Gay Fluff

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Ahhh yes, this art chapter is mostly art of gay Fluff , so yeah! Next chapter is going to be full of angst!

Istvan : who reads this kind of stuff?!?

Tobias: you.

Ah yes , Istvan making up an excuse to be by Tobias, and Tobias knows, and he thinks it's cute.

Istvan is a bIG gAY

Another Istvan thing , but featuring Jan!
Istvan and Jan are really good friends and have been extremely close even before WW2.
When Nazis invaded Poland, Hungary opened its boarders to let Polish refugees in.
(Fun fact for today)

Interesting huh?
I kind of ship Jan and Istvan-

Here are the Axis!
Kaito, Naz / Third and Anastasio.

Naz can seem like a very charming and generous male with a lot of ambition, but he's really cold, callous, and deceitful. He's really ambitious (more than he shows at first) and very spiteful and sharp tongued. Egotistical, kind of a nark, dark and can give off creepy and evil vibes.

Since we are talking about the Axis, I thought I would bring in Vichy France.
He's kind of a 'yandere' (or acts like one) he's obsessive, always tries to get Naz's attention, or anyways attention for that matter. Obnoxious, annoying, whiny, always 2nd guesses everything
(And so his famous line comes into place 'I did the right thing, right?')

Yanno, I drew this out of boredom and could totally see this happen-

Sergei x Deweii

And the 2 love-hate birds,
Greece and Turkey.
Kai and Ayberk ...

They argue like a divorced couple....

Have a good day / night y'all

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