Part 19

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Sorry for being so much late..I was caught up with some more unexpected works and I could only type in a few words everyday after Sunday..I was waiting for this update to shape up well so that I could publish it..Hope you all will enjoy it dears..

Next morning dawned bright and clear and when Gauri came into the kitchen after freshening up to see if Janaki wanted some help, she met Bhavya there.

Bh: Ettathy..

Ga: Good morning, Bhavya..(smiles)

Bh:(hastily) Good morning ..!! But you just come with me..I will show you something..!

Bhavya just caught hold of Gauri's hand and started walking out of the kitchen.

Ga: Hey..what is it..? Why are you not telling anything..?!

Bh:When its is something worth watching, then what is the need to tell..Just come with me, Ettathy..!!

Gauri blinked uncertainly and followed her. As they reached the front courtyard Bhavya stopped walking.

And there stood Omkara along with his dear friend Nandu who were busy admiring the 'pookkalam' (flower rangoli) which they had so artistically made.

Ga: Wow..!! this is so beautiful Omkara..!

Omkara grinned wide hearing her compliment and looked at Nandu with pride.

Bh:(rolling her eyes) Its beautiful because they bought varieties of flowers from the market, Ettathy..!!Can't you see they cheated..?! We made that pookkalam yesterday with the flowers available our house..!! Just as per Amma had said to do..But..

Om: Bhavya..there was no such rule ok..!!

Ga: No Omkara..She is telling the truth..Actually, Amma had asked us to pluck flowers available inside the house courtyard and make the pookkalam..That is why our design looked so simple and..

Bh: ..and had a traditional feel to it..! Its ok Ettathy..! Let's go inside..

Just then Janaki arrived after her visit from the nearby temple. She looked at the beautiful floral design.

Ja: (smiles wide) Omkara and Nandu..I didnt expect it to be this guys have put in a lot of effort to make this so good.. you people bought flowers from the market too..!

Om: (raises his brow at Bhavya) Satisfied now..?! Amma also liked it..Now you just declare that we have won this challenge..!!

Bh: (rolls her eyes) Ok congrats Etta.. you won..!

Ja: (smiles at Bhavya, looks at Om) But listen Om..from tomorrow, there is no need for spending so much money on this..May be on 'Thiruvonam' (main Onam) day we all can make a really big pookkalam with a whole lot of variety of flowers..But 8 more days are remaing until Gauri, both do as I had insisted..Take flowers from the house itself, ok..?

Ga: Ok Amma..

Bh: And Etta..there is no need to challenge us ok..just try to appreciate whatever design we make..!

Om: (seriously) Can't promise you that..!!

Ja: Ok enough of this bantering..all of you get ready and come for breakfast..Nandu, you also have breakfast from here ok..(smiles)

Na: (smiles) If you insist..!
Eight days passed just like that and soon it was the Thiruvonam day (Main day of Onam festival.

Everyone got dressed up beautifully in their onappudava (new dress they all bought for or they got as gift on these last few days).

This is what Omkara wore:

This is Gauri's dress:

Gauri stood in front of the mirror she was trying to wear the necklace. Her hair was still a little bit wet and minute droplets of water was still dripping down her hair.

Omkara, who came towards her after getting ready, noticed this and he took a dry towel inside his hands. He approached her from behind and looked at her through the mirror.

Om: Gauri what is this ?You are trying to wear your neck ornament where as your hair is still not dried properly..!!

Ga: But there is no time, Omkara..I have to go down and make the pookkalam for today..

Om: Here take this towel and dry your hair.

He slowly gathered her hair inside his hand and put it down along her right shoulder towards the frontside of her body. After handing her the towel, he held the two ends of the necklace and began to help her wear it.

As she was looking at him with her beautiful doe like eyes, while she was towelling the ends of her hair gently, he was looking at her with passionate eyes while he clasped the ends of the necklace together. Her eyes turned passionate and she too gazed deeper into his eyes. His gaze turned hotter and slowly he turned her to face him holding her shoulders.

He bent in and took her lips inside his lips and she whimpered into his mouth. He began to suck her lips quite passionately and the towel fell down from her limp hands.

Her smell was driving him crazy and he began to nuzzle along her neck down into the curve of her bare neck.

Omkara's hand travelled downwards to her waist and he began to caress her soft tummy as he kissed along her throat line. Gauri held onto him with her hands clutching his biceps. He placed his palm over her tummy and his thumb found its way into her navel. Slowly he began to draw a circle around its outline with his thumb and Gauri shivered as he proceeded with it.

Omkara was loving the way she always reacted to his minute actions. He knelt down on his knees and with his hand he moved the sari's edge and revealed her belly skin. He kissed her navel and hot waves of passion rippled out from that very spot. She closed her eyes and gulped.

She held the top of his head with her both hands. He gently sucked on to her skin and gave a small bite there. Her fingers clung on to his hair and she bit her lips in order to let out her fervour.

Omkara looked up at her face and smiled naughtily. He stood up and Gauri opened her eyes. She was surprised to see him smiling. He bent slightly and whispered in her ears.

Om: Some time before you were worried for being late..Now you don't want to go Gauri..?? Or are you hoping for something else to happen..?( winks and smiles naughtily)

Gauri remembered everything and she clutched her mouth with her hands.

Ga: Oops..yess..Got to go..!!

She immediately turned to go from there, but just then he caught hold of her wrist and stopped her.

Om: Madam..where are you off to with so much haste..? If I made you late, then who else will help you..?! Come lets go and make the pookkalam together..

Then before she could say anything he pulled her hand and started to walk off from there, while she looked at him with love filled eyes and a glowing smile.
********End of Part 19*********
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