paige, she just refuses to believe things she doesn't understand. We're real, Newt. As real as you."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Why would we be? You're such a good boy. You do everything we say."

Yeah, like attempting suicide.

"That was a necessity, Newt. Jumping off the roof was a punishment. You needed to learn that we are in charge."

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"We know everything. Everything."

The lights flicker again. They're gone. Gone for another night.

I lie back on my bed, ready for another sleepless night, just as that digital clock changes its time.


My eyes fly open a few hours later. They're back.

Why are they back? They never visit twice in one night.

Worry seeps into my mind. Something's happened. I don't know what. But something is wrong.

"Why are you here again?"

"We need to tell you something. Something bad."

"I can't deal with bad things. It messes up my treatment."

"Your treatment is the bad thing, Newt. You mustn't talk to Janson or Paige tomorrow."

"Why? Why can't I talk to them? They're trying to help me."

"You don't need help. You get help, and we disappear. You don't want that, do you? You don't want to lose your friends, do you?"

"I-I guess not."

"You can't trust anyone. Not even Alby."

But it's Alby.

"He's my friend. Of course I can trust him."

"No. No you can't. Listen to us, Newt. There's a new person coming tomorrow. He's called Gally. He's a transfer. He'll protect you."

"Why? Why is he being transferred?"

"He was too violent. Here, he'll be more...restrained."

Sounds fantastic.

"Okay. I'll trust him. I trust you."


They're gone again.

Who's this Gally? If what they say is true, surely he isn't the right person to get involved with?


I should trust them. They're always right. Always.

I close my eyes. And I actually sleep.

I am awoken by shouts and screams.

"Get the hell off me, you shank! You can't keep me here!"

Quiet muttering follows.

"Sedate me? You come near me with that fucking needle, I'll kill you! I've done it before!"

I hear a door shut, followed by muffled shouting.

Is that Gally?

My door opens. It's Dr.Paige.

"Newt, it's breakfast. Come on, I know you don't want to eat, but you have to."

"Who was shouting?"

There's an underlying tone of nervousness.

Shit. You weren't meant to talk to her. You'll pay for that later.

"That would be the new arrival, Gally. We're keeping tabs on him, but I promise you, there's nothing to worry about."

They were right. The voices were right. Gally's real. He's actually a real person. And if they're right about this? They're right about everything.

"Newt? Is everything okay?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'll be at breakfast soon."

She smiles.

That sickening smile that makes me want to slap her round the face.

"Okay. Alby's asking for you."

She leaves.

Bloody hell. Alby. How am I supposed to avoid him?

At breakfast, I see the new arrival.

"Newt. Newt!"

It's Alby. I ignore him, walking in the other direction.

Alby, please leave me alone. If you don't, if I talk to you, we're both going to pay. Please don't make this harder. I need to listen to them.

I glance at my best friend. I see the hurt expression on his face, and it almost makes me cry. Almost.

I never cry.

Gally is sitting alone. He gives a stone cold glare to anyone who dares to look at him.

I do the stupid thing. I sit opposite him.

If looks could kill Newt, Janson would be digging your grave right about now.

I cough.

"Um, hi?"

Surprisingly, he seems to warm at my greeting.


"I'm Newt."


We eat in silence. Awkward silence.

Jesus, it wouldn't pay this kid to attempt conversation. Guess it's up to you again.

"So, why are you here?"

"Transfer. From 'The Glade'."

The Glade is this huge institution on the other side of town. If they couldn't handle him, he must be boisterous.

"Why were you there?"

"Do you always ask this many questions?"

"Depends on who I'm talking to."

He laughs.

"You've got confidence, I'll give you that."

"But you won't give me an answer."

"Fine. I shot some kid. Meant to shoot his brother. Kid jumped in front."

I swallow.

They want me to be friends with this guy? Seriously?

"Oh. Why'd you want him dead?"

"He pissed me off. End of."

"Oh. Okay. Excuse me."

He nods and continues eating. I run to the bathroom and throw up.


So thank you for all the reads and votes already!!!

This chapter is okish, I kinda don't like it but I hope you do.

LJ xx

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