Part 5

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Here comes the next chapter..

Madhavi and Gauri left to their house after having tea with them. Janaki approached Omkara,

Ja: Omkara..I think you have to say sorry to Gauri..

Om: (sighs, then impatiently) Amma, I went there in the morning itself to ask her forgiveness..But that girl didn't even allow me to talk..!! (looks at her, wide eyed)

Ja: I know..She is angry with you..But you must try again..And tomorrow we all are going for the trip..I don't want you both sulking like this..! Madhavi is so excited right now..and I don't want to spoil her happiness in any way..

Bhavya was watching as her Amma talked with her elder brother. She also wanted everything to be alright between Omkara and Gauri.

Om: (tries to argue)But Amma..How does it affect Madhavi amma's happiness if I am not talking to Gauri..!

Ja:(impatiently) Omkara all this happened because of your stubbornness...Poor girl..She had come here to see her mother after so many years.. (then angrily) and cheated her..!!

Omkara could feel heat on his face and he ran his fingers along his hair in frustration. But he quickly composed himself after taking long breaths.

Om: Don't worry..I will take care of this mess..

As he turned to go, Janaki stopped him.

Ja: Wait, I will also come with you..

Omkara turned towards her and held her shoulders consolingly.

Om: No Amma..You stay here..As you said, its my fault...I want to do this alone.


Madhavi was busy in her kitchen, preparing some special dishes for Gauri. Gauri was sitting on the kitchen platform, munching an apple and watching her mother cook. Suddenly the calling bell rang.

Ma: Chinnu, can you just go and see who it is..?

Ga: Ok Amma..

Gauri walked towards the door and opened it. Omkara was standing outside the door and Gauri eyes widened in anger.

Ga:(holding the door) What do you want now, Omkara..?

Om: Look, I am sorry Gauri..I didn't mean to..

Gauri let out a scornful laugh and glared at him.

Ga: Ohhhhh...Really Mr. Omkara..?

Omkara shut his eyes tightly and took a deep breath. Then he opened his eyes.

Om: (desperately) I know I lied to you..But I did that just for some fun..Actually I was going to tell you the truth and then take you to your mother yesterday night itself..

Ga: (seriously)Well..I don't want to believe you again Omkara. After all that you have done to me, no one in their right mind would want to forgive you..

Omkara took some steps towards her. He was growing restless as he was not used to this kind of treatment from a girl.

Om: This time I am serious, Gauri.. Believe me..Please..!

Ga: Look.. I have had enough of your nonsense..Now, please leave.

And saying so, she tried to shut the door, but Omkara was too quick for her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, he took hold of her other hand too and squeezed her wrists in rage.


She was staring at him unbelievably as she tried to wiggle her hands from his grip.

Ga: Leave me..Uff..You moron..!!

Om: (growls) I am sorry, Chinnu..I mean it..

Ga: (trying to free herself)You are hurting me, Omkara..It's really painful..!!

Tears threatened to fill from her beautiful eyes. Omkara realized what he was doing and he let off her hands quickly. He looked at the ground and murmured slowly "I -- am -- sorry ". Gauri was rubbing her wrists with both her palms in order to ease her pain. Tears were streaming down her eyes.

Ga: And I am sorry too Omkara..Because I am not going to forgive you..

Saying so, she shut the door on his face with a loud noise. Omkara hit the wall with his clenched fist and then clutched his hair with his both hands.

Gauri wiped off her tears and walked towards the kitchen with a false smile plastered on her lips. Madhavi looked up as she returned.

Ma: Who was it, Chinnu..?

Ga: Amma..No one..

Ma: But you took so much time to return..

Ga: I just looked around to see if there was someone.. That is why I took time..


Omkara walked back to his house and Janaki and Bhavya were waiting for him in the drawing room itself.

Ja: Omkara..

Bh: Ettaa..Did she forgive you..

Closing his eyes impatiently, he shook his head in a negative.

Om: I was not able to convince her..Now don't ask me anything else..Amma, please serve dinner..


Later in the night, Omkara was lying on his bed and was shifting around uncomfortably. Flashes of Gauri's grief stricken face haunted his conscience. But still his ego was making him believe that she should have listened to him at least once.


Meanwhile, Gauri was lying cuddled to her mother when she decided to ask something.

Ga: Amma..Why are you depending on that Omkara for everything.. I mean, he is not your son..!

Ma: (smiles naughtily) Ohh..Are you jealous of him..?

Ga: (feeling slightly offended) No Amma..I am not..

Ma: (smiles widely) He is Janaki's son..(looks distantly as if remembering the past)You are right Chinnu..But he became my son too after your Papa took you back to Mumbai..Since then, Omkara has always took care of me and your Grandmother, till she died.

Madhavi reminisced the day, 17 years ago, when an eleven year old Omkara came to her with a helping hand. The little boy's voice was still echoing in her ears.

" Don't worry..If you are in need of anything, just tell me..I am staying in the house next to you..You know "Mangalasseri" tharavaadu..I am the son of Late. Tejas Menon and Janaki.."



"And listen..Consider me as your son from today onward..Just tell me whatever you need at any time.."

After narrating the incident, Madhavi continued..

Ma: He was a very matured and quite sensible boy even at the age of eleven. You know his Father had died at a young age and he naturally bound himself to the responsibilities of his family. In spite of his offers for help, I never called him for anything. But he used to come here every day and ask me if I needed anything. Be it buying necessary goods or vegetables for household use or getting medicines for your Grandmother from the town, he wanted to do everything himself. I will hand him the money and he would go. He would scold me if I tried to go all by myself. (smiles to herself)

Gauri could imagine a small boy doing all these for her mother. A slight smile appeared on her lips.

Ma: And do you remember that day when you fell down into the pond..?

Ga: Yes..I remember, Amma..Papa was really angry with you that day and that was the reason why he took me away from you, saying that you were an irresponsible mother. But I tried to reason with him a lot that it was my fault that I jumped into the water even after you tried to stop me from doing so. Huh..I still have flashes of drowning in the water at times and I often dream about that incident, Amma.

Madhavi's eyes moistened and she was feeling overwhelmed.

Ma: (sobs slightly )My poor baby..(hugs Gauri tightly)

For some seconds Gauri shut her eyes tightly and snuggled her head closer to her mother's bosom.

Ma: That day, Omkara rescued you from the pond, Chinnu..Can you remember..?

Gauri opened her eyes in a jiffy.

Ga: What are you saying, Amma..?!! That boy was Omkara..!!

Ma: (smiles happily and pats her cheek) Hmm..Yes Chinnu..Ok now you sleep..We have to get up early morning.

Saying so, Madhavi drifted off into a peaceful sleep, leaving a "not so sleepy anymore" Gauri ponder over her renewed thoughts regarding Omkara.


At about 6 a.m. in the morning, all of them got ready. One by one, they got into the car, which arrived on time. All the while Gauri was trying hard to meet Omkara's eyes, but to her utter dismay, he was avoiding her completely.

Gauri thought "Oh no..Poor Omkara..He is really angry with me..But there are so many reasons for which I need to say 'Thank you' and 'Sorry' to him.."

Gauri, Bhavya, Madhavi and Janaki got into the back seats of the vehicle, whereas Omkara got into the front seat near the Taxi Driver.

And thus they set off towards their destination.

Gauri was sitting near the window, just behind Omkara. Even while she was enjoying the breath taking views of the landscape, which was looking green and lustrous in the morning mist and the golden rays of the rising sun, her eyes kept wandering towards the rear view mirror, which was showing her the reflection of another person who was rising like the Sun in her thoughts-- Omkara Tejas Menon.

She caught herself studying his features closely. His thick and black eyebrows, his shoulder length hair which was so wavy, his captivating eyes, his aristocratic nose, his moustache and the wonderful stubble; everything about him seemed rarely handsome. She blushed suddenly at her own girly thoughts and looked away smiling widely. She bit her lower lip and let out a giggle. Madhavi leaned towards her and smiled.

Ma: Now what is with you, Chinnu..Why are you giggling?

Ga: (stammers) N--Nothing, am--amma.. (smiles in assurance)

She stealthily threw another glance at him and smiled sweetly. She thought "What is happening to me..? Why am I behaving like a dreamy teenager? But this feeling is so blissful..Is this Love..?!! "

Just then Omkara's eyes casually wandered into the side rear view mirror and caught Gauri staring at him in a special way. Omkara frowned and looked closely into the mirror because he was unable to believe what he was seeing. Gauri suddenly noticed it and turned her gaze away in a jiffy. She shut her eyes tightly and chided herself inwardly, and this didn't go unnoticed by Omkara.

He thought with a frown, "What the hell..!! What is with this girl now..? Why was she staring at me like that.."

Gauri was really careful not to look at him again for some time and she slowly dozed off leaning her head towards the edge of the window.

Omkara also didn't pay attention to her for some time, but his heart was continuously telling him to check whether she was looking at him again and finally he turned to look at her reflection in the mirror.

And there she was, sleeping like a cute baby. His expression softened and he gazed at her closely. He thought, "She is really sweet and beautiful.. Nandu is right..And what I did to her was not right..I wish she would just forgive me soon.."

******End of Part 5*****

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