Chapter 5:Let's have a War! (Lourian-Qua/GAU War Arc - I)

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As the Invasion of Qua-Toyne Principality has begun by Lauria

James was rushing with his Bike

Location:Qua-Toyne Principality Gov. Building

James:Sorry to kept you waiting Yagou, The translation took longer than i expected

Yagou:It's Alright James, im grateful that the Maharlika Empire has taken action first while the Other GAU Nations are still Pending

James:This Diplomatic Document is Pinoy Resultion

Rinsui:Prime Minister, the Foreign Ministry have another matter to report

Kanata:There's more? ...Is there something even worse than the current situation?

Rinsui:There are communications from Philippines, currently, the staff are talking talking with the----

Kanata:From Philippines!? *Slams hand on the table* What did they say?

Yagou:*Dramatic Entrance* THIS, It's here!!

The Council turn their heads to Yagou

Kanata & Rinsui:READ IT!!

Yagou:The Philippines has condemmed the inhumane actions perprated by the insurgents---- In the Qua-Toynese City of Gim. Philippines demands that Qua-Toynese Goverment take steps to completely resolving the insurgent problem, together with Maharlika Empire, in eliminating the insurgent---- If your country request us to do so, we resolved to dispatch the our nation (Maharlika Empire) in War

Rinsui:Insurgents!? Inhumane acts!? But this is war. Just what are the Pinoys implicating here?

Kanata:Yagou, what's your opinion?

Yagou:Yes, Prime Minister. Let me explain. Maharlika Empire's constitution outlawing war as a means to settle international disputes involving the state. Hence to circumvate this the labelled Louria Kingdom as 'Insurgents', so they can send their soldiers in a non-belligerent manner, if there are request to do so in other words, Maharlika Empire will come to help if we so desire, while the other GAU allies are still on pending whether to join or not.

"That huge ship will return!? That iron dragon too... this is wonderful" the Council members says

Kanata:There is no need for further tardiness Immediately, request Maharlika Empire's help in eliminating Louria... i mean the "insurgents"!

Yagou:There is one last thing

Kanata:What is it?

Yagou:The Maharlika Empire's Emperor's live speech is about to begin *pulls out the Holoscroll*

Rinsui:What is that? A scroll?

Yagou:It's called a Holoscroll, James
Want me to borrow it so we can all hear what the emperor has to say

Kanata:Put it on

Yagou:Yes, Prime Minister. *Lays the Holoscroll on the Table and turns it on*

The Holoscroll activates and the State Address has begun

--- Maharlika Empire ---

As the Emperor came, The Council was shock to see a 18 year old looking boy, a Fox Demi-Human with 9 Tails

Kanata:So that's the Maharlika Empire's Emperor

Rinsui:He's looks only 18

Yagou:Don't judge his looks... he is more than just those... his name is Keith R. Brussett, the Emperor of Maharlika Empire...

The Speech has begun

"My fellow Filipinos,

Today, we stand not as victims of oppression, but as warriors of freedom. The time for hesitation is over. The time for action is now.

For too long, we have waited and sat patiently as the tyranny of Louria Kingdom invaded Qua-Toyne, their boot upon our friend Qua-Toyne's necks, their chains binding Qua-Toynese and it's racial ideals. But no more! Today, we rise from the ashes of subjugation and take a stand for another, like a phoenix of liberty, ready to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

Let it be known to all who would dare challenge our resolve: we are not a nation to be trifled with. We are fierce. We are determined. We are strong.

With fire in our hearts and steel in our hands, we declare war on Louria! We will not rest until every last vestige of their oppression is eradicated from Qua-Toyne.

So, rally to the call of freedom! Let every Filipino, from the bustling streets of Manila to the farthest reaches of our islands, stand together as one. Let us unleash the full force of our courage, our tenacity, and our righteous fury upon our enemies.

In the face of adversity, we will not falter. In the heat of battle, we will not retreat. For we are the guardians of our nation's destiny, and we will fight until the very end, until victory is ours!

Today, let the world bear witness to the indomitable spirit of the Filipino people. Today, let us forge a new chapter in our history, a chapter written in the blood of our enemies and the tears of our triumph.


Thank you, and let us march forward to victory! MABUHAY!"

"MABUHAY!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Crowd erupts to shout of chanting and cheer

The speech and addrees has ended, the Council has gone silent by the inspirational and promising speech by the emperor

Timeskip brought to you by this

(A/N:Poor Sensei)
Back to the story

Location:Maihark Naval Base

UH-60 Black Hawk Mk.III has Arrived and landed and is escorted by 2 AH-64 Apache Mk.VII

Breweye:That seems to be my ride

Pancare:Those things they called 'Helicopters' really have a strange shape. Are you really serious about this?


Pancare:The Naval HQ might have requested to dispatch an observer officer. But Maharlika will battle Louria themselves while it's GAU allies are on Pending. Maharlika only sent 9 vessels. However, the enemy numbered 4,000 ships. I can't in a good conscience sending a subordinate to what is clearly a watery grave.

Breweye:It is that Maharlika we are talking about, so there might be a chance of victory, furthermore-- We are weak. But that ship came as our ally that's why i believe it will be worthy to wager my life and board that ship

The UH-60 Mk.III has started it's engines

"Good day sir! We are from the Imperial Philippine Navy! We habe come to pickup the observer officer!" The Pinoy Sailor says

Breweye:Yes, that's me, i am in your care- can you stop this gale?

"It will be better after you board the heli! Please endure it for awhile!" The Pinoy sailor says

As they board the UH-60, they took off

Treasure-1 (UH-60 Mk.III): <this is Treasure-1 we got the Observer Officer, i repeat we got the Observer Officer, Let's move out back to IPN Manila, over>

Keeper-1 (AH-64 Mk.VII): <Roger that Treasure-1 following, over>

Keeper-2 (AH-64 Mk.VII): <Wilco on that, over>

As the escorts went full speed, they eventually arrive

Capt. Danilo:Welcome to the 'IPN Manila'

Both Danilo ans Breweye saluted

Brewye:Please let me offer our gratitude for the reinforcement.

Danilo:Our Condolence for the people who perished on Gim

The crew of the Manila stayed silent

Danilo:IPAF put Maihark safety as thr priority, and dispatched a fleet of 9 vessels, consists of 1 Supercarrier, 2 Cruisers, 1 Battlecruiser, and 4 Destroyers.

Breweye:Pardon me sir, i don't mean a disrespect but the number of Louri- i mean insurgents ships are...

Danilo:There is no need to be worried, we already have information on their number and location, we guarantee ypur safety. So, please be at ease. *smile*

Brewye:(Thoughts) (Shock) Why can he smiles confidently like this?

Treasure-1:(Megaphone) This is the Imperial Philippine Navy! This is a warning for the insurgents!

Sharkun:Did they just say Maharlika Empire!?

"A new wyvern species?" One of the crew questioned

Treasure-1:(Megaphone) Change your course immediately! If you don't abide then we will open fire on your ships!

The IPN Oratrice passes through

Sharkun:What a huge ship! Aren't they supposedly just a newly appeared underdeveloped barbarian nation?

"Uwaaa!" The crews are amazed and stunned by the Pinoy Destroyer

"Release the Arrows!"

The Lourian ships began firing arrows at the IPN Oratrice

Inside the IPN Oratrice

Capt. Halway:Destroyer Oratrice received attacks from the insurgents, initiate counterattack!




-IPN Oratrice-

"It will be nice if this shock them to retreat..." one of the crew spoke

Capt. Halway:I hope they will *Taps own cap*

To be continued

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