Hello. How are all of you today ? [ VENT ]

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This happened three days ago and I decided to publish it today since it kind of happened today so x)

Ah yes, v e n t time .

Don't you just love family members that want it all their way and then will force you to do it and expect you to do it 100% their way .

Yeah. Me too .

My grand father and I went on a walk Monday and honestly, he was dissing that family member since all they do is sleep around the house and complain.

They don't have a job.

They don't make money and when they do, who knows where it goes .

They just... Exist and yell.

Like, so I have driver's training and they come into the bedroom and yell my sister and I

" Since you girls want to be gone all the time, you can clean off the counters and wipe it off "

- first off, ew don't call me a girl

- and 2nd off, you always complain about us not having jobs , even though you don't have one and I'm underage and no one is hiring a 15 year old sO

And plus, you always call us lazy even though they don't do anything around the house and can't keep a freaking job - I think that shows ?????

Plus, they always call us lazy cause we don't have jobs and don't pick up around the house

How hypocritical .

You're an adult.
Don't have a job.
Sleep all day .
Wake up and start freaking yelling at us since we're 'lazy'

How fun.

So, my step sister and I woke up around 8:40 Am when originality it was supposed to be 9:40 and yanno- we cleaned off the table, cleaned off the counters (while leaving paper and bills and stuff we didn't know what to do with) picked up around the sink , threw away trash that was on there and did our best to scrub away at the food my parents just leave on the counter to soak into the wood so yes, we are picking up after our parents .

My sister's boyfriend gets to the house, since clearly my parents had something 'important' to do instead of driving me themselves and picking me up

And so, when I get home from Driver's training, walk upstairs and into my brother's bedroom, since the Xbox was up there.

And a few minutes later, my step father walks in and shakes his head saying,

" That's not how I wanted it "

Well, if you wanted it a certain way, why didn't you just do it if you want it done perfectly ?

So if I didn't do it HIS way , I guess it's just wrong , right ? So if I don't answer it his way, it's wrong , right ?

As my Grandfather had said " It's always someone elses fault in his eyes . " And yanno, it really is freaking true .

Plus, I walked in the door on Sunday and my step father literally yelled at me if I knew where the veggie oil was and when I said no, he got angry and said I had an attitude , even though I was literally at my dads house 5 mins before this.

Anyways, I'm jumping off of track -
Oh yeah, I was on about what happened today ...

I literally said we didn't know where the papers and bills and other stuff were supposed to go and so we left it , cause it wasn't any of our business to be snooping through the pile of papers that they just keep adding to instead of throwing stuff in the trash and so my step father goes downstairs and it's quiet for the 5 minutes and yanno, I wish it was always like that

But, he came up 7 minutes later and bickered
" Trash goes in the garbage , food goes in the cupboards " and it's just like we freaking picked up all the food that were in pieces and chunks that you guys like to lazily leave around the place , how is there more ??????

And yanno, instead of exploding and having him get in my face aggressively - because he does that and hates it when people share their side and their thoughts - I said
" I'll take care of it "

And I texted my sister's boyfriend to let her know what was going on , so you know what that means ... ????

We'll have to clean to HIS standards which I don't get ; if he wants it down HIS way , then why doesn't he do it ??? He has arms and legs and doesn't have a job, so what's stopping him -?

Oh yeah,
Because he doesn't want to and wants to call us lazy


Hypocritical .


Toxic .


So yeah, how are all of you guys ??

[ July 26th vent about this ]

Hello, I'm here to kind of vent but this time, it didn't bring down my mood like the one above .

I hate it when people expect you to be perfect .

Like, perfect is impossible .

" If you're going to do something , do it right " was literally want he said to be today since I picked up the house and my little sister's trashed it —

Like, what makes you think that humans can do anything / everything they do right ?
Like, I'm sure that you guys reading this now have made plenty of mistakes before reading this , this past week and it's fine to make mistakes since we're only human !

But clearly, I have to eliminate human error in this situation / monitor my sister's who will just trash what I did .

They are like 7 and 5 and they don't pick up after themselves , they just leave their toys on the ground and when I have to clean the house because someone has to , it gets trashed 2 seconds after I pick it up which is a big unmotivator —

When you live with 9 people in your household at your divorced parent's house, it gets fun when you literally have to deal with a lot of bs , like what happened 3 days ago and the toxicness — ???

My mom said that he was trying to quit smoking and then my little brother and I see him with a smoke in his mouth , so much for that right ? Let me guess, going to blame that on us too ????

And yanno, I have a lot more freaking dumb stories like this where our step father literally blames us older children for stuff we didn't even do —

But, besides the point . I baked a cake today for my brother's bday and yanno what he said

" I know you didn't use all the frosting so where is it ? "

1. there was a small bit of frosting left

2. Wow, thanks . I love how you always have to critice everything I do and can't just be content with what I do .
Cause all I hear is complain, complain , complain , fight , fight , fight.

And I never did get a thank you for baking the cake sO I guess my baking skills can just go underappreciated which makes me feel good about myself let me add —

That's all I have to really vent about and I hope you guys have a good day / night ❤️

Hopefully have a good week since i might go back on break for the week since it's good for my mental health and I won't have to worry about any of this happening again until next Sunday (which is when I'll be returning)

Anyways, au revoir !

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