Chapter 1: Preparation

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Multiple Union Soldiers were seen in position and outside the Gate. It has been a few weeks since the Attack, thankfully no one was captured by these... Romans. However, hundreds of men died.

The war is still ongoing but is nearing its end as Union troops began to match toward the Confederate capital, so most resources were still in the war.

The Union troops entering the gate are a Mix of Regiments from all across the US. This number is to increase Overtime however resources must be focused towards the main war effort.

(Y/N)'s POV

As I quietly look around at the crowds of civilians cheering my men on. I took off my gloves and placed them in my pockets as I see a general approaching me. "Son." The General says as I quickly saluted the general in front of me. The General salutes back then slowly forms a smile and hugs me as I hug him back.

"Father, you're joining us?" I ask him as he nods. "I left Sherman to Command the March to Jefferson. He's a great man that is assured." My father says as I smile, I always did feel warm around him.

"...Im sorry about Mary, (Y/N)...Just know I am still your father, not just your general, I'm here for you son." He says somberly as he places his hand on my shoulder as I rubbed it. "...Thank you, Father."

After a bit, I was notified I was tasked by a small group of soldiers to do Recon in the new world after we secured a camp.

"So, who's with us?" Connor asks me, as he and Gunnery Sergeant Rawlins.

"Well, Believe it or not, this gate isn't the first. From what I heard, it happened in Asia, Japan specifically. However the Enemy there destroyed the gate, so the Japs haven't entered. They sent a few soldiers from Japan. As they also have experience with them and they have the right to join our expedition as their land was too under attack by these...They call themselves Saderans."

I say as we enter the tent. I quickly stopped in surprise along with Rawlins and Connor. There were two of these Japanese, one of them a woman.

As the two notice us, they quickly salute and bow as I did the same. "At Ease, Captain (Y/N) Grant, I'm in charge of this group," I say as the women walked up.

"Lieutenant Shino Kuribayashi, This is Sergeant Jofi Matashi. We are, the Japanese attached to your, outfit. Sir." She says in broken English I offer a Handshake as she took it.

(Just imagine Shino instead of her, also not mine, if it wasn't obvious.)

"Pleasure. You'll be my second command, Connor you mind?" I ask him as he shook his head. "Not all Capt."

Connor says as I nod and turn back to Kuribayashi. "This is Lieutenant Connor Denver and Gunnery Sergeant John Rawlins."

I say as they both nod. "Now, let's meet the rest of our men, shall we."

As we begin to walk towards the next tents, Rawlins, Connor, and Matashi falling behind, Kuribayashi came to my side. "You're the Son of, General Grant, yes?" She asks me, almost excitedly as I glance at her in confusion. "Why, yes. Why do you ask?" I ask her as she held back her excitement.

"Your father is, famous in Japan for few Japanese people view him, as a Great Warrior and strategist." She says as I nod in understanding. "Interesting, and with respect, I have never seen a Woman in a Military Uniform. Personally, Women can fight as well as a man if you give them a rifle. So I am honored to have the few percentages in the world serving alongside me."

I say with Respect as she blushed a bit, looking away and forming a small smile. "Arigato, Captain Grant." She says as I enter the tent. As soon as I enter, I watch the men inside quickly stand up and salute.

"Corporal Frank Torin, Field Doctor, sir!" A young man says

"Sergeant Otto Walker, rifleman, sir!" A man with a heavy Irish accent says

"Corporal Jupiter Shart, Sharpshooter, Sir!" A young man says with a hint of a Black southern accent

"At ease men," I say as they lower their salutes. "I am Captain (Y/N) Grant, your superior Officer. All of you, are chosen. Because you are the very best, the elite. As your Superior officer, it is my job to keep you safe. But to not be afraid."

I say, looking at the young Medic as he looked at me. "...I am a fair Officer, and due to our role in this Approach. Formalities are not our priority." I say, forming a small and patting Torin on the shoulder as he loses his tension.

"Now men, Welcome, to the newly made 101st Calvary Reconnaissance."

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