Chapter 1:Two Worlds Connect (Op. Bridge)

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Location:Maharlika Empire, Bagiou City, GAU HQ

As Emperor Keith has made an Emergency Meeting, leaders from almost all nations gather in Luzon region of Benguet, Bagiou, Leaders of UAC, USB, Russian Empire, German Empire, Euro-Brit Republic, Empire of Japan, Korea, United Chinese Empire.

"Thank you for coming to this emegency meeting everyone" Keith said with a grateful tone

"No problem, besides the Gate opened in the WPS and the waves also went crazy for us as well" said Ant357627

"More importantly dear, how did this happen?" Said Claras with a Curiosity way

"Well if i may be so clear and know all the information..." Keith Pauses for a moment and then continues "It just some how happened, the GATE appeared at the exact time of 9:11 am a day ago... i don't even know how did it appear, but most importantly, we must be prepared cause inside beyond that gate lies a threat we may not know" Keith Explained

"Are you planning any missions on the Gate?" Friedrich ask to Keith

"I am... i ask all of you to join me in this mission... an Expedition to the Gate..." Keith said in determination

"Im in, i can't let a fellow Kitsune getting all the good stuff and be burdened all the time" 221September reply

"I shall also join in, who knows what mysteries might unravel" Yoiku replied with Excitement and wonder

"Im also in this Comrade" Elizevata Reply

"Thanks comrades... how about you guys? UAC? German Empire? Euro-Brit Republic?"

"Were in" 3 leaders replied in unison

"Great now let me brief out a plan" Keith replied in Joy as he gets up amd they all get up from their seats and head to the War Room

"Alright, here's the plan - Im sending my Fleet to go beyond the Gate and secure the other side and and Send my MCVs and establish a Frontline Base of Operations, and then build a MNB to secure more of our foothold on the other side, by the time construction is complete, we get to send Air Reconnaisance to scout all Sides to find anything we can see and know." Keith Explained on the Strategy

"Sounds like a plan, what else is there to it?" Ant357627 said in Curiosity

"Im also joining the Fleet, to make things more safe, My MNB Sierra Madre will serve as our Frontal Defence, we can put our troops and vessels to guard the gate while the other fleets are guarding the gate, once the The MNB on the Other side is secured and ready, Deploy our forcesand to get ready for any possible threats that may approach us... does anyone agree?" Keith Explains the plan

"Agreed" Everyone replies in unison

"This operation, shall be known as 'Op. Bridge'" Keith Explained

"When shall Op. Bridge start comrade?" Elizevata ask curiously

"Tomorrow Night" Keith says in a serious way

"Alright, guess we shall be ready" Ant357627 said in a normal way

"Let us unfold the mysteries of what is behind of the gate my friends!" Claras says in joyful way

Timeskip brought to you by this

Back to the story

Location:MNB Sierra Madre, 11:55 pm

"Is everyone here?" Keith ask his fleet

"Yup, were all here" Enterprise says with preparedness

"Good... at midnight, we strike, fast and hard, i want all aircrafts on the sky once were on the other side, and Subs get ready for sneak kills, Clear?" Keith explains

"Clear" everyone replies in Unison

"Great, lets go! - Keith! Engage!" *Riggings Activate*

As the shipgirls also activated their riggings, Keith then leads them to the Gate...

"Alright, this is it, It's 11:59, 30 seconds!" Keith reminds everyone

And the girls then get ready

"15 seconds! ... ... 10 Seconds! ... ... 5...! 4...! 3...! 2...! 1!" Keith shouts

The gate then opens

"GO GO GO!" Keith commands as he charges in

The girls then follow

As they reach the other side, it was all clear and it was also night time...

"Secure the perimeter! All guns to weapons free!" Keith orders the girls

"Roger!" The girls obeyed

As a short time passes, it was all clear, no signs of incoming entities or anything

"South Clear!" Helena says in the Via Radio

"West Clear!" Z23 says in the Via Radio

"East Clear!" Repulse says in the Via Radio

"North Clear!" Z46 says in the Via Radio

"Area Clear!" The girls said in unison

"Good, Get the MCVs in!" Keith orders HQ

A few moments pass, the MCVs Arrived and establish multiple Command Centers and then the workers begin to construct another MNB at high speed

Timeskip brought to you by this

Back to the story

As the MNB was constructed overnight, the girls then head back to the MNB and rested up

"All seems good... a little too good..." Keith says in a too cautios way

"Keith, the others have arrived" Enterprise reminded Keith

"Thanks Big E" Keith thanks to Enterprise

"Your welcome" Enterprise reply

"I'll make sure to reward you girls once im done" Keith says with a promise tone

"Okay, you and us girls tonight" Enterprise says with a smirk

"Okeh 😐" Keith responds in a 'im in danger' way


"Great, all of you guys are here" Keith says in a happy tone

"Yup, i expected something bad would happen to you" 211September Foreshadows Keith's fate

"Oh so funny September" Keith responds in denial

"Well? So this is the other side of the Gate? Im impressed" Friedrich says in admit

"It is" Elizevata also agrees

"Okay, let's start the further plan" Ant375627 replies

"Agreed" Claras also agrees with Ant375627

A few hours of the meeting

Keith then returns to his room resting even though he finished his paperwork in 5 seconds by efficiency and speed

Keith:Finally... i can now rest😄

Akagi:Hello there.🙂

Keith:Gen. Akagi, your a bold one

Akagi:not me... WE


The shipgirls that were involved the mission are in his room (except for the younglings since they were rewarded for headpats, hugs, candy, etc)

Keith:oh right... welp mind as well accept this



[To be continued]


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