Bellatrix (Oneshot)

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tagging Gmrsugarart =v= (you'll see why towards the end ~) 

Trigger warning : Abuse, Self harm, Bullying, Negligence, and Suicide are presented in this oneshot, viewer digression is advised) 

" You're just a petty piece of trash that doesn't deserve to live . " was one of the many things that Bellatrix had heard from her step mother. She escaped to her bedroom and shut herself in, slowly falling back against the doorframe and digging her fingers into her flesh until her fingernails were dotted in small specs of blood. 

She heard her step father call her ugly names from behind her wooden door that was chipped of its precious paint. Bellatrix shagged her ugly , snarly hair out of her face and huddled in front of the door, making sure that her step mother didn't try to break in. 

" You're just an accident ! Your father would be BETTER without you if you were never born ! " her step mother snarled a wicked laugh and the shouting intensified with every bit of power her step mother had said. 

I wished mother was here..

I wished mother was here...

Her mother had died during pregnancy and she knew that every time her father looked at her, he blamed her for his wife's death. 

If you never were born , Charlotte will still be alive and well.. 

Her eyes flooded with tears as she buried her head into her black and blue legs. She wished that her father was happy and well, she wished that everyone would be happy, even if their happiness costed her life.. 

She heard her step mother storm down the stairway of the apartment and unlock the door, and hear the familiar sound of her mother's friend, Sapphire. When her step mother, Tessa, had people over, Bellatrix was forced to stay quiet and not make sound since she didn't want anyone to be subjected to Bellatrix's ugliness and that if she were to talk, that she would get locked down in the basement once again. 

The basement was a severe punishment; sitting down there in the dark, with no water and no food until her step mother wanted to give it to her... which usually resulted in her food being thrown down the stairs and her eating it off the ground like an animal, or the small drips of water coming from the hose that usually leaked when the faucet was turned on.

" So Tessa, where's Bellatrix at ? " Tessa had introduced Sapphire to her when Tessa had first met her dad and Tessa usually placed on a fake , overdrawn smile when it came to someone asking about Bellatrix. 

" Oh, she's at a friend's house ~ " her step mother chirped as they moved down towards the small livingroom, the tv was so soft that Bellatrix couldn't listen in to what they were watching, like usual. Her step mother hated her watching tv and learning about the news, she didn't want her to get sinful ideas. 

Bellatrix moved herself onto her mattress on the floor she called her bed. She grabbed her beaten blue backpack and took out her science homework, the only subject she cared about. She was curious about the outside world, primarily space.  She was obsessed with space and she dreamed of being able to travel to other planets. 
Her grades weren't the best in school, but her grade in science was 100% as she only tried in that grade. Science spoke to her. 

She was lonely in school, always wearing hand me downs from people at her father's work or flea markets , she didn't quite fit in. Her school was so ... so obsessed with fashion and money as she went to a posh school. 

The girl's her age acted all snobby and mean about what she wore and how she represented herself. She hated changing in gym and typically hid out in the library, wishing she could just stay there forever... 

She glanced down at her scratch ridden arms and then grabbed something underneath her mattress, her eyes bleary but her attitude calm and collected. She felt the blade with her sensitive fingers and glanced down towards where her carpal bones were located; she could see her veins connecting to much larger ones and she took out a small, crinkled piece of paper and read what she had written. 

She was done with this. 

She was done with her abusive step mother. 

She was done taking away the happiness from her father. 

She was done being an inside joke at her school. 

And she was done with not achieving her dream of going to space. 

She had dealt with 5 years of her step mother and she couldn't believe that she took away her father's happiness for 16 long, fragile years. 

She closed her eyes, the last bit of tears streaming down her face as she struck that part of her wrist, doing it to both sides of her wrist, laying down on her mattress bed , muttering one word, 

" sorry .. " before she did it again, much deeper, stricking a main vein. 







She opened her eyes and glanced around the room. She had been sitting up in a chair, while a room full of ... people .. glanced at her eagerly. 

" I'm sorry for intruding.. " she sat up, she felt something go from behind her to her shoulder and spotted purple hair. 

A male cleaned off his sunglasses and glanced up at her. " Oh , you're not intruding , in fact , we're glad you're here . " he gave a small smile as she sat down again. The room was so colorful and there were men, female and other beautiful people around her. 

Her anxiety seemed gone and she glanced down at her arms, wearing a cozy space sweater. She wore a diamond , constellation skirt and she glanced behind her and felt feathery, white and purple wings. Her cuts and bruises seemed gone and her eyes glanced upwards. 

Is this what heaven is...? 

" So keeper of space, what's going on in the galaxy .. ? " a gruff male asked, he wore old fashioned clothing and his amber eyes glanced at her curious. 

" Please... just call me Galaxy .. " her words were meant to be soft spoken and quiet, but they were upbeat and out there. She bit her tongue and nobody seemed bothered by what she said. 

Keeper of space...?

" It just feel so GREAT flying through space ~ " a male wearing a pink shirt with hot pink details on it responded, his voice expressive as he came towards her side. 

Her eyes lit up as she glanced down at her hands. 

This is a second chance at life... 

At making a life that she wanted for herself... 

She smiled brightly, spreading her wings out as she began to fly off the ground a bit, her eyes closed and she could finally be whoever she wanted to be. 

No more she/her pronouns for them past this part. They would finally be a nonbinary that they always believed they were, instead of getting shamed for being a they/them. 

" My name is Galaxy and I can't wait to explore the deepest parts of space... ! " her mind felt more positive then it has ever been in the 16 years that she had been living.... 

I do hope you liked that angst oneshot and ... what inspired me to do that ? 

yes, a hetalia dark headcanon inspired me to do this- 

Have a good day / night everyone ~!

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