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Hi, feel free to skip over this or mind this. This chapter is honestly going to express my feelings about some stuff on this stupid app and about something else as well...

Anyways , let's get into it

[ 1 ]
Wattpad needs to start fixing their stupid bugs that exist in their updates. It's getting annoying when I have to update this app and there are still countless bugs that make this experience suck. I am sure that everyone can agree with this , since I see a lot of people complain about this on their message boards. Honestly, this app was alright until the updates just .. didn't fix any of the bugs people have wanted them to fix . Like, when pictures can't load in even though the file size is small and would usually load in but for some reason isn't. Or what about the bug that won't let people on their phones see their own books and edit them ? With the countless bugs and the bad reporting system that needs to be reworked, it needs to be fixed. The bugs art starting to make this app unbearable and annoying.

[ 2 ]
( This isn't really directed at anybody and please don't get the impression that it is )
If I do something that upsets you, makes you uncomfortable, makes you want to eat my guts, jealous, anxious or anything else — please let me know.

I want to help out and help solve the problem and talking it out between us would seem like the best option instead of holding the feelings in and being seen as 'fine'.

I really want to help others out on this app and talk out our differences to come to a mutual agreement and talking in a private place so it's kept in private since it should be private and not everyone should poke their noses in the business.

It's good that people are venting about how they feel but if they/you keep feeling like that because of me, then talk to me so we can talk it out and be mature about it.

You can vent to me about me and what I should do to help give you more of a positive experience, but if you're going to ask me to stop posting / stop being friends with someone / anything harmful, then a different approach needs to be done .

I really want to help people out and by not talking about what I'm doing that upsets you won't help you get better, so if you have any issue(s) with me , please dm or pm me to keep it private ❤️

💞 Art trades 💞 — Open

⭐ Requests ⭐ — Open (limit 2-3 characters)

🍁 Customs 🍁 — open . Detailed comment please

I will die if you do so please don't quq

Have a good day / night !

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