Chapter 3:Welcome

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As we continue on in Qua-Toyne

"Gentlemen of our delegation to the nation the nations of the GAU Alliance, From specialist from each ministries. I hereby, each of you are given a full Authority, such as our trade with the UAC and Pinoy Empire, and it's Allies the Global Alliance Unison, may become our country's greatest strenght, perform the duty expected from you." the Qua-Toyne PM Speeched

Location:Port of Maihark

Foreign Minister - James (L/N) (Philippines)

Foreign Minister - Robert (L/N) (UAC)

(A/N:you guys can comment down on fictional last names)

Robert:For our travel to the MNB Chthulhu, we have prepared a Cruise Ship. Please follow us

"Ugh, i hate travelling by ship... It's dark and damp and i heard that one could fall ill during the long voyage" the Qua-Toyne FM said

"From what i've heard this "Cruise Ship" is capable of taking us there in two days, but i doubt the authencity of the report. But i also feel doubt it is the same country that flew the Iron Dragon" the man said

James:Gentlemen, that will be our ship

As James reminds everyone the Cruise Ship Arrived

"Woah! That thing is huge!" Both Qua-Toyne Delegators said

Robert:Let's board the small ship, then

After boarding

"Oh by the way, how can this ship move?" The delegator ask Robert

Robert:Well, you see, this ship is powered by diesel engine...

Location:MS Pride of America, Engine room.

Robert:...It's like that, more or less

"To think that UAC can create a thing like this..." both Qua-Toyne Delegators are amazed

Location:Maharlika Empire, Manila, Night, 10:30 pm.

Keith:*Drinking another Moonlight Sake*

"Drinking Sake again Keith?" A woman ask, her appearance appears to be, Silver hair, Fox Ears and Tails, A Kimono in Night Style

Keith:Ah, A pleasant Evening, Shinano, Care to Join me in this peaceful night my dear?

Shinano:With pleasure, Keith

Keith:*Pours Moonlight Sake on Shinano's cup*

Shinano:So hows the other side of the Gate doing?

Keith:Oh, it's been going well, a contact with the nation called [Qua-Toyne Principality], i can easily tell there's also magic on the other side...

Shinano:It appears our Visions appear to be correct.

Keith:Indeed it has... i do pray we can make friendly relations with the Qua-Toyne.

Shinano:I hope so too *Drinks Sake* this Sake is missing something...

Keith:What is it?


Keith:Oh... Scheiße

Timeskip brought to you by this

Back to the Story

James:from here you can see the... The MNB Chthulhu, this is the Civilization Area. From the docks we will be traveling by car to hotel Mariana, We'll be checking in.

Location:Hotel Mariana, Lobby

"All this... All to surprising, i dont think i would feel anymore surprised..." the Qua-Toyne Delegator says

James:We've kept you waiting

Robert:We'll take a stroll around the city, please follow us

As the Qua-Toyne Delegators follow, they are greeted by 4 Girls, the 1st one is a maid with hair buns, the 2nd with sort of Pigtails and seemed to be like a Maestro, the 3rd is white haired with a long poiny tail, and the 4th is straight long hair with a Gauntlet and a Sword

The Qua-Toyne Delegators are shock, yet Sweatdroped and Intimidated and felt fear rising when they meet the 4 girls

"Uhhh, Mr. James, who are these 4 ladies?" The delagator asked James

James:Oh, this 4 are T-Dolls, can't really tell much due to secrets, the Maid is Agent, The Pigtails is Scarecrow, the White Hair is Hunter, and the Gauntlet with a sword is Executioner, these 4 will accompany us as Guards

"The girl with a Gauntlet scares me" the Delegator whispered to his fellow delegator

After a stroll around the city

James:(thoughts) Magic? As expected from what the emperor told me

Robert:As Expected, you have magic

"Does UAC and Pinoy Empire and the your world also uses magic?" The Delegator ask

James:Only a few can use magic

Robert:James here can use Earth and Fire, and i can use Water and Wind

"Excuse me! I hate to tell you this, is it not time to go to the Air Festival?

James:Oh shoot! Oh right lets go!

Location:Stingrey Air Base

(A/N:i finally found the names 💀)

Hanki:My goodness!?


The Delegators witness Many Aircrafts, some are from different countries

Yagou:Mr. James what are those other flags?

James:German Empire, Euro-Brit Republic, Empire of Japan, Russian Empire, United States of Botswana


The delegators eyes were on multiple Aircrafts.

Robert:Seems like the Bird/Wing battle is gonna start

Yagou:Huh? Mock fight? Are they gonna duel?

James:Yup... we do this for fun

The Aircrafts Takes off

4 × F-14 (Striker)
4 × F-16 (Jade)
2 × F-15 (Flash)
2 × F-22 (Guardian)
1 × F-35 (Alpha)


1 × PF-1 (Omega)
2 × P-51 Mk.V (Royalty)
2 × A6M Zero Mk.IV (Honor)
4 × Fw 190 Mk.III (Wolf)
4 × Spitfire Mk.IV (Bee)

The thing about "Wing or Bird Fight" is another word for Dogfights, Think of it as the Dogfight version of Senshado

Alpha:<Alright Squad, here comes another Wing Fight, we got this boys>

Guardian 02:<Lets do this!!!!>

Flash 04:Why do i have a feeling Wing Battle is made by Gaijin?

The Dogfight begun (Typical WT Game)



Hanki:So loud yet the scene of an Battle

James:Same goes for us, we dislike tech steal... it's likely much we Pinoys immediately take action, and trust me you dont wanna mess with Pinoy Tech

Yagou:I see...

Robert:It's only logical that your Infrastructure, Knowledge, Ways, Resources, and Economy can't handle the burden of any of our tech, the Production Cost, the Maintenance Cost, The Fuel Cost, all to expensive for your economy

Hanki:i see... that answer is more logical

Yagou:What does GAU wish to acquire? Magic?

James:Simply Trades and Purchases, Agricultural

Yagou:Throught this, i hope our needs become crystal clear, i will look forward to our negotiation in your Capital

Location:Maharlika Empire, Manila, Morning, 7:00 am

Ant:Bro... You got drained again?

September:sheesh, your legs tho.

Keith:No shit sherlocks... Shinano really did a number on me good, don't ask, one day you two will also suffer the same fate as i did

Ant:Yeah yeah

Keith:anyways, back to business *Drinking coffee* We got a catch Qua-Toyne, seems getting welp now

Ant:hmmm, seems about all good, lets just keep the flow

September:hey, you guys wanna hear a joke?

Ant & Keith:Sure

September:,Heh... "Women"

Sept, Ant, & Keith:Hahahahahahahaha *Drinks Coffee* hahahahahahahaha *Drinks coffee* hahaha

To be continued


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