Hateful Wonderland AU

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Napoleon was once attacked by a horde of bunnies ; The emperor had requested that a rabbit hunt be arranged for himself and his men. His chief of staff set it up and had men round up reportedly 3,000 rabbits for the occasion. When the rabbits were released from their cages, the hunt was ready to go. At least that was the plan! But the bunnies charged toward Bonaparte and his men in a viscous and unstoppable onslaught.

I found an old draft of Hateful Wonderland that was a FNaF story, and yanno what I decided to do to it? Change it around and use my ocs -w- (so creative amIright? 10/10) 

And so- here's what I have so far... 

I may actually publish this, but for right now, I am not so -w- 

Hateful Wonderland

Chapter 1 : A mixup of a realm

Everything seemed weird and on edge. He had been hanging around with an idiot of a friend, who kissed him and one of his friends walked in, and then stalked out with a scowl on their face.

The hungarian male tried to run after the scowling male, but the romanian had a sour smirk on his face.

"Your welcome..." and walked out of the room, laughing and skipping the opposite way his other friend went.

The world began to shake around him, and he saw his scowling friend reenter the room as the ground began to quiver.

"ISTVAN!" Tobias tried to reach for the Hungarian, and Istvan refused to grab the Austrian's hand.

The ground beneath the troubled Hungarian's feet and gravity pulled him down into a hole. Tobias raced towards the whole's entrance and screamed.



Istvan landed on a hard, cold floor and let out a long groan. His ribs screamed and he got up onto his knees and rose to his feet slowly. He glanced up at the ceiling and saw an enormous hole that he fell from.

He glanced around at the scenary and it looked like a birthday party had happened. He glanced down at his aching feet and he was wearing flats. A small breeze picked up and he saw a cerulean blue dress with a white apron tied in the back.

"EWW! AM I WEARING A DRESS SERIOUSLY!?!?" He hissed and walked around for a little bit. There was a scraping noise coming from somewhere down the hallway and he heard soft humming.

"Hello!? Can someone help me!?" Istvan called down the hallway and the humming stopped. And he saw a black silhouette on the wall.

They had gingerbread brown hair and amber eyes. They had their striped blue, yellow, red flag around their neck and that's when Istvan knew who it was; Roman.

"Yanno Roman, you can go bug off!" Istvan shouted and Roman started to growl. Istvan's eyes fell towards the floor as the male carried an axe that had been scraping against the clearing.

"Y-yanno... actually, I think I'm going to-"

Roman chased straight after him, his axe now in both hands and his legs sprinting after Istvan. Istvan ran down the long corridor and he heard voices coming from down below somewhere and a garbage shoot. Istvan took a deep swallow and jumped into the vent's opening and he heard Roman's axe smash against the wall, nearly missing him by a couple of inches. The vent was long and dropping and Istvan held his breath as he smashed into a thing of trash.

Istvan peeked out of the trash bin and he picked a yellow banana peel out of his hair.

"Gross..." and he jumped out of the bin. He glanced around and the walls down here were peeling. They were gray with black mold growing on them and there was an open door with light from underneath the door.

"Find any food...?" The voice sounded familiar to him. Istvan creeped towards the door and peeked in. He saw 4 males standing around a table, while 1 male laid on the ground, coughing.

They were his friends: Jan, Buck, Francis and Pablo; while he couldn't tell who was laying on the floor, he knew they were his friend as well and stepped in.

"Can you guys help me...?" Istvan asked politely. He always had to be polite towards Buck since he was Tobias' older brother and the German mouthed some words to him, words that he didn't understand.

"Found our lunch~" Jan shouted. The polish was typically shy and quiet, who feared all, but he seemed like the arrogant Poland from WW1. He laughed sickenly and Buck grabbed Jan's arm.

"Jan-" Jan smacked the German and gave them a disgusted look. Istvan took a step back. This wasn't the Jan he knew, who was this? Jan was a sensitive kind of dude who wouldn't hurt a fly, so why did he slap Buck?

"We can't eat that..." a hoarse voice stood up and he saw Matthew coughing and wheezing. He still wore the cross around his neck, but he didn't wear his purple robes, but instead blue pajamas. "That... thing maybe a doctor, please Francis! The sickness I possess could contaminate the food!"

"Yanno, the rest of us will be contaminated if we continue to eat this trash, what do you think Pablo?" Jan replied and Pablo smiled.

"Trash is disgusting, meat is great!"

"We can't let you eat trash Matt..." Francis replied and Jan pinned Istvan's arms back. He didn't even see Jan move from his position and Jan pressed his hand against Istvan's neck.

"Should we spicen her up Pab?" Jan laughed and Istvan's anger flared. He wasn't a girl, he wasn't gay, he didn't look good in the dress he was wearing.

"I am poisonous!" Istvan shouted without thinking. Jan swirled him around and glanced at him. Their noses touched and Istvan smelled the ragged his breath, it smelled like trash.

"How can you be poisonous?"

"Ummm... science," Istvan replied.

Francis raised an eyebrow and Buck started to speak up.

"Maybe we should-"

"NO ONE ASKED YOU!" Jan shouted and Buck flinched at the harshness in Jan's voice.

Francis said nothing as Buck cowered behind him. Jan's grip released on his neck and Istvan took the opportunity. He stepped on Jan's toe hard, and it startled Jan and Istvan took off running, without looking back.

Chapter 2 : Not what he expected

*Time skip to Night*

(Buck's POV)

Buck shivered as Pablo and Jan trottered towards him. Buck was on the way to his room, which was the female's bathroom because that seemed to be the only thing that stopped Jan and Pablo, they didn't want to be seen as supporting 'feminism' or be called 'gay for it'. Buck didn't really like it at first, but it was the only place that was able to lock, and so, he took it. They both had an evil smirk on their face, which caused Buck to have flashbacks of the many days and nights of torture he faced.

"Hi bitch~" growled Jan. "Trying to save our food again~?" Jan grabbed Buck's face and moved it around in his grip, a giant sour smile on his lips.

Buck struggled a little bit and Pablo slammed Buck into a wall and pinned him there. "How does it feel being gay hmm...? HMM!?"

Buck spit on Pablo's cheek and replied, "how does it feel being Jan's-?" and Pablo smacked Buck hard and threw Buck to the ground.


"JAN! PABLO! GO CLEAN UP!" Francis shouted. He wore his purple turtleneck and his french flag berret. His hands were on his hips and his blue eyes that almost seemed purple glanced at Buck and trottered towards him, as Jan and Pablo left the scene.

"You okay?" Francis held Buck's hand and helped Buck to his feet.

"....Yeah.... Now..."

"They never seem to listen when I tell them to leave you alone.."

"It's fine..." Buck lied and waved Francis off and opened the door to his bedroom, waved goodbye to Francis and shut the door, and locked it.

There were a row of stalls and he layed down on the pile of ragged paper and blankets and felt like he wanted to cry. He rolled up his sleeve and glanced at all his bruises that were colored underneath a purple marker.

He heard something fall into one of the toilets and soft cursing underneath someone's breath. It wasn't his friend Sergei reassuring him, but someone else.

"Hello-?" Buck opened the stalls one by one, and when he got to the last stall, he opened it and he saw the person who asked for help fishing out one of their flats that had unfortunately fallen into the toilet. Buck watched curious and when the person finally saw Buck, they let out a small cry.

"Please don't eat me! I lied about being poisonous but I am positive I don't taste good!"

"I'm not going to eat you..." Buck whispered and smiled softly. "W-who are you...?"


"I'm Buck," Buck replied softly and glanced at the male's dress. "Why are you-?"

"I have no idea, it's been a long day..."

There were loud footsteps outside the door and Buck's eyes were alarmed. He took Istvan's hand and went towards a wall and dug his finger into the wallpaper and opened the door. It was a small space, like a storage closet and Buck pushed Istvan in there.

"Stay in there... they won't find you..." and shut the door as loud pounding was on the bathroom door.

"BUUUUUUUCKKKKK! LET ME INNNN!" Screeched Jan. Buck went towards the door and opened the door spotting Jan and Pablo and had a fake smile on his face. 

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