Chapter 7: Onlooker

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I probably should try to stop the fight that is currently ensuing between Thomas and Gally.

Instead I'm too focused on the fact that he spoke to me.

He spoke to me. He actually spoke to me. Like I was a normal person. Like we both were.

But we're not. We never will be.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Thomas punches Gally on the nose.

That's got to hurt.

I suppose I should really help Gally because he's my friend. But for some reason, I want Thomas to win this fight.

I guess it has something to do with the fact that he hears voices too. Maybe a connection. I wonder if he feels it too.

People have started to watch now. I spy Teresa from the corner of my eye and am not surprised to see a twinkle of excitement in her own eyes.

She's always been one for violence. Some form of catharsis maybe?

Somebody starts screaming.

Probably one of the more "critical" patients.

I watch on, frozen to the spot. Wanting to help but at the same time, I'm curious as to how this is going to end.

Well, it's the most exciting thing that's happened here in three years. Who can blame you really?

I wonder why Thomas and Gally hate each other so much. not.

At this point, Gally has Thomas pinned to the floor. He's so much bigger than him and yet I don't detect a single ounce of fear in Thomas' caramel eyes.

I admire him.

There's blood dripping from Thomas' nose and cuts have formed on Gally's knuckles.

They're both exhausted from the weight of the fight. Every onlooker can hear the heavy breaths that come from the two boys.

Suspense is a wonderful thing.

Then something totally unexpected happens.

Thomas starts to laugh.

What is he doing?

I'm somehow captivated by the lilting magical sound that escapes Thomas' mouth. I study his face as his lips turn up and his eyes crease. I can't take my eyes off of him.

"Go on then. Finish me off. Kill me. Just like you killed my brother. Just like you killed Chuck."

Bloody hell. So Thomas is that guy Gally meant to kill. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I supposed to do? I can't be friends with both of them. Fuck. Shit.

Gally raises his fist, ready for the final blow, when he's wrenched off Thomas by Janson.

It's about bloody time. Probably too absorbed in your fucking lunch. What was it today Rat Man? Cheese and pickle sandwiches? Oh, how you live life to the extreme.

I spy Teresa yet again. She looks almost disappointed that the fight's over. She sees me and gives me that signature smile of hers before walking away.

Huh, maybe she's having a bad day. She'd normally come and say hi.

Gally struggles in the arms of Janson, which act as a barrier. A prison.

Janson glances at Thomas lying on the floor and lets out a sigh, accompanied by an eye roll.

A way too exaggerated eye roll. You could at least pretend that you give a shit.

"We're low on staff today, so one of you is going to have to take Tobias to the medical room."

Tobias? Fucking Tobias? It's Thomas you twat.

Everybody stays silent. Janson looks around the room before his eyes land on me.

"Newt. You can take him."

What. No. No. Nopidy nope. Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to spend some time with Thomas, you know, talk to him some more about the voices. You know, when he wakes up. But I bloody hate the medical room. Last time I went there, I-well-you know...anyway I hate it.

Before I can protest, Janson is gone and so is a struggling Gally.

I lift Thomas up, placing his arm around my shoulders.

If you were actually conscious Thomas, I'd moan at you to give me a little support. You're bloody heavy.

"Bloody hell, Tommy," I mutter under my breath.

"Did you just call me Tommy?"

I nearly jump out of my skin.

Oh, so you are conscious. Great.

I shake off my surprise.

"No-one ever given you a nickname before?"

"I mean, yeah sure, just never Tommy."

Oh, so now I'm being original.

"I don't have to call you that if you don't want me to."

"No, no. I like it."

It's silent again.

Bloody hell, Newt. Say something. You've still got about three corridors to walk through.

But I don't have to break the silence. Tommy does.

"Thanks, Newt."

Did he just say my name? He knows my name? Why am I fangirling about this?

"For what?"

"You know, taking me here."

"Oh well, um, no problem."

There are more questions I want to ask him. Where did he come from? What really happened between him and Gally? What does he hear?

He looks at me with those brown eyes that I always seem to get lost in.

"You want to ask me something, don't you?"

Is he a fucking mind reader or something?

"What? I mean, what makes you think that?"

"Your eyes. They literally scream curiosity."

So, he's been looking at my eyes too. Huh.

"Sorry," he apologises, "I'm just pretty good at reading people."

Maybe you should be a psychiatrist then. Now, now Newt, now is not the time to be a sarcastic twat.

"That's pretty cool."

"Well, go on then. Ask me what you want to."

I instantly deny all knowledge.

"What? I don't want to ask you anything. No-"

"Newt," he interrupts, "it's okay."

A wave of affection rolls over me and I want to drown in it.

Come on, Newt. You've known this guy for what? An hour? And already you've grown way too attached.

The voices said that you had to be friends with Gally and you can't do that if you stay with Tommy. Now, cut it out.

We stop. We've reached the medical room.

"Oh look, here we are. You just go in there and one of the doctors will patch you up. Got that? Okay, good. See you."

I leave Tommy standing at the door in shock as I run down the corridor. When I turn the corner, I slump against the wall and breathe heavily.


There's a connection between me and Tommy. I know there is. I just need to figure out what it means.

Look who decided to update!

Also, guys please stop hating on Dylan's beard. He's healthy and happy and that's all that matters. He doesn't deserve any of the hateful comments he's been receiving. #backoffthebeard

Hope you guys like this chapter!

LJ xx

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