Chapter 8: Flutters

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Well, that was weird. Then again, you're in the nuthouse, everything's weird. Shrug it off, Thomas, shrug it off.

So that was your first proper conversation with Newt. Nice kid. Obviously scared out of his mind. But of what?

Mind you, I'd be pretty scared too if I was friends with Gally.


I don't know what the fuck just happened in there. You were going to let him kill you. Since when do you let people kill you? You normally run. But this time you didn't. Why?

Maybe Newt had something to do with it. Maybe you saw how scared he looked, and you thought it should end for his sake. Maybe you actually give a shit.

What? You? Give a shit? About a boy you just met? A boy you're planning to use so you can kill his friend.

Yeah. Kill. Murder. End life.

For fuck's sake Thomas, what the hell is up with you?

Just do what you came here to do, and then get the hell out. Go back to your crap life. That's the way it's supposed to be.

I'm walking back from the medical room. Turns out I don't have any broken bones which is a good thing, but I'm on what they call "a warning". Basically, one more stunt like today and I get sedated.

And I thought they were supposed to help people here. Well, they obviously haven't been helping Newt.


Why does everything always lead back to him? Why is it, no matter how hard you try to not to, you can't help but think about him? That you feel bad about giving him false hope with that voices crap? That you feel bad about pretending to be his friend?

Maybe you just don't want to pretend anymore.

No. Thomas. Focus.

And with that, I crash into someone.

"Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry. I-hey, I know you. You were at group therapy. Teresa, right?"

She stands up, brushing herself off.

"That's me. And you're the kid who started the fight in the canteen."

"I wouldn't say started. I was involved."

"Pretty sure I saw you throw the first punch."

"Okay, maybe I did."

She laughs. As she does so, I remember something.

She's friends with Newt.

"Are you listening to me there, Greenie?"

I must have zoned out.

Zoned out thinking about Newt.

"Huh, sorry?"

"I said, what's your name?"

"Oh. Thomas. My name's Thomas."

"Well, it was nice to meet you Thomas," she says as she walks away.

Shit. Don't go. I need to ask you stuff.

"Hey, Teresa!"


"You're friends with that Newt guy, right?"

"Yeah, why? Has something happened to him?"

The concern in her voice warms my heart.

At least the poor guy has someone looking out for him.

Again, why do you give a shit?

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just-what's up with him?"

"Don't you mean what isn't up with him? Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious."

Always fucking curious.

"Walk with me Tom. I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

Tom? Another nickname. Great.

I hurry after her.

"Now, Tom. What you have to understand is that I know everything about everybody in this place. And I'm very protective of my friends. Newt, especially. He's very sensitive. If I tell you this, you have to promise not to mention it. Ever."

"I promise."

"Okay. Newt. Seventeen years of age. No parents. Older brother to Elizabeth or Lizzy, who as of now is fourteen years of age. She stopped visiting after the accident."

I feel my curiosity reach its peak once again.


"You haven't noticed that he has a limp?"

"I mean, yeah, but I just thought it was-"

"You thought it was what? A freaking calcium deficiency? No, no. Newt gained that particular injury when he jumped off the roof of this very building. Blames it on the voices. Lizzy, bless her, won't accept that so stopped visiting. Shame really."

Jesus Christ.

I can't help but feel sorry for Newt. I don't think I could handle it if Chuck had abandoned me in my hour of need.

And he didn't. He jumped in front of you and he died. And that's why you need Newt. To get revenge.

Teresa continues.

"Also, talking of hearing voices, cut the crap."

"I- excuse me?"

"I've been here a long time Tom, I know a crazy person when I see one. Now you might be borderline insane after what I saw in the canteen today, but you don't hear voices."

"I don't know what-"

She interrupts.

She's good at that.

"Yes. You do. You know full well what I'm talking about. Now you don't have to tell me why you're pretending, or why you needed to get in here, even though I can guess it's something to do with that Gally guy, but what you have to do is stop. Not for me, but for Newt. You're giving him false hope at the chance of there actually being someone like him, and I will not see him hurt again. Do you understand?"

Well, I thought I was good at reading people.

I nod hurriedly. I must admit, Teresa does scare me a little.

She seems pleased and takes my arm. It's a complete personality change from the person who was just scaring the shit out of me.

"Good. Now tell me, who's coming to visitor day tomorrow?"

I thought you were supposed to be telling me about Newt.

Don't push it, Thomas. You don't know what this girl is capable of.

Anyway, visitor day?

"Visitor day?"

She seems shocked at my lack of knowledge on the subject.

"You know, visitor day. Happens once a month. One visitor per patient. Said visitor taken from a list of emergency contacts."

"Oh, right. I see."

Realisation kicks in.

Well shit. There was only one person on your emergency contact list. Well, one real person. Let's hope this place is ready for the bombshell that's about to hit it.

A totally, idiotic twat of a bombshell who probably doesn't even understand how to talk to a nut job without offending them. Doesn't even understand how to talk to a normal person without offending them, let's be honest here.

"Well, who's coming to visit you tomorrow?"

"My friend. Minho."

So I updated!!! Hope you guys like it! I'm back to school tomorrow, ugh. It'll be my last year, oh god.

Also thanks for the reads on the Stiles' imagines book!

Love you all,
LJ xx

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