Blind (Oneshot)

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Dedicated to a conversation I was having with LiliandSnowC don't worry, none of this is canon.

"Hey... You've been acting strange lately, you seem more uptight than usual," he replied walking into his friend's house and glancing at the male who was huddled in a corner, hyperventilating.

"Leave me alone Tobias...!" His friend shrieked and Tobias took a step towards him.

"István talk to me!"

István got up off his feet and heaved towards Tobias, grasping something that was on the table.

"Why should I talk to you? You've always been everyone's favorite out of us two. It's not fair!" He replied.

Tobias stayed quiet and let his friend finish his screaming rant.

"'whatcha working on Ist, is that a poem, so lame.' 'whatcha working on Tobi-? This poem is so amazing!'"


"I'm done with being a shadow of everyone. Done with being your shadow." István revealed the hand behind his back that was holding a sharp knife. Tobias took a step back.

"István , this isn't you-"

"I'm done. Done with everyone!" István slashed the air and Tobias' eyes enlarged. There was a shattering sound of glass and that's when the austrian felt it. His glasses shattered and multiple glass shards slashed at his eyes. He stumbled backwards, everything dark and black and he heard István smiling. Tobias imagined the most darkest smile on his friend, Tobias placed his arm over his eyes and began to scream.

"How does it feel to be weak? To loose something that means dear to you?"

The door slammed open and there was running feet towards him.

"I'll get my brother out of here, Roman, you take care of István...!" His older brother, Buck shouted. He felt strong arms around him and Buck helped the blind Tobias to his feet.

Buck sat Tobias down after they made it to Buck's house.

"Tobi, let me see."

Tobias shook his head no once and Buck replied. "Bruder, I'm trying to help you."

And that's when Tobias put his arm that was covering his face and saw it.
"There's glass in your eye-"

"My glasses broke.." Tobias stated quietly. Buck's heart seemed to break a bit. Buck grabbed a glass of lukewarm water and lightly poured the water in like how the internet instructed him too.

Tobias blinked and replied quietly, "thank you brother."

"Of course." Buck held out 2 fingers. "How much fingers am I holding up?"

Tobias blinked once and there was a stream of blood. "I... I can't see it, Buck I'm blind."

Buck had only cried once in his life. He was told to stay strong, but he couldn't hold back the tears and anger he felt.

I hope you have a good day and night

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