Art Dump Before Going Offline For A Week

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Hey guys, I'm not going to be on much between July 7th - July 11th so I worked my ass off to pull this art dump off because I wanted to give you something before I go offline and can't talk since I heard there isn't good service up north

This will be the last art dump with 20 pictures unless I start spamming 10 art dumps a week theeeeeeeeeen we will go back to 20! I'll try to be courteous; however, I doubt with what I am going through I'll be able to pull that off. Maybe younger me from a month ago but —

Anyways, when I get back, I'll be sure to make a chapter dedicated to what FatYoshi5 and I did since his family and him were kind enough to take me along so qwq

Enough with the ramblings about the trip, since I'm going to miss one of my best friend's bdays, I decided to draw it early and say happy early bday to lilspacebirb, who's an absolutely angel!

.... Are any you even surprised I drew my favorite ship of Lils' characters out .w.

I decided to draw my favorite ship of your characters because I love these beans so much and I was planning on making Lawson a second outfit; however, you already made one in the Christmas art dump so I used that and I borrowed the scarf idea since I thought it would be so sweet!

I placed a message in the heart and sorry if it's squished, my handwriting is ugly and tends to do that -
However, it reads, "Im glad to have a supportive friend like you! You're perfect just the way you are"

Hopefully you like it Lils and have a great birthday 💛💛💛

Next one up is a picture for the lovely FatYoshi5 and I'm sure all of you know the reason I drew this picture if you read the intro to the pride & anniversary dump where I geeked out about Nacht-

I really love this picture! So wholesome and I got inspired from someone doing a favorite otp thing on pinterest! I usually draw an angsty Fate (or Nacht) or fluffy shipart of these two but I decided to go more of a ... Flirty, intimate way?

Fate is whispering in Nacht's ear and he is blushing because of what Fate's saying which is in the heart



Last picture for someone is a design I helped pastelchromist with! She asked if I could do the electric god and I decided to do so!

I decided to go with a very eccentric and dj looking design! The outfit and such are simple since I didn't wanna go over-the-top and be overcomplicated!

He has electric bolts in his design, spikey hair like he had gotten shocked by lightening and blues and greens here and there!

He's holding headphones since I feel like he would be a giant fan of music and take up being a DJ!

Feel free to use this design and IF YOU NEED ANY MORE HELP, I'M OPEN—

I wanna introduce you guys to a new character (who I struggled to draw but not as bad as Hicks-) named Wyn! Wyn is South Africa and is Roe's best friend and later down the road, boyfriend when Khalili leaves Roe for no reason whatsoever —

I realized I never shown you guys who this was since I forgot to put him in the art dump before this sO when I said Yaro was a knockoff of Wyn, you guys had no idea (besides Nacht-) .-.

Wyn's theme was pjs and clouds! I decided to break my rules and so with blues since it looks better than the yellow and purple I attempted for this bean before -

The hat isn't supposed to look like a beanie, more of a pork pie hat but.. I failed miserably on it -w-

For the first time in a long time I can say I am proud of the blurring of the eyes and hair, looks nice!

Let's add some diversity into my world, shall we~?

I wanted to let you know that this next oc is in a wheelchair. Maybe I'll make someone with crutches to bring diversity into my world since not everyone can walk!

I feel like this is a good step in this direction because if I have diverse sexualities, genders, races, skin tones, personality disorders; why not create more disabled ocs and help educate others about em?

Anyways, here comes an education PSA for all of you after this picture!

When I first got this idea, I didn't know if I wanted to make a new character or have an already existing character. After talking with Nacht, we decided to go with Somalia !

If you can't read it up at the top, it states, "don't touch my wheelchair. I'm not weak." A lot of people go around thinking it's okay to do this to people in wheelchairs when it makes them uncomfortable and is just wrong if they didn't give you permission or asked for help. This really shows how some people's minds work in ableistic ways.

They're still people.

They're mighty.

And they will ask for help if needed.

If not, don't touch or push them without permission.

Weird segue but I wanted to show you a picture I adore for no reason before we get into the BULK of what the art dump has in store 🎃👏

Nathiel (Southern Ocean) out in the rain under an umbrella! I adore the umbrella with the design that it has become official he'd carry one around!

I wish I did better on the rain droplets since they don't look... Good; however, I enjoyed drawing everything else (even the lighting-)

Next pictures are primarily what most of my art dumps have become nowadays; references of my characters!

Why do I do this a lot ?
So people don't have to guess on colors for traditional characters, they deserve digital forms where I can experiment and change stuff up and I'm bored (I'm also Dad .p)

These first two are references I can't believe I haven't done for my "main cast" of characters!

Here's Archie boi and I love how lovely he looks!! Of course I used my old picture as a reference for the chair and I like it! I wish I did something different for his left arm but ehhhhhh ;-;

The red background kind of makes him menacing?? Makes me wanna draw Pirate!Archie-

Next one is Paris!

Doesn't she look like an absolute bean?? I am proud of her colors and everything (besides how weird her legs look compared to her skirt) -

Made her flowers pink since they usually are and yeah, I think the background is a nice contrast to her design! Fun Fact, the pink I used ai had gotten it from the trans flag .>

Random incorrect quote for you!

Paris :

Archie :

Caiden : we've had an alliance about keeping each other safe from him and now you'd bang him in a car??

Archie : wh-

Paris : I can bang both of you in a car .>

In the main story line, Caiden is Paris's overprotective best friend who at one point dated and then became just best friends; kind of during the period Archie and Miguel went through except they never "officially" dated -

Shifting on with a South America reference!

It's the name that is close to Vincent but isn't, Vicente! Don't give me much credit since Emily picked out the colors while doing payment and I didn't change one bit!

I'm proud of the hair and the butterfly necklace; however, the hat needs improvement tho-

No matter how much hats I do, they always seem to end up looking like berets or beanies and I hate that -w-

We get into the part where there are two separate ocs on one picture cause I have 158 drawings (although I deleted 38 of them or something-)

Very proud of these colors! I adore how they look like twins and have some of the same colors and such!

Finally drew his boots without them looking just plain white and cringey (kudos to Nacht for that!)

The UK brother line is complete so expect a family photo sometime in the future?

Take the hate-love best friends, Kairos and Ayberk!

I really like how this turned out! Kairos' background kind of took over Ayberk's xD

Why did I draw them together?
I'm lazy-

Next one up are the two lovers, Akemia and Kiet!

Or... Known as Taiwan and Thailand! Akemia had been adopted from Lils and honestly, love the greens and stuff, didn't pastel it to shit sooooo-

And Kiet, the dood that would dye and change themselves up just because they want to! Kiet's theme was black&white, despite their colorful personality and it turned out alright in my opinion! I maaaaaaaaaay do an outfit wardrobe for him in the near future!

This next picture share the theme of two characters; however, it's sibling bonding time!

I gave Bosai a second outfit because I didn't wanna draw their flannel out and color it almost exactly (-w-) and I really like this, gives them a "dad" vibe

I am also proud of their pose, which is Auélie getting a piggyback ride! Her leg/thigh look weird but other than that qwq

Before we get onto redesigns, I wanna talk about payment that I owe Lils! These were 4 fullbodies and I am placing them down here so I didn't overwhelm you at the top!

I've never drawn Shae out before actually and I wanted to change that! I experimented with how I wanted the bruise marks to look and honestly, I don't hate it!

I had fun drawing Shae!

Next are two in one picture since I was lazy and since you redesigned Maple and drew Micah out, had to show my two boyos some love!

I really like this picture (besides the star compass, I should've drawn that last instead of in the sketching phase or went in a different order —)

I really like how Micah's fade turned out, looks nice and not too sloppy in his scarf and I love Maple's scarves and leg warmers! His beanie looks kind of too small tho xD

Overall, I think Bryn is staying the warmest out of the North group — xD

Last but not least, Skylar!

After you redesigned her to be more lore based and being a chubby trans woman, I had to draw that! I made her wings transparent since you talked about it in your art dump and I wanted to experiment with that (I think they look too transparent but .-.)

Did her makeup and it looks better than when I did Flossy's xD

Loved doing her leaves, they were a lot of fun! Hope you enjoyed my payment ^o^

Whole new topic completely; redesigns! I remember when redesigns were the bulk of these and now, it has dwindled down to two redesigns (excluding Jackie's)-

Yeahhhhh, Amar -w-
I never really liked this design and it began growing on me until I wanted to redesign and do something new and ... Your boi got a giant makeover-

His name is Izet now since I had 24 characters that had the letter A in their names! I gave him an orange, yellow and brown color scheme because I wanted to give him this "fiery, proud" personality

I enjoy his slicked back hair, the fading is alright, probably the best I have ever made it in his hair-

This last picture is a character that is close to me and one I adore ❤️

This was my first gay character / 2nd oc and he's a comfort oc

He's helped me so much and has become much more than a "FNaF" human, like I created him in the first place

Please welcome the official design of Hicks "Spring" Montgomery!

I LOVE THIS BOY SOOOOO MUCH! His design is and colors were chosen from the inspiration of which this character had been made, Springtrap. I had gone through 10+ designs and different colors before getting to this and I finally have given this oc justice.

This character isn't just Springtrap as a human, he is more than that. He's a special character in my heart and I can't wait to draw shipart of them qwq

And this isn't art but my merch finally arrived that I paid for qwq


I love how pastel and freaking  cute Stolas looks with the space background!

Anygays guys, I hope you all have a good day / night! ^^

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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