Detective Sever

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Oneshot for lilspacebirb , this is the Topaz x Sever oneshot , sorry for the long wait qnq

Im going to start writing that Beta x Pascal oneshot you asked for


The demon didn't even know what to say when the gold fairy leaned in as if he was expecting something. Sever's eyes widened as he pushed his close friend away and then scooted a bit away, he felt like he had ruined a moment that he wasn't even prepared for.

" I'm sorry Topaz , I just.. "

" Oh it's fine ! " Topaz stuck his tongue out like a dog and then Server rolled his eyes playfully while petting the male's soft, golden hair. It smoothly rain through the male's fingers and Sever felt a bit jealous that Topaz had such soft hair.

Sever had turned away as he bit the bottom of his lip, he felt so... So confused about this conversation. One minute they were talking about death and skulls and the next, Topaz had been going on about the future.


The future .


Sever didn't really know how he felt about this future thing. He was the kimd of guy that loved life to surprise him and try to throw him off his feet but Topaz went on and on about something he wasn't paying attention to ..

And then the leaning happened.

Topaz snapped his fingers softly as he hummed, that broke Sever out of his thoughts and then crossed his arms. He didn't know how he felt about the gold fariy but would his life change if he had leaned in and kissed the male on his soft looking lips ?

" Sever... You're day dreaming again ! " Topaz giggled and that giggled caused his heart to leap in his chest.

I should be honest.

I should be honest to Topaz .

He deserves the truth.

" Topaz , mind if we talk ? "

" You sound so serious — what's wrong ? " The gold fairy chuckled and scootched an inch closer to the demon.

" I want to tell you something and please try to see where I'm coming from this . " They came out more harshly then the male had intended and Sever winced when the curved lips of the golden fairy had gone down in disappointment.

" Topaz — "

" Look , i can leave if you want .. " his demeanor had changed completely. He went from the sunshine of the day to the sadness of the moon.
" I know when I'm not wanted "

" Wait .. Topaz —! " Sever tried to reach out to the male as Topaz fluttered his wings and lifted himself off the ground , a small gust appearing around the small meadow they were in — or more like Sever was now in .. alone..





The few days had been dry in the fairy layer , the tree leaves were turning an ugly shade of brown as they dropped towards the ground .

Sever had been traveling to the fairy layer as there had been reports of missing fairies going around. He marched his way up to the castle as he tipped his fedora at one of the guards that had a black and white stripped scarf around his neck.

" Hello. " Sever responded firmly. " Detective Sever is on the case, the king wanted to see me — "

" Guten Tag , you mean Prince . The prince wanted to see you . " The male corrected and the gate opened up slowly as Sever marched right into the place.

" Ahhhhhhh —! " The prince shouted, jumping up from his throne and then falling down a couple of the steps. Sever tried his best to be respectful but he couldn't help but smirk.

" Your majesty — " Sever responded and glanced off and spotted a blond gold fairy , his eyes full of pain  .

" I hired you since I believe there's a murderer in this very castle . "

" My Lord, that's such a big statement — "

" Nonsense , I know it's among my staff and my husband agrees as well ! "

Topaz came out of the darkness and skipped towards the aqua prince, kissing the prince on the cheek.

" Zands, Serein wishes to speak to you . " Topaz responded and the male giggled, giving a half wave and saying "Toodles" .

" You're married !? " Sever asked, a snarl appearing on his face. How could he be so blind and actually feel affection towards the fairy ?




He cursed himself for falling for the gold fairy that thought he didn't love Topaz back.

" I have a body you can examine down in the dungeon area , " Topaz responded, his words sounded so ... Odd together.

They walked down to the dungeon together, the ground was slippery and wet as the purple walls outed out weird shadows.

" So ... Where this this body at ? " Topaz grabbed Sever's ice cold hand which made Sever shudder , the back of his neck heating up. He liked the feeling of Topaz's warm hand and it ended soon as Topaz let go and pointed at the body.

The body had been severly damaged. The blood around the body was a dark , scarelt color as gashes were found all over the arms and legs of the male.

" You know who this is ? " Sever asked as Topaz took a couple of steps back, a gagging expression on his face.

" The old prince , Autumn . I don't know how he ended down here or who killed him.. "

Sever squatted near the body as he noticed the gashes on his arms spelled something.

Sick On Love ~

I'm just going to be sick on something else —Sever gagged as he spotted small insects inside the wounds . The body was already decaying and had been down here for a long time.

" Hey Sev — ? "

" Yeah —? " Sev kept his focus on the body in front of him as Topaz landed his hands on the male's shoulder.

" You're only here for work , aren't you —? "

" That is correct . "

" So you never thought of visiting me ? "

" That's — " Sever didn't know how to respond to what the male had said out . Sev choked on his words as he felt a sharp blade against his neck.

" You did this , why ? "

" If you're not going to visit me , I had to bring you here ~ " Topaz whispered  hushly into Sever's ears.

Hope you like it !
Have a good day / night !

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