Chapter 1 - A misunderstanding

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New World

A world distant far-far away that is located in the galaxy known as Andromeda. A world filled with magic and mystical creatures that can only be found in books that existed to life.

Until two nations were suddenly transferred to this world that also came from distant worlds.

It's been four years passed since the surprise invasion of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, or in short, the Ravernal Empire and the Annorial Empire, who were responsible for the resurrection of the ancient adversary.

The nations of the New World were caught off guard.

Several Countries fought desperately for the sake of their survival, while some aligned themselves with the Ravernal Empire in the hope of boosting their technological advancements over the other nations.

The Ravernals and its satellite states aimed to conquer the New World under a single banner.

Meanwhile, the superpowers from the 1st and 2nd civilizations' sole objective is to preserve and protect the New World by any means necessary. This involves the world's 1st magical superpower, the Holy Mirishial Empire, the 2nd and 3rd scientifical superpowers the Greater Empire of Pangea, a transferred nation, and the Gra-Valkas Empire, also a transferred nation.

Although it's still mysterious how the Pangea and the Gra-Valkas were transferred to the New World without clear explanation. Leaving their affairs back at their previous worlds.

These three Giants held both numerical and technological advantages. Even though the Mirishials used outdated Ravernal weapons that they excavated and later on were upgraded, these relics were from the last war with the Sorcerous Empire several thousand years ago. Meanwhile, the Pangea and Gra-Valkas were both using the same scientific technology, and in some aspects, they were able to beat their magical counterparts. Both held numerous advantages of both economically and militarily.

Therefore, the three superpowers managed to defeat the Ravernal Empire, the Annorial Empire, and their vassal states in just a span of one and a half-year.

After that war, many were lost totalled over a half billion souls, with the Pangean and Gra-Valkas numbering the most of the casualties during and after the war.

This war was titled the Second Global War for the New World.

Continent of Pangea

Located on the most enormous continent that has ever existed in the New World's history, an estimated size of 510 million km, populated by a staggering number of 7.9 billion people.

Unknown POV

"Daddy, where are we going?" A small Sapient (Beastman) Wolf cub asked her grey furred father at the driver's seat.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm taking us somewhere safe." The Sapient Wolf Father reassured his cub.

Beside the father was the mother, another Sapient Wolf, looked towards their daughter before flashing a smile.

"Yeah, Anglesey. We will be safe soon enough." The sapient mother reassured her daughter.

"Love. Can you turn on the radio for me, please?" The father requested.

"Sure thing."

The female wolf reached for the console of their radio, turning on, and began to look for a news broadcasting frequency. Then, they landed on the right frequency before she retreated to her seat.

<<As of today. Multiple sightings of geometrical shape meteors entering into our atmosphere. Upon reaching a certain thermal velocity, the said objects began to slow down before an impact on coastal areas around the Pangean Continent.>>

The family of three heard the reporter behind the broadcast shuffling some papers before continuing.

<<This report just came from the Secretary Ministry of Defence... The minister stated that an urgent evacuation from all coastline cities and other civilian infrastructures. The evacuees should bring one I.D. per head, and bring just a single luggage. Therefore, if you didn't reach the evacuation before the due time. A military personnel will come to your home to pick you up. Make sure that you bring enough identification papers and other important documents.>>

The husband and wife exchange glances at each other.

"You got everything, right?" The father asked his wife.

"Yes. I've got everything we need."

The male adult wolf nodded before putting the pick-up truck in reverse and pulling the vehicle out of the garage.

After steering the brown truck into the road. He put the gear forward before stepping on the gas.

<<The Imperial Army advised, "Avoid any contact, investigate, or fight any terrestrial beings with wings that are wearing black armours, armed with appears to be magical lances.">>

The driver of the truck speeds up. Meanwhile, both the wife and her daughter watched their surroundings. Seeing the desperation of both the humans and the Sapients. Some were running, embarking on their own vehicles, carrying their loved ones, you name it.

The father of the family drove the truck carefully around their neighbourhood. Since his family sheltered at a nearby beach where these asteroids landed the most.

The male wolf, the wife, and their daughter heard several gunshots at the distance. Startling their daughter as the little one covered her sensitive ears.

"It's okay, my Anglesey. Everything will be fine -"


The wife yelled, catching the attention of her husband, who put pressure onto the break pedal as the truck screeched into a halt.

In front of them. A single Osorio-10 battle tank (Osório/M1A2 Abraham Hybrid), followed by another Battle Tank closely behind, which is a KF-90M Breakthrough (T-90M Provoryl). The pair of battle tanks in question fired their 120mm smoothbore cannon with thunderous booms, followed by a barrage of their machine guns from atop of the turret and its coaxial gun

Behind the tanks, two AFV known as M4 Riley (CV90) dismounted dozens of soldiers, equipped with their camouflage MARK-41 battle armours, whilst also joining the battle by firing their assault rifles, followed by their AFVs 30mm auto cannons. Delivering hot lead towards the advancing hostile army at the beach.

The male wolf put the car on reverse as he looked behind. His eyes widen, seeing a spiralling V-38 Condor (Jet-Powered V-22 Osprey) heading towards their car's direction.

Seeing it was too late to move. The wolf warned his family for an upcoming impact before his vision blackout once the Condor crashed into the back of their pick-up truck.

Victoria District, Odea, Greater Empire of Pangea

Casablanca Park

December 31, 2069

10:00 PM

The same wolf from earlier woke up with a loud gasp from his seat on his blue sedan.

His breath was heavy, and he clenched his arm to his chest before taking slow and deep breath. Calming him in the process.

<<It's just a few hours away before we welcome the upcoming New Year! We can't wait to celebrate it with our family and loved ones->>

He clicked his tongue in annoyance after hearing that "Family" part of the announcement on his car's radio before turning it off with a slam.

The Sapient leaned back to his seat before lifting up his finger and inspecting the wedding ring.

After a brief moment of gazing at the wedding ring, he simply let his hand fall to his thigh with a soft thud.

Therefore, both of his ears twitch to the left, hearing several footsteps heading in his direction.

Raising his head up from his seat before seeing several human and sapient police officers with flashlights at hand, running. While passing by on the wolf's car, followed by several police cruisers with their sirens blaring loudly.

"It must be the concert." The wolf mumbled to himself before bending forward as he opened a glove box before grabbing a Glock-17, then he cocked it, inspecting if the chamber is loaded with a bullet, just making sure if this New Year event goes South.

Sighing in satisfaction, he put the gun behind his pants before exiting the car.

Once outside, his sharp ears twitch, hearing an ongoing concert regarding the upcoming New Year at the distance. He could also spot the spotlights illuminating the skies with different colours.

He chuckled at how most people were attracted towards the concert since it was packed with famous people such as celebrities and singers alike.

The wolf looked around him as he noticed most buildings around the park were covered in dark, save for the few lamp-posts that illuminated the road. He couldn't even catch a glimpse of a single soul inside of the said infrastructures.

Since most people to this day busied themselves either spectating the ongoing concert at the park or spending the last remaining hours of this year with their loved ones at their homes.

He chuckled as he felt like he was in a horror movie.

The sapient began to walk towards the main attraction, hoping he could join in the celebration since he doesn't have anything to deal with.


Not far from the park.

Several blue and red hues illuminated an intersection of the entrance of the Casablanca Park.

Countless of police officers of different species of Sapients and the humans gathered around the enormous structure as they illuminated it with their flashlights.

It was large and tall enough to fit an entire CCH-21 Dragon.

One of the police officers grabbed a 'Magic Detector,' as the name suggests. It was primarily used for the detection of unlicensed magical related objects.

"T-The structure emitted huge amounts of mana!" The police officer exclaimed with fear and surprise.

The other law enforcements looked bewilderedly at the structure.

Not long before, one of the high-ranking police officers began to issue an order to the Special Weapons and Tactics division to be immediately dispatched.

Minutes turned into hours. The police and the SWAT began to form layer after layer of barricades and roadblocks at the intersection and further away from where the mysterious structure lays.

Spotlight from a Tilt-Rotor Police helicopter (UH-49 Samson) that illuminates the exterior of the unknown structure while noticing a dozen mana-gems arranged in rows at the entrance.

Since the Pangeans were a scientific nation, where there is still limited knowledge regarding magic ever since they suddenly transferred to this New World filled with magic.

But thanks to the ongoing joint cooperation and research regarding magic with the Holy Mirishial Empire.

With the recent years of discovery of magic. The Pangeans immediately formed several countermeasures regarding weaponised magical elements since they can't be detected by some mechanical devices while also preventing another disaster from a terrorist act carried out by the Annorials.

Moments later, the ground shook as the ears of Sapient law enforcements, twitched, hearing dozen, or maybe more footsteps coming from the entrance, that some could describe that there is marching inside of it.

"All units! Be ready! I want all sights trained at the entrance!" The police captain, which is a human, began barking out orders to his men.

Dozen of law enforcements took defensive positions behind their cruisers and armoured vans.

Above, the Tilt-Rotor Police helicopter, hovered with its spotlight, aims directly at the entrance. A pair of snipers leaned at the side doors of the helicopter, took positions, and trained their sights of their M24 sniper rifles.

The police officers waited anxiously, with their guns still trained at the entrance. Some were itching to pull the triggers, but they maintained their calm demeanour.

As the sound of marches grew louder and louder.

An army of legion suddenly emerged from the entrance of the enormous structure. Dozens of medieval soldiers armed with swords, spears, and shields, in tight formation, while holding an oddly flag of a cross with a violet dragon at the background.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the formation. A middle-aged general stood proudly on his horse as he gazed around them, seeing the odd looking contraptions with blue and red lights illuminating above it.

Curious, the medieval general gazed above him, observing another flying contraption that illuminated his men with a light, brighter than anything that he ever saw, which caught him by surprise.

Another military officer guided his horse beside the general, with calm expression.

"What shall we do, General?" The general's aide asked.

The general thought for a moment as he gazed at their surroundings while catching a glimpse of enormous structures surrounding them. He thought this might be an advanced civilization, just by witnessing some of their oddly contraptions. Nonetheless, he made a decision.

"We will carry out Emperor Molt's orders." The general simply stated before looking at the otherworldly 'armies' that took cover at their contraptions.

The general took his horse another step before addressing their intentions.

"This land now belongs to the great empire of Sadera! Surrender your weapons if you truly wish to live!" The General announced with a mocking tone towards the police officers behind their barricades and contraptions.

The police captain looked bewildered at the intentions of these so-called 'Saderans,' but he is also confused that they also speak the common language. The human police captain grabbed a microphone before speaking.

"This is the Pangean Continental Police Department! You are violating the Pangean sovereignty. Lay down your weapons at once! If you and your army do not comply. We will use excessive force!" The captain warned.

The Saderan General was perplexed at the booming sound that originated at the back of the police barricade.

Pistols, assault rifles, sub-machine guns, trained at the medieval army. Observing the otherworldly medieval army with suspicion, waiting patiently for any sudden movements.

Until a booming shout was heard from a distance.

"Happy New Year!!!"

With that, several rockets flew high, followed by a series of explosions, illuminating the dark skies with different various colours.

The Saderans were caught off guard by the loud explosions as they watched the skies with awe and fear, just hearing the distant explosions, enough to send shivers down their spines.

The police officers remained on their positions, maintaining their calm demeanour.

Believing this was an attack, the Saderan General gave an order.

"Cavalry, Charge!"

The men in feral horse surge forward with deafening war cries, spears at hand were readied, facing the front side of the horse.

"Shit! All units, open fire!" The police captain immediately ordered as he raised his M4A1 rifle.

Multiple gunshots rang out throughout the street as various calibres ranged from 9mm to 5.56mm. Hot leads streak across the path before finding their marks at the horses' riders, killing them with extreme pain and screams of agony.

The Saderans General and his subordinates watched the scene with their eyes widened in disbelief and utter horror as the otherworldly small explosions filled their ears from the Pangeans "black staffs". They've also noticed that the riders of the horse fell off one another. As if something magically killing off in one swoop.

"B-Bring out the trebuchets and the Wyvern!" The Saderan General ordered while stuttering from utter shock.

Two wooden trebuchets suddenly emerged from the gate before an otherworldly screech were heard throughout the immense gunshots before sending their steaming fireballs towards the makeshift positions of the policemen They froze after seeing the scorching fireballs flying towards their direction.

"Take cover!!!" One of the police yelled in panic as he took cover behind his cruiser.

The others followed suit in nick of time. Unfortunately for others, they were squished by the giant fireballs from the Saderan trebuchets while the ones made close contact were burned. Screaming in agony and pain as they burned alive. Nonetheless, they didn't falter as they continued to fire round after round towards the advancing medieval cavalry that was now accompanied by soldiers adorned by their shining armours, swords and shields.

A single Wyvern emerged from the gate with its large wing display as the creature ascended with a rider mounting the flying creature. The pilots and crews of the hovering helicopter watched in shock as the Wyvern levelled at the same altitude.

The dual-ducted fan, coaxial-propelled police helicopter faced it sides, showing its armed occupants at the side door.

They aimed and fired their rifles at the Wyvern, and it's rider almost simultaneously without uttering a word.

Seeing this, the rider of the Wyvern immediately dived, avoiding the projectiles in mere seconds of his death. Luckily, he managed to dodge the rounds and focused his sights below him. Facing his lance forward, he was ready to kill.

"Die you, barbarians!"

With that, he successfully managed to snatch one of the Sapient police officers at the chest before lifting off the ground with his long and sharp lance, killing the barbaric 'soldier' with ease, then he sway his lance as the lifeless body fell off.

Seeing the situation was not in favour of the Pangean law enforcements, being at the disadvantage of their low numbers compared to the charging Saderan army with their numerical superior strength. Even though law enforcement has the quality on their weapons, they stood no chance against the invading medieval army.

The Wyvern danced in the dark yet illuminating skies from the fireworks. Avoiding the magical weapons from the pursuing helicopter, the rider glanced behind his back to see the flying contraption still tailing him accompanied by the hail of tracers. With his trainings kicking in, he guides his Wyvern upwards before stalling and then guides his mount once again, now flying head-on towards the flying contraption. The Wyvern rider lunged his lance towards the pilot, which he thought was the only person manipulating such non-living being. The Wyvern shifted itself forward, spreading its wings like a hawk before screeching upon the powerful slam against the firefly-like contraption.

As they fly aimlessly. The Wyvern assaulted the cockpit before lunging his bare fangs towards the co-pilot, biting the head off as blood spluttering around the cockpit, while its rider lunged his lance towards the chest of the pilot, killing the human effortlessly. The occupants were about to aim their black staff towards the duo. Fortunately, the duo immediately retreated before watching the flying contraption spiralling down towards one of the tall buildings before a powerful explosion bellowed.

With ammunition running low, the charging soldiers gained their distance. The officers switched to their sidearms and immediately fire, unfortunately due to the lack of firepower. The Saderans overwhelmed the Pangean positions and engaged in close quarters. Swords clashed against emptied guns and batons.

The battle fought in a short span of an hour with Saderans securing victory with immense casualties from the magical attacks from the so-called 'Police Department' of this country known as Pangea. Seeing this, the General looked triumphly towards the lifeless corpses of their adversaries.

"General. We received over 142 casualties and hundred wounded over the magical attacks." An aide reported.

The Saderan clicked his tongue in anger. Receiving such casualties in a short amount of time was humiliating for them. Nonetheless, they still achieved victory on this small skirmish against such small foe. He wondered if this continent possesses an army beyond his expectations, just seeing the marvels of engineering from these tall structures around him and those non-living contraptions that surpasses their horse-drawn carriage.

Does the army of this nation exist? He pondered confusingly at the lack of presence of this country's military. Nonetheless, he began to bark orders left and right for their upcoming campaign on this new world.

To be continued...

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