Art Dump Of Characters

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Yeeeeeeeee —!!
Just like the chapter says , it's going to be about introducing characters and art...

Also, there's going to be a lot of Roman. Sorry peeps who don't like Roman or Romania .'D

This is maybe the last ship art picture I make of RomHun because... Someone in this chapter is being introduced and I really (hardcore) ship these two.. and it's historically accurate —

Here's Bulgaria , or Hristo ! His sweater is oversized and indeed does have "Tired from Vamps"

Him and Roman have been extremely good friends since WW2 , both on axis, both suffered under soviet control and joined the EU at the same time

Unlike the pervy, high strung Roman , Hristo is more of the "mood 24/7™" . He might not act prideful, he actually is prideful (just he doesn't go shoving it in people's faces, like Roman does)

Also , Roman tried to "convert" him into a vampire, hense the sweater, that's his big middle finger towards Roman , and Roman is turned on ,)  (kidding)

Everyone be nice to Daniel (A.K.A Moldova)

Moldova was originally apart of Romania and Romania is highly protective of that part and wants to annex it, and so... I drew what that may look like and I am proud of myself...

Roman looks like a perv in the bushes with the camera and Daniel is just, innocent xD

I liked of messed up on the middle part , the country's coat of arms
(I think that's what you call it, I am dumb okay xD??)
And I wish I could .. change his pants because yICK–

And yes dear reader , I tried to make his hair look like this ;

Except shorter of course and guess what ? I think I did a great job...

I tried to show what I did , but the 2 grays I chose to do this "experiment" in , but turned out .. they were the same gray and there's not much of a contrast xD


And we have the Turkish man himself , Ayberk. Honestly — I'm proud of his design like, huhhh????

Also yes, he's wearing a Jez or a Tarboosh .>

Since I drew Ayberk, I should redesign Kai/Greece and portray their relationship cause oH bOY dO tHEY "lOVE" eACH oTHER

Anyways , this was going to be longer but since I split up the contest art and Gmrsugar's stuff , it's smaller, so .P

I'll leave you all with a teaser >.)

He might look like an ordinary black fairy , just note , he isn't

Theories ?? I'm honestly curious to see what you guys think

Have a good day / night everyone ^^

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