The Calm After The Firestorm

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This is a aerial picture of the Camp Fire. California's deadliest fire that burnt down 2 towns, killed 86 people, and evacuated 52,000 people. Just a little south of this picture is my town.

This is also the fire referenced in the previous chapter.

Theme: Sunrise on The Soldiers

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yes Farcry won the vote. Now you can all see the true good boy Boomer!

The next day


The rain ended up dousing the fire out. We rolled in to see the damage and look for survivors. But I know damn well that no one survived this firestorm.

All we could find was charred rubble and bodies. Digging through it all is still a great reminder of Paradise.

We move through the blackened area when Kurata spots a charred hand reaching out of some rubble. Poor bastard...

Kurata: Uhh....Sirs?

Itami: I know, keep moving.

I stop for a second and make the sign of the cross whilst saying a silent prayer.

Me: May god guild you to salvation...

I catch up to Itami and Kurata at a well. I stare at the ground and drink some water from my Camelbak.

Kuribayashi walks up to us with a notepad and gives us a Sitrep.

A/N: Sitrep = Situation Report

Kuribayashi: Lieutenants, at first glance here, I'm seeing about thirty two foundations throughout the village. The majority of which appear to roughly be the size of family dwellings sirs. We also found only twenty seven bodies. Rubble and debris could be hiding the rest...

Itami takes a second to speak, then looks to Kuribayashi.

Itami: And assuming that you have three people per household..

Me: That's about a hundred possible dead, if we're not including the confirmed ones.

Kuribayashi: This is just horrible...

Itami looks at us slightly worried.

Itami: Suppose that dragons in this would attack groups of people?

Me: That might be something to bring to the General.

Kuribayashi: Maybe, but he isn't gonna like what we have. Fifty's barely put a dent in the wyverns in Ginza and they weren't breathing fire all over the place.

Itami grabs a bucket intending to throw it in the well.

Itami: A flying tank with a flamethrower isn't a good thing. We should see what kinda recon we could do to learn more about it.

He throws the bucket into the well.

Me: You do know that water probably has a fuck ton of ashes in it right?

But instead of a splash there's the sound of something being hit.

Kuribayashi: Sounds like it hit something... what's down there?

I take out a white light and point it down the well.

Itami: Not a what but a who. We could use a hand here!

Me: I need a Corpsman! Wait shit! I mean medic!

A/N: Yea a bit of a short one but I wanted to complete the episode. Don't worry I'll make it longer next time. Y'all know I don't disappoint.

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