Cuddle's Partners ( ALL GOT ADOPTED )

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So -

Ready for a long chapter of character explanation and Polyamorous ?

Cause I am nOT -


Am.. sorry..

I've been trying to practice being positive , but my Pessimistic side shows all the time .'D

Anyways -

Hey Lili , remember when I adopted Roe from you ?

Well they're back >.D

Adopted from LiliandSnowC and also drawn by them- sorry for the fucking tags lately Lils xD

I wanted to remake their personality and backstory and stuff because it isn't creative at all xDD

Roe is a giant dork. They basically are very extroverted and outgoing and can have a hard time telling people they're not okay. They basically can't take anything serious and when you do see their serious side , it's because something happened that affected Roe or one of the other partners.

Roe can speak , but they are told by their parents to be quiet and not speak, so they communicate by sign language and writing , unless they're around the right crowd where they can speak freely without being judged

When they were younger, they were told that people who were openly gay wore the rainbow and so, Roe would call themselves gay and parade it around until bullied by their friends.

Casted out of the daffodil kingdom, they were on their own until Cuddles had found them and they became good friends and known each other since they were 9ish in human years.

Here's Cuddle's childhood best friend! They've known each other for the longest time and even though they've known each other for the longest , Cuddles doesnt know he's a robot .>

Heidal is a very cold robot and he's basically a personification of a left brain. He can be very antisocial and caught up in his studies and groans at any type of joke and uses sarcasm a lot. Can come off as a major ass to people , but tries to be kind.

Why does he look like he is a cross between a blacksmith and a scientist ? Because he is both .>

Ya see that blue looking spot on his neck and then the markings ? Yeah , he typically wears a bandana to hide it because it shows his cyborg like parts.

He only has a mom , his father had created him but he's nowhere to be seen ...

Here's Alberto -! His species is an angel , but he's no angel .>>

He's basically the prince of jokes and flirting. He tells sex jokes and puns all the time and is a laid back prince. He is a loose cannon when it comes to his moods (very moody) and is a girly - guy

He likes to crossdress and be a giant gay boi

He is the prince of angels and can act like a brat , but he's only doing that to turn someone on le-

Kind of horny 24/7 and makes sex jokes. If yanno Angel Dust from Hasbin Hotel, he's basically kind of like that except a virgin

Hes very formal and uptight. He's a very serious gentleman and is cynical and can be very prideful. Can loose his temper if something comes off as illogical and uses large words and is fancy.

If he acts like he doesn't care , just note he does care and he'll keep his eye on you to make sure you're not doing something that'll hurt yourself

Holds the door for everyone , even if he doesn't like them . He does have class and usually doesn't hold grudges

Typically responds by saying "sir" "ma'am" or anything formal

Neat freak

Here's Trish! He's a blood drag. Blood drag's are typically royalty in Mirerralia (ah yes, I am remaking that world-) but Trish is no royalty...

Or is he ? .>

He's a tsundere tries so hard to act like a bad boy. He can be over critical and cold , but in reality he's a hopeless romantic and is super adventurous. He's an angsty teenager who has bad anger issues .

He's the shortest one out of the Polyamorous group and he hates it when Alberto (3rd shortest) makes short people jokes. That's why he wears a shirt that says 'not short'

He doesn't really get along with Vincent. Vincent tries to look out for him but Trish doesn't "like it when he does that"
And then later that night , Trish cuddles up to Vincent
L i e s

Also , about the royalty , blood drag thing- maybe he is royalty and since he's adventurous , he's running away ... Or maybe you'll have to read the story to find out .>

Here's Indigo , I know I haven't named the other's species expect a couple , but Indigo's species name is called the Oracle and there are two types , Dawn and Dusk. And Indigo is a Dusk Oracle.

He's the mother out of the group. He's very caring and vocal and can be quite nervous and moody. His feelings cloud his judgement at times and he can be a push over.

He always carries the med kit with him. After Vincent came home one day all bloody and beaten, Indigo had taken it upon him to patch him up and the others

Since he's the mom , he does all the chores around the place , but he refuses to clean Alberto's room ( because that is a m e s s )

He's psychic and he can read minds . All oracle's have that power, but he refuses to read minds because he feels that is intruding on someone's privacy.

Honestly , I redrew this boy after the first drawing turned out horrible and when I made this one , it was better and I am proud úwù

His species name are called Weathermites and they're basically based on the weather , and since he's a Dropple (sub species) he's a rainy, gloomy dood.

He's insecure , quiet and an introverted bean. He's a crybaby , fragile and naive. He suffers from crippling depression and anxiety and is very gullible and sensitive. He's gloomy and he doesn't want people to worry about him

The cloud on the top of his name is named Gloom and that's his pet.

He has been picked on all his life and it is because he stutters and as he got older , it basically haunts him

Adopted one out of his family. He has 5 siblings and he's the youngest.

When he is sad , Cuddles gives him all the cuddles in the world and so do the rest of him (even Trish)

And we have Andre - who looks like a normal human being , but he isn't...

He's a very happy-go-lucky and extroverted young individual and is a goofy villain >.DD

He over exaggerates things and can be a real drama queen also , he's good at acting sO-

He says he is homophobic and acts homophobic but in the end , he realizes he's bisexual and redeems himself (you'll see)

He's over the top and eccentric.

Everyone knows he's a villain btw but they don't do anything because he can't hurt a fly

Says he hates cats but seriously , his house is fucking filled xD


" Why the fuck aren't you dying ? "

" Is this on ? "

" Take this - oh... You dodged it- I'll get you next time ! "

Have a good day / night ^^

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