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hi i started making kleinsen one shots plz request ily all

     Since before they could remember, Jared and Evan had always had lockers next to each other. Now in high school, the boys would smile and blush a little whenever they managed to make eye contact at their lockers. In the rare occasion that as they both closed their lockers their fingers would brush, both boys became incredibly flustered and ran away quickly. They still hung out for long hours after class, discussing life and other stuff. Lately, there was a tension between them that they couldn't figure out. Evan liked Jared, and Jared liked Evan. But neither of them had the confidence to ask the other out.

     "Hi Ev!" Jared said almost quietly, greeting Evan at his locker in the morning. Evan's neutral expression quick turned to a smile with a pink tint appearing on his face, waving a small hello to Jared.

     "Hey! C-Could you come over later today? I need help with my math homework..." Evan did really need help, but he also just really wanted to have more time with Jared. Jared smiled, closing his locker gently since he knew Evan didn't like loud sounds much.

     "Of course. I'll see you later then!" The bell had rung, and Jared walked down the hall. Evan watched as he walked away, then closing his own locker quietly. He smiled for a moment, then falling to the ground as someone above him pushed him over. Laughter sounded above as tears started to flood Evan's eyes.

     "Just... Leave me alone, Seth." Evan murmured out, feeling a kick into his side and louder laughter. Seth's girlfriend clung to his side, kicking her heel into Evan's ribs. Evan nearly shrieked out, catching the attention of Jared who hadn't figured out walking down the hallway. Seeing the crying boy on the floor, he ran only to be stopped by a mob.

     "Fat chance, fucker. Where do you want bruises? Thighs, arms, or stomach?" He questioned sickeningly, Jared turning furious and shoving his way through the crowd.

     "Stom-" Evan couldn't finish the word before Jared came and stood in front of him, protecting the boy beneath him. He breathed heavily, looking fearful for a moment at the crowd but managing to put on some what of a mean face.

     "S-Stay away from him! Just go to class."

     "Aw, his boy toy is coming to save him!" Seth's girlfriend sneered, scraping her long nails on Jared's face. Evan stood up shakily and clung onto Jared from behind, the boys being around the same height. 

     "Leave him out of this, Seth... I'm sorry, okay? Just beat me up. I'm numb to it." Evan whispered the last bit so only Jared managed to hear it. Jared reached one of his fists to his side, taking Evan's hand defensively in his own.

     "Hear that, Kleinman? Beat it. This isn't your fight."

      "But this is me caring. I love Evan, okay? So if you hurt him, you hurt me too!" Jared almost yelled, gripping Evan's hand tighter. The air was hung and silent for a moment, Evan blushing madly as he moved closer to Jared. They said I love you in nonchalant ways before, but this time Jared had a different passion in his voice. 

     "Okay." Seth raised a fist but before he had the chance to do anything, Evan and Jared shared a glance before running. They managed to run out the back door together, only stopping once they got to an orchard they would always go to.

     "Evan I'll go back and beat the shit out of them."

      "No! The only thing that matters is that you're safe. You didn't have to do that..."

      "Yes I did. I love... I love you." Jared said quietly, managing to look Evan in the eyes as they sat under a huge tree. Evan moved himself closer to Jared and Jared put a shaky arm around Evan. 

      "I love you too. I-I mean like... Really like, like love you?" Evan stammered out, hiding his face afterwards in Jared's flannel. Jared's grip tightened on Evan's shoulders, holding his head to meet his own. They both looked deeply into each other's eyes, Evan's eyes glowing as he put his hand on Jared's face.

      "The heterochromia in your eyes... It's so beautiful." He whispered to the other boy before their lips connected almost simply. The kiss was almost innocent if it hadn't been for Evan pulling Jared deeper into the kiss by trying to stick his tongue in his mouth. Jared broke it apart as he giggled, hugging Evan tightly.

     "I've waited so long for that..."

      "Me too." Their foreheads rested against each other, both of the boys had their eyes close since they knew the other one was smiling. It surprised Jared when Evan climbed on top of him, straddling him between his legs. They kissed again, this time much more deep and intimate. Jared pushed and pulled against Evan's lips, and Evan rested his hand on Jared's chest lovingly. Evan frowned as he broke them apart, but he needed to breathe. Jared rubbed his back, letting the boy collapse on him gently. Evan's head rested against Jared's chest as the rest of him lay entangled with the other.

       "Shit. Jared, we have school..." Evan trailed off, his face showing signs of panic. 

      "So? Teachers don't really give a fuck." Jared murmured back to Evan, burying his face in his hair. Evan almost smiled, cuddling further into Jared's chest.

     "Does this make us boyfriends?" Jared spoke out quietly again, holding Evan tighter and feeling the boy reach his arms around his stomach.

      "Hell yes." He reached up again to kiss Jared for a blissful moment, trying not to hurt the boy while he leant against him. The wind blew against them, autumn leaves falling around them. Jared caught one maple leaf in his hand, looking at Evan almost awkwardly as he tucked it behind his ear and into his hair. Evan's hand reached up to touch it lightly, smiling widely to Jared.

      "It's so cute! Almost as cute as you." Evan cringed at his cliche and looked away from Jared, but still blushed bright red as Jared kissed the other once more. This time, Jared was the one to initiate more of an erotic kiss. He swiped his tongue against Evan's lips, smiling as he slid his tongue in the others mouth. Evan grabbed Jared's shirt in his hands, holding it tight in his fists. They pulled away after minutes, both boys gasping a little. Evan slid down and rested his head on Jared's chest, and Jared held his arms lazily around his boyfriends torso. Their hands reached together and entangled their fingers in each other.

     "I love you more than trees... And I fucking love trees." Evan murmured as he closed his eyes. Jared smiled, hiding his blush from the other boy as he hid his face in Evan's soft hair.


a.n: thank u sm if u read this far,,


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