BBB (one shot)

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This is for lilspacebirb — and this is for their last one shot they have requested from me and they're an awesome friend , please go follow that amazing bean ! If you don't , I'll steal your nose and socks —

I believe all I have to do is redesign Starling and I believe your Prizes are done Lils — sorry it took so long dood xD


What had he gotten himself into ... ? His life seemed like a boring shade of gray and white, surrounded by people telling him what to do but when he finally left his boring old life behind and ... Stepped out into the world.

And that's when he met him.

" So cutie , what do you wanna do today ~ ? " Giggled the blue cursed demon besides him. He was cat like and his blue colors stuck out like a sore thumb.

" Why are you calling me cutie —? " The cursed demon asked, he didn't really like compliments that much, in fact, he preferred to shrug them off and just call it a day, but this was different.

" Because , I love your reds and beautiful colors ~ ! " He chirped like an extrovert but Pascal didn't trust that small act.

" Beta , do you even know where we are going —? " Pascal responded, his attention on the road ahead. The demon layer was a dry and empty place. Ruins had made up what looked like the background of a picture.

" Yes I do ~ why do you always gotta complain ? " Huffed Beta, he puffed out his cheeks, making it seem like he was childlike.

Pascal gave him a light scoff and took off the male's light blue cat hood and teased," you're trying so hard to be a cat, aren't you ~ ? "

" Hey , HEY ! T-that was uncool and uncalled for Pas — ! " Stammered Beta , his walking began to turn into skipping as they reached a small house on the edge of the layer. The house was made out of a brick like structure and the purple colors of it made it seem darker than it actually was.

Beta opened the small, wooden door and held it open for Pascal, who only shook him a no.

" Cuties first, that's the rule — " the words fell out of Pas' mouth so elegantly that Beta's face began to turn a dark red. He didn't know how to react and Pas held the door open for Beta instead. The cursed demon walked inside, his face still a bright red as Pascal only chuckled a bit, closing the door behind him.

They entered the small house; the blue carpet below their feet was super soft that Pascal wished he could just lay on the ground forever. Beta sat down in the red rocking chair, he closed his eyes humming some rythm that Pascal remembered from his childhood.

" You have a nice singing voice , I bet it would sound even more lovely if you were to sing ~ " flirted Pascal, he typically wasnt this flirty but there was something about making the psychopath blush that made him feel alright.

" You just like flirting with me , don't you ~ ? " Beta stood up, the hum in his voice not escaping . He twirled around the room like a ballerina would and Pas watched in quiet awe at the male. Beta giggled as he went towards the bedroom door and closed it half way.

" Beta — ? " Pascal called and edged towards the door. His eyes alert, last time the male did this, he almost have Pas a heart attack and that wasn't going to happen again.

Pascal opened the door and to his surprise, Beta was throwing blankets and stuff over the floor, mumbling about how to set up a pillow fort.

" What the f — "

" Swear , you put a quarter in the swear jar ~ " Beta teased and Pascal only let out a small scoff.

" When do you care about rules ? "

Beta's eyes flashed mischievously at Pascal and then he responded in a higher pitched voice then usual, " help me make a pillow fort Pasy !! "

~ time skip ~

It took 2 long hours of trying to set up the pillow fort, but after it was done, Pas let out a long breath of relief as Beta let out a small squeal of delight.

" ITS PERFECT !!!!! " Beta crawled inside the fort as Pascal only rolled his eyes amused at what Beta was doing.

" If you're not coming inside , I'm going to steal your brother's liver . "

" What makes you think I have a brother ~ " Pascal teased as he got down onto his hands and knees, he began to crawl his way towards the opening and sat down besides Beta, who was laying down on the comfy carpet.

" I just had a hunch ! " Beta stuck his tongue out and sat up besides Pascal, their two bodies close to each other, the closest they've ever gotten.

Pascal glanced at Beta's hood and then lowered Beta's cat hood and whispered softly towards the male.

" I prefer you without it on not going to lie. Makes you look even more adorable . "

Beta blushed a light hue and then glanced down at his fingers that he was twirling.

" I want to ask you a question — " Beta responded, he met Pascal's eyes , who had a tint of curiosity to them .

" Go on. I'm all ears. "

" Would you like to... Um.. I don't know .. maybe ... — "

" I'm listening Beta ~ " Pascal responded, which edged the kitty male on.

" Cuddle in the pillow fort for a while — ? " Beta choked out. His confidence had lowered and this caused Pascal to blush lightly.

" You want to... ?  "

" Yes , yes I do . "

Pascal layed down as Beta nuzzled Pascal's chest area and layed his head on his chest, listening to his heart. Pascal wanted to let out a small chuckle but he held his cool.

" You have a nice heart beat . "

" Say that to everyone you meet — ? " Pascal smirked , which caused Beta to sit up and lightly tackle the male.

" Oh you — ! " The pillow fort couldn't handle the sudden movements and crashed down towards the earth, covering them in blankets.

Beta giggled about what had happened as Pascal let out a small joke that he thought was quirky.

" Look what you did Beta ! "

" Don't blame me ! Blame love ~ ! " Beta whined as he crossed his arms, his face still a bright shade of red.

Blame love. The words echoed in Pascal's mind as his long ,unanswered question had finally been resolved.

Have a good day / night everyone !

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