Chapter 20:AQTPF and the Inbound

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After a few days the QTP got their Military weapons from MHLE, the MHLE instructors then came to train the AQTPF, Representing from MHLE: Field Marshal Conrado D. Yap III for the Armored Warfare, Milo MacArthur for the Infantry, Rear Admiral Johnson Nimitz for the Navy, and finally Lieutenant General Lucas Hartmann for the Air Force, as there are many personnel alongside.

Kanata:Welcome to Qua-Toyne Principality, Gen. MacArthur, Rear Admiral Nimitz, Lieutenant General, and Welcome back Field Marshal

Conrado:Nice to be back Prime Minister.

Kanata:I thank you and your Empire, to train our army to adapt to your warfare.

Conrado:As our ally, it is our duty to make sure our ally is trained well and it can defend itself if we are not able to join the fray.


Location:Outside of Ejei

We see Field Marshal Yap III, Adressing the Qua-Toynians

Conrado:Alright! Attention!!

The Qua's Listen

Conrado:I am Field Marshal Yap III, Conrado Dumlao. All of you already heard of me, during my presence here in Ejei, and the Recapture of Gim, and the attack on Louria Kingdom's Capital. But today!! I will train all of you how to operate tanks and teach you Armored Warfare! Do you all hear me!?

Qua's:Sir! Yes sir!

Conrado:Good! We'll now introduce to you the tanks from the 1940s Era, the outdated ones instead of my 7thPzrDiv's Mk's.

A Platoons of KV-2, M4 Sherman, Tiger I, Panthers, T-34s, T-34/85s, M3 Lee's, came in as the Qua's look at them in awe and in excitement

Conrado:Listen up!

The Qua's listen

Conrado:Each of these have a different types and class during the 1940s, "Light", "Medium", "Heavy", are the 3 main Classes during the 1940s, now the instructions are in your books, begin reading and understand them! And come back here when your ready!

Qua's:Sir! Yes sir!

The Qua-Toynians went to the table and began to open their books and start learning

The Light Class: They were typically armed with smaller guns than medium or heavy tanks, but they had better speed and mobility. This made them ideal for a variety of roles, including: Reconnaissance: Light tanks could be used to scout ahead of the main force and gather intelligence on the enemy's position and strength. Despite the fact that light tank platoons were not expected to function as a reconnaissance unit, they could be used for reconnaissance purposes. In this role, they were expected to remain behind the main reconnaissance force as the support element and augment the firepower whenever enemy contact was made. The main objective of light tanks is to spot enemy vehicles and provide the allies with information about the enemy positions. They fire in close combat against slow, weakly armored enemies and immobilize enemy vehicles in view range by damaging their tracks. Light tanks was a tank with 3 roles: training, infantry support, scouting. But in 1939 the Germans had no heavy tanks, and few medium tanks. In 1940, when Germans invaded France, a typical Panzer division had 300 - 330 tanks. Up to 200 were light tanks (Panzer 1 & Panzer 2).

The Medium Class: Heavy tanks were very limited in where they could go, and the roads and bridges they could cross. Medium tanks flanking took out a massive amount of heavy and super heavy tanks. Just the right amount of firepower to accomplish the mission. Medium tanks had the speed and maneuverability of light tanks, but the armor and weapons of heavy tanks. Armies used medium tanks to exploit weaknesses along the flanks of an enemy position, or as a reaction force to shore up a line that was under attack. The role of medium tanks in a battle depends on the characteristics of a particular vehicle of this type. MTs with medium armor, a good gun and high maneuverability provide fire support and cover the allies. Such vehicles cause damage to the enemy vehicles in the view range.

The Heavy Class:Role. Heavy tanks achieved their greatest, albeit limited, success when fighting lighter tanks and destroying fortifications. Heavy tanks often saw limited combat in their intended roles, instead becoming mobile pillboxes or defensive positions, such as the German Tiger I and Tiger II designs, or the Russian KV designs ... Heavy tanks have usually been deployed to breakthrough enemy lines, though in practice have been more useful in the defensive role than in the attack. Design goals have included attacking obstacles, creating breakthroughs, and engaging enemy armoured formations.

After a few minutes they are starting to come back to where Conrado is waiting

Conrado:Good, seems like you all are good... i'm impressed, but don't get all too cocky, you all only have 3 Classes of Tanks due to your Nations Budgets and Maintenance. Now, Form a groups of 4 to 5, and make a decision on what tanks you choose together, Agree and Disagree, remember, when you are in a Tank, work together as one unit, and work alongside with another Allied Tank to gain the advatage of teamwork! Now, begin!

Qua's:Sir! Yes sir!

The Qua-Toynians, begin to form groups of 4 to 5 decide on whats going to be the best tank suitable to them, it was only a few minutes till some have decided to go to their tanks that suits them.

Conrado:Good! Now, time for a basic training

As Conrado gives the instructions to the Driver, Radio Operator, Gunner, Loader, Commander, as the Qua's begin training given the instructions from Conrado


Location:Inside Daidar Base

In the Air Force side of the Base, Lucas Hartmann, in charge of training the Air Force.


The Qua's attention to Lucas

Lucas:I am LtGen. Hartmann, Lucas (M/N). All of you here are under my command for the training! You hear!?

Qua's:Sir! Yes sir!

Lucas:Good! Now which one of you here has flown wyverns and decided to switch to Aircrafts?

Some have raised their hands

Lucas:Only a few of you huh. No matter, as you all can see for those who have flown, flying an Aircraft is no easy task, we'll be flying training aircrafts, as we will also do VR Simulations before heading to the level of Live fire. We'll be using these Aircrafts when all of you are ready.

He shows the Aircrafts which are (Fighters) Zeroes, BF-109s, Spitfires, and Warhawks
(Bombers) B-17s, B-25s, B-29s, He 177s, Ju-88s, He 111s, Fw 190s, Do 217s, Me 264s

Lucas:Now, follow me to the VR Training.

The Qua's follow Lucas as he will train them for Modern Air Warfare


Location:Maihark Port

(Kanata-Class Aircraft Carrier)

(Yagou-Class Destroyer)
(Ejei-Class Cruiser)
(Hanki-Class Battleship)
(Pancare-Class Dreadnought)
(A/N:I did what i have to do and try to draw them)


Qua's pays attention to Milo

Johnson:I am Rear Admiral Nimitz, Milo Winston. I will be commanding this training, as of you all know, many of you aren't used to operating our 1940s Era Warships, however, we will teach you on how to operate in Modern Naval Warfare, to those on the Kanata-Class Carrier, you all be using these aircrafts!

Now, let's begin training!

Qua's:Sir! Yes sir!

As Johnson and the Personnel trains the Qua-Toynians on how to operate 1940s era Warships.


Location:Outside of Gim

Milo:Hey Aiden?


Milo:Im gonna go Sgt. Gunny on them.. can you give me the pass?

Aiden:Here ya go buddy

Milo:Thanks... now then

Milo then proceeds


The Qua-Toynians listen to Milo

Milo:I am Gen. Milo MacArthur, your senior drill instructor. From now on
you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and
last words out of your filthy sewers will be "Sir". Do
you maggots understand that?

Qua-Toynian Recruits (Including demi-humans and
elves): Sir yes sir!

Milo: Bullshit, I can't hear you. Sound off like you
got a pair!

All the Quan Recruits (Including demi-humans
and elves): *Shouting* SIR, YES SIR!!

Milo: If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day, you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on this fantasy world. You are not even human, demi-humans
and elves fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian shit! Because l am hard, you will not like me. But the more
you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but l am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve
in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?

All the Quan Recruits: Sir yes sir!

Milo: Bullshit! I can't hear you!

All the Quan Recruits: SIR YES SIR!!!

Milo stop and look at the elf.

Milo: What's your name scumbag!

Suka: Sir! Private Suka Luna Sir!

Milo: Bullshit! From now on you're private snowball! Do you like that name?

Suka didn't like that name, But he couldn't protest against it.

Snowball: SIR YES SIR!!

Milo: There's one thing that you won't like private snowball! They're don't serve fried chicken and watermelon on a daily basis in my mess hall!

Snowball: SIR YES SIR!!!!

???: This human is insane!

Milo heard a voice coming from the recruits.

Milo: *Angry and walking toward the other recruits* Who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!!!! WHO'S THE SLIMEY LITTLE Qua-Toynian COMMUNIST SHIT TWINKLE-TOED COCK SUNKING DOWN HERE

Milo stops and look around the recruits.

Milo: Nobody huh!? The fairy fucking godmother said "I'm fucking stan not will PT you all until you fucking die! "'ll PT you until your ass are sucking

Milo grabs the demi-human by the shirt

Milo: *Glares* Was it you, you scroungy little fuck! Huh?

Quan Demi-human Recruit: *Scared* Sir no Sir!

Milo: You little piece of shit! You're look like a fucking worm! I bet it was you!

Quan Demi-human Recruit: *Scared* SIR NO SIR!!!!

Quan Demi-human Recruit 2: Sir I said it Sir!

Milo turns to see a demi-human with a nerdy glasses.

Milo: Well, No shit! What have we got here? A fucking comedian private joker! I admire your honesty. hell, I like you, You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.

Milo punched the demi-human (Joker) in the stomach. Causing him to fall to his knees.

Milo: You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've got your ass!

Milo: You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers! I will teach you! Now get up!Get on your feet!

Joker started to stand on his feet.

Milo: Do at best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and check down your neck!

Joker: Sir yes sir!

Milo: Private Joker, Why did you joined this beloved Qua-Toynian armed forces!

Joker: Sir! To kill! Sir!

Milo: So you're killer!?

Joker: Sir yes sir!

Milo: Let me see your war face!

Joker:..... Sir?

Milo: You've got a war face? AAAHHHHH!!! That's a war face, Now let me see you're war face!

Joker: *Screaming* AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Milo: Bullshit! You're didn't convince me! Let me see your real war face!

Joker: *Screaming"

Milo: You don't scare, work on it!

Joker: Sir yes sir!

Milo leave Joker, But stop and stared next to the demi-human earliy.

Milo: What's yours execuse!?

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sir! Execuse for what!? Sir!

Milo: I'm asking the fucking question here private! You understand!

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sir yes sir!

Milo: Well, Thank you well much! Can I be in charges for awhile!

Quan Demi-human Recruit: Sir yes sir!

Milo: Are you shut up! are you nervous!?

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sir! I am! Sir!

Milo: Do I make you nevous?

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sorry! Sir!

Milo: Sorry what!? Are you about to call me asshole!

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sir no Sir!

Milo: How tall are you private?

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sir! Five-Foot nine! Sir!

Milo: Five-Foot Nine! I didn't know they stacked shit that high! You trying to squeeze an inche in on me somewhere huh?

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sir no Sir!

Milo: Bullshit! It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress!

Demi-humans was silent at the moment.

Milo: I think you've been cheated! We're nailing you from anyway private.

Quan Demi-Human Recruit: Sir! Ejei Sir!

Milo: Holy dog shit! Ejei only steers and queers come from Ejei private asshole! And you know much look like a steer to me so that kind of narrow it down! do you suck nix?!

Asshole: Sir no sir!

Milo: Are you a peter-puffer!

Asshole: Sir no Sir!

Milo: I'll bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck up a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around! I'll be watching you!

Milo left, Until he stop and stares at the fat and tall elf.

Milo: Did your parents have any children that lived?

Fat elf: Sir yes sir!

Milo: I bet they regret that. You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece."

Milo: What's your name fat body?

Fat elf: Sir, Leonard Lawrence, sir.

Mili: Lawrence? Lawrence what... of Arabia?

Fat elf: Sir no Sir!

Milo: That name sounds like royalty. Are you royalty?

Fat elf: Sir no Sir!

Milo: Do you suck dicks?

Fat elf: Sir No Sir!

Milo: Bullshit! I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

Fat elf: Sir no Sir!

Milo: I don't like the name Lawrence, only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence. From now on you're
Gomer Pyle!

Pyle: Sir Yes Sir!

As Milo continues to be like Sgt. Gunny, it wasn't long till the Qua-Toynians started training like their life depends on it.


Susanoo:Is it the [Light] that convey our our intention to our bretheren... Are those Enemies or Allies? Who are under the sky, i don't understand... Then that ship can actually look further than a dragon? It seems so... It is a really strong [Light]. I presume they indeed look further than myself...


Location:Kingdom of Fenn, Kingdom Capital Amanoki, Military Parade Grounds, Fenn Kingdom Military Demostration Site -- Observing Pavillon

The Conrado D. Yap Cruiser has arrived at the sight as scheduled

Motam:They should be at least 4 Km from Targeted Ship....

Shihan:Hmmm... so those are MHLE Ships, the Cruiser that the Princess said did not lie, she delivered it saying the Cruiser is impossing and intimidating...

Motam:Why wouldn't they move? Don't tell me they will attack from that distance?

One of the men spoke "That could not be... Aren't they trying to get closer to the enemy?

Magreb:But it is really a strange ship. With that size, only for only to have a variety of weapons at it's disposal, i've never seen such strange weapons, and those cannons...


-IPN Conrado D. Yap-

Capt. Zoren:Alright boys, let's give 'em some nice display of fireworks, Turret 1, and 1st KDD Turret, take aim!


The 1st Turret and the 1st KDD Turret of the Yap Cruiser aimed it's guns to Broadside and up a little

Magreb:Using a cannon from the beginning?!

Shihan:Hmmm... They have finally started to move


-IPN Conrado D. Yap-

Crewmate:Guns ready!

Capt. Zoren:FIRE!


To be continued


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