Her red lipstick 💋 (oneshot)

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This is an oneshot written for Gmrsugarart for the 2nd part of my payment !

Yandere!Shadow x Camilla

The male had been staring up at the ceiling feeling empty for what felt like hours now.

His heavy eyelids demanded sleep while his insomnia would not allow it, acting like a royal, bratty prince.

The male slumped out of bed, the bones in his back hurting and cracking in every weird direction he choose to walk and he finally exited the bleak house he called his own.

He shut his door rather loudly as he was able to hear the barks of his neighbor's dogs .

The male walked in the light rain , the sidewalk getting glossed over in the liquid as the male's eyes were straight forward.

In a couple of minutes, he landed himself in front of a small café with a tan paint and a big sign that read Mr. Waffles .

He pushed open the glass door and took a deep breath , the waffling smell of pancakes and eggs shifted through the air which caused his mouth to water.

" Why hello again Shadow ~ " a female voice giggled and he spun on his heels quickly to see Camilla batting her eyes at him.

He felt the back of his neck heat up as he spotted one of his good friends and then cleared his throat, trying to remain strong.

" Camilla . " He responded, he grabbed a container of lipstick and reapplied it to her lips . The redness of her lips made them pop out and he didn't realize he was staring until Camilla had cleared her throat and leaned against the hostess' post.

" Table for 1 ~ ? " She flirted, winking at the end , which caused Shadow to pivot his eyes away from her and nod to the side.

" Yeah. "

" It's always table for 1 with you isn't it cutie ? "

Did she just.. ?

Camilla moved her hips seductively and then turned her back towards the male, his eyes lingered on her body when she wasnt looking and he felt the urge just to lean in and give her a big kiss.

" Follow me hot stuff ~ "

" ... Whatever ... " He mumbled , his voice edged with grumpiness , even though he wished to give in to her and burry his head into her adoring shoulders.

~ time skip brought to you by Todd ~

The morning faded into the afternoon as Shadow finally left the café, a small frown on his face as Camilla had given the bill very , very late.

He took a step out and glanced to the busy jungle called a traffic jam. Car horns beeped wildly as the congested street wasn't being cleared.

" Hey ~ " Camilla tip toed behind the grumpy male , a cheerful expression on her face .

" You again ... ? "

A large male came up behind Camilla and gripped her in a big hug, burrying his head into her shoulder as her body squirmed, giggles escaping out of her mouth.

" Hey babe . " The male let go of Camilla and Shadow only watched the couple with a scowl.

" You are — "

Camilla nodded as she pushed her curly gray hair out of her face and running her hands through the male's hair.

" Yep ~ ! Engaged . "

Engaged ?

The words hit him like a train would hit someone standing on the track. He turned away, his eyes growing wide as he felt like rouge tears were going to fall.

" Oh — " was all that Shadow could choke out of his tight throat.

" Well ~ I'll see you later Shadow ~ " Camilla entertwined her hands together with the male and they seemed to skip off towards what would be a giant sunset in a cliche cowboy movie.

That night, Shadow couldn't think , couldn't feel. His world had crashed down all around him and his red eyes were pointed in anger , his mind whirling as he lost the one person he thought that he could find love for.

" I don't want to loose you " a girl on TV spoke , her voice quivering as the taller male placed his hands under her neck.

" You will always be mine "

That gave Shadow a thought that would make him a sinner. He would take what was rightfully his.

He stalked towards Camilla's café , he knew she worked late nights on a Friday and fair enough, she was closing up shop.

" Hey Camilla, wanna hang out for a bit ? " Called Shadow , his voice calm as adrenaline rushed to his veins. He couldn't take living without her anymore.

" Shadow , it's a little late — "
He grabbed the blunt object that he had grabbed and jumped out at her, swinging for the back of her head, her vision went wide in fear as she first got hit and after the third hit, her vision fell as her eyelids closed...

She felt water hit her face as her eyelids finally lifted themselves . Her vision was dazed as she looked around a small basement that was organized.

She tried to move, but her actions were restricted by something. Her eyes darted down to the ground as she was wrapped in ... In rope.

" Finally you awake ~ " Shadow places his hand under her chin and her eyes meet his sourful , lustful glare.

" ... What do you want from me ..? " Camilla choked. Her voice sounded strangled as Shadow gripped her neck.

" For you to be mine ~ you were always mine from the start my sweet Camilla . "

Shadow didn't know what set him off to become this ... This monster , but maybe it was the red lipstick she wore every day that he thought about all the time...

This oneshot was supposed to be 700 words but in the end , it's 931 words !

Have a good day / night everyone ♥️

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