Old Style Vs New Style Art Dump

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Update: My dad took my phone away for no reason and so I have to return to hiatus for an unknown period of time, this also means that on discord I can not see or read any messages.

I've left for hiatus on March 11th, 2021 and now, it's April. It's been a month and 11 days (or whenever people see this art dump. However, it's currently the 22nd for me — Nacht's bday is tomorrow owo)

From my grandpa stroking out to the thought of having surgery, the week of April 19th-25th has been stressful. However, my mental state has improved!

Anyways, I guess you can take this as me saying that I am back!

Surprised that instead of doing a chapter to why I was gone, I am doing an art dump to explain why I was gone?

It's probably more healthier for me to do this and I am excited to show you my progress over my long ass hiatus break I have taken because I did a lot of art whether wholesome, angst, redraw, simple or trauma art *that I won't show* and a lot of it tested my motivation and I played around with my style and I am happy to say that my style updated quite a bit!


Let's talk about hiatus. Shall we?

Honestly, the hiatus was good for me. I took a lot of time to reflect and remember all the things I cherish instead of getting attached unhealthily on social media like I was and that started to drain and chip away at my motivation and made me feel inadequate. The truth is, I have been going through a lot of things right now that I haven't fully been able to adjust to. I've been feeling more feelings than just being inadequate and although I didn't choose to hurt myself, I — I think you probably know where this route is heading and I won't trigger anyone by going into detail.

I didn't want anyone to worry. I didn't want to bother and text people because my self esteem and anxiety always told me "they're busy. They have better things to do."

I began to become tired of everything and I felt I was starting to become irritated more easier than I already do and my terrible headaches began to grow worse and worse because I let everything conquer me and overpower me than try to fight back and change the situation I was in.

FatYoshi5 noticed me going back to an old, unhealthy habit and he said I should take a break to catch my breath and I did !! If I would've continued at the rate I was going, I'd probably would've had more breakdowns then I already was —

He also really helped me do some poses and I changed some things up about my style ! Thanks so much my little Starfire, I appreciated it as without you, I don't think I would be able to do any of the stuff I have accomplished and I think I would've let my bad feelings (*Azreal*) manifest and take over — quq

I have always wanted my style to look more unique and do poses and stuff and I felt like I wasn't doing all that I could be doing! So, I decided to work on that to try to take my mind off of all the things happening in my life and work on different backgrounds ! My backgrounds will continue to be WIPs as I still don't feel comfortable with em and I wished they weren't so doggy shit—

My motivation was a complete shitshow to how it was in 2020 and I feel like I absorbed some of the motivation I once had back. It feels good for the hiatus, clear my head and not feel like a burden to anyone and that nobody wants to talk to / likes. Now, I don't want to dwell on a lot of the feelings I felt since... I don't wanna bring people more down then I probably did because this is an art dump and it's supposed to be fun and exciting, right? To anyone worrying, yes, I was safe. I tried to maintain hydration; however, dehydration got me and my appetite never existed so yeah .-.

I have a job now scooping ice cream, so I'll try to talk to you guys whenever I can ! I won't forget you guys; furthermore , I enjoy talking to you all and you're all precious to me ! Hopefully I can stay motivated and optimistic at my job although I am an introvert. Wish me luck everyone and just note I will still be here <333 ❤️💛

After I post this art dump, I will reinstall discord and I will vote and comment on all of my friend's stuff that I have missed (mainly that being everything) ! Because you all mean the world and are all supportive of me !! Love you guys <33 ^^

On a different and more wholesome topic—

On March 28th, 2021, I have finally gotten my hedgehog after waiting 3 months and her name is Pumpkin and she is a little baby qwq

Nacht was there with me when we got her and we are going to be good fathers to her. She's been helping me a lot with coping (mentally and physically) and I always feel happy and calm whenever she is around. I love my spiky daughter, she is coming more and more out of her shell and I wish I could take her to my dad's; however, he doesn't like that so she will be at Nacht's sometimes and sometimes my siblings will watch her qwq

Here are two pictures! She is a nocturnal baby; however, her sleep schedule is... Random xDD.

She was grumpy on the first day because the woman wasn't expecting us for another 30 mins and woke Pumpkin out of her slumber, which resulted in her being very sleepy and grumpy. The woman told us she is usually a sweetheart and I let her roam a small area and she is so adventurous! When she woke up, she wanted to sniff everywhere and have so much fun!

She's warming up to me so that's always good, I love my prickly daughter qwq

Again, here are some pictures of my baby úwù

And another picture because she is so cute and I love her

Lemme know if I should post more pictures of Pumpkin or if I should just DM anyone interested ^^

Now 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Onto art 👏

Since I had drawn one picture before my break, I am going to share it with you all since it is technically art ! Maybe you can compare these pictures pre!break and see how much I improved on to what I have done in past weeks ??

Remember Eiryls from the art dump before this? If you don't, that's okay! Here she is digitalized!

I tried to do some fading with her cape thing; however, does it look good? I used a watercolor tool and if you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments or dm me !

Examples are really appreciated if you do dm me cause sometimes, I don't understand when one uses just words-

These next ones are from hiatus and me drawing stuff in new poses and changing some stuff up!

This is for my life Starfire, FatYoshi5 !

I just HAD to draw you hugging a bunny because you're literally a bean and I love you so much qwq <333 ❤️❤️

Nacht got a slight thing added to his outfit and that is his yellow and red boots !! Pure baby uwuwu

I guess everyone can take this as a Happy Late Easter because that's supposed to be a chocolate bunny???

The next one gets into my new style more and I just wanna say what my inspiration is; however, please don't think it's girlish since boys can like the show as well—

The thing that inspired me for these poses is MH or Monster High! I know I don't talk about MH at all; however, it was my childhood and the messages I it are very inspiring and I love the characters so please, no judge—

Maybe I will make an oneshot book for it since Hetalia has a fan fiction (FrUk) and FNAF had a FNAF Ship Opinions and has FNAF Au although I am not into the fandom anymore and it's more up for memories and other people who use it as a tool for their stories—

Sorry for the mini rant! Lets get into the new style and lookit that-

Is that a fookin hand ? You bet your sour ass it is-

Jan is holding up two books and I wanted to experiment with him in this since ... Since... Idk, I just felt like using Jan and this seems like a Jan thing to do —

Something I am extremely proud of is a redesign / redraw of two old characters that have become comfort characters cause the world of Mirerralia is in an iffy state and I NEED to edit an old book from 2017 since I have a lot of outdated species looks and abilities—

If any of you guys have ever been wondering why people call me Lex and my persona's name is Fate, it's because of this dood !!

Honestly, I may shift over to being called Arthur; however, we will see—

Lex (on the left) and Angela ! Lex is the pumpkin king of the deceitful-demise and Angela was a runaway princess from the Havens! There is a really old oneshot I have read and I decided, why not redraw these two and rewrite that oneshot? If this is something you're interested in, lmk and I can tag you the oneshot!

If any of you were wondering where my username came from, it was from these two, Lex and Angela ! Here's a picture that lilspacebirb had drawn for my pfp back in the day that I still love and may change my pfp back to qwq

And here is my redraw that I am extremely proud of !!

They're dancing !! >.333

The pumpking is a nonbinary (they/he) and a skull mask covers his face due to that being where all his power and energy is stored. If his mask is destroyed, he dies, if it's removed, he's weakened. He can sprout inky wings and they are my observing, keen, callous gentlemen !! He didn't get changed at all and his mouth is usually covered by the mask since someone can damage his mouth when it isn't protected uwu

And the runaway Angela who becomes the queen of the deceitful-demises and loves her spouse to bits over Prince Charles who she was forced to marry. The oneshot will explain everything more and just note, Orious (the god of this world) says it's okay to do some questionable things which is why she hates traditions and "runs away". Haven is a very traditional and secret wings (their bibles name) place so it's corrupt in a lot of places! I changed her design up (mainly at the bottom) and one day, I'll probably draw the wedding dress she ran away in; however, her design colors will still remain white and orange -

Lils inspired me for the wings since I hate how I draw wings and hopefully one day, I'll be able to find my own style! However, take this inspired wing for now ^^

ANYWAYS, I love their pose and I am proud of myself for going out of my comfort zone and drawing those poses!!

Lex : to tell you the truth, I heavily... I have deep regards for you, Angela.



Yeah, this was my favorite picture and I had so much fun drawing them once more qwq

Speaking of inky wings -

I'm attached to my character named Lex and I wanted to draw him with inky wings and his mask off !!

The only thing I have to nitpick is that he has a flow of inky black tears coming out of his eyes, kind of like Azreal (demon man) does—

He would honestly have more scars showing and he's in a weaker state then he would be with their mask on !! Honestly, the power system is based off my FNAF AU for Shadow Freddy and him being the ruler of the Shadow Realm *when everyone makes him a grumpy "bad guy" and you do something different cause he is your favorite and #1 man-*

He usually sprouts his wings when he is in need of power and a part like this will appear in the oneshot if anyone is curious !!

I'm planning on drawing their brother's to show the different *kinds* of deceitful-demise, so look forward to that (remember this for later)! Furthermore, I am planning on redesigning my comfort characters: Shadow, Hicks, Prince Gabriel and Vincent (who is getting a name change since I have a Vincent AND Vicente— probably to Vinny?) So yeah, look forward to that!

On a topic of redesigning, I will be hopefully going through my male's who have the "old old" hair style I used to do and give them something more... Fresh. If you have any ideas, DM me because it's going to be hard imagining different hairstyles for many of my guys and help would be appreciated! If you're too lazy to look through my oc book, I'll dm you pictures of the hairstyle —

Next one up after designing Mirerallia characters is my first ever oc, Shadow, and fuck, I LOVE his new design, I adore it so much and honestly, from going to description to drawing, it was hard to find out what I wanted to do qwq;;

But happily, I say I improved!

Lookit my dashing gentleman who has a galaxy themed tie, I adore his purples and I love him QUQ !! He looks honestly amazing and fuck, he went from best boi Shadow Freddy (fite me) to an actual character because Shadow F began forming into a character sooooo


This redesign brings us into my first unmotivated challenge, his husband, Hicks. I'm having problems redesigning Hicks so if anyone wants to help me, please dm me. I dont get why his thing has become the bane of my existence but it has. I can see his design in my head; however, it doesn't connect together — qwq;;;

Before I jump into more redesigns, I want to acknowledge that looking through my oc book at my girl characters, their hair designs are very... Lacking?? They're all up in a ponytail and it looks boring and stupid —

So, I decided to redesign some girl characters to make them more interesting and seem less flat and copies of each other ! There's a lot more I have in my redesigning folder so there will be more transformations of these girl characters >.]

First one is a redesign of Desiree who had the theme of being a stubborn princess ! My second character with the theme of princess, first being Sylvie had a pink and pastel colors and looking at Desiree, she obviously had the same theme and that was a bit of a problem .-.

How is her theme being a problem? Because she could become a Sylvie 2.0

I remember adoring this design! However, that's not the case anymore and decided to go with a different approach and a different theme to this character! Say goodbye to the pink and purple and the cat on her shirt!

What's something princess like without copying Sylvie's character colors and making her unique? Sylvie is mainly lighter pinks and lighter colors in general. This idea snapped an idea into my head —

Here, let me show you what I came up with and her princess theme suddenly blossomed into being more Queen - Regal like than princess ... But that's not all -w-

I'm really proud of how Desiree turned out. She looks fresh and nice??

Her theme is feather and spades! This is honestly probably my most unique design I have ever designed and I really adore how it came out !

I adore the purple shades and the blue highlights, how unique her hair is and how much of a royal she looks ! She has a masquerade mask since I found that very interesting to add to her design and she would totally wear an owl mask with a spade eye in it! I get so many regal vibes from her that it makes her different from Sylvie and is a nice contrast between light and dark! It's a nice contrast between two characters with almost similar themes!

Anyways, I really like this! Adds a lot to her personality and makes me want to flesh her even more out and I can't wait to edit and change everything in her Oc chapter . Most unedited oc chapters are out to date—

And the second redesign is Cambodia or Chanthavy aka name I always seem to forget to spell it right because I always miss the "n" and "h"—

Anyways, she's the one on the left if you were wondering....

I really liked her design choices and how it stuck out from my female characters; however, looking at clothes in Cambodia they're so damn pretty and flashy and ??? I love how it looks ??

So why not bring in some culture to her design and change it up? This also brings more character development to this character and allows me to shape a personality up without becoming repetitive or boring —
Trust me, I probably sound boring describing all of this —

Her brother's design will also get a change since it looks kind of ugly and more of a flop then his sister's?? I can absolutely tell I spent more time on her than I did him so expect redesign in a future art dump !

Onto her redesign Arthur, quit going on a mini rant, this chapter is as long as is —

I honestly really like her new design! It makes her look fresh and interesting ! Although I struggled with her clothing, I had such a fun time planning her hair and making her look interesting !

As I said, I am obviously going to be redesign her brother and maybe Vietnam one of these days; however, take this new design of Cambodia! I'm honestly proud of it qwq

The next character is a character that I already redesigned before, Daymare!

Why am I giving another redesign to Daymare when I could be doing something else?


Lookit this space vomit of a redesign—

This is his original redesign and it was the second I have drawn in Ibis paint, first being Nergui.

I'm not going to list the flaws of this design or we would he here all day

So take this new design and completely erase the one up top from your kind because space vomit ! .D

I can be mean to myself and my art because it's less junk than what it was before this chapter unu

Since the redesign before this one looked very cluttered, I decided to tone it back and I really like how nice and breathable it looks.

I looked to the original one as a reference and that's where I got most of the colors from since the original does a better job at balancing colors out then my first redesign and I feel like this is a worthy successor !

His two scarves are different and are on either side of him instead of being together because I am a sucker for two scarved characters, I think it looks very nice and spacey, my goal of completing. Also, I made his scarfs longer because I love long scarves, they look so comfy —

I changed his hair up since I think it's a nice change than hairstyles similar like that and trust me, I am probably going to go through some of those characters and change their hair styles up as well *cough* dm if you have ideas *cough*

Love the sassy and horniness energy that this design gives him and I will be working on a picture of him and his wings; however, I wanna get more confident with how I draw wings since I'm still not completely sure —
So look forward to another art dump with explanation onto how he can hide his wings and how his wings work ,)

Speaking of Guyana, I designed Suriname, who I made be his sister! Here she is!

Honestly, don't really like her design so I may redesign her or ask for a redesign in the future, the only thing I like is the contrast of colors between her brother and her?? She's supposed to be daytime energy while he is nighttime energy —

Her name is Ilmestys (mestys for short) and she is a motherly type figure that loves her older brother; however, she can have an attitude towards him as his horny energy can become quite annoying when Eclipse (Force's character who is Daymare's bf) is around ! She has trust issues and she argues a lot with her brother because she cares about his wellbeing and if he is sound, whether she likes to say it outloud or not

Anyways, I was experimenting with backgrounds and trying to make it interesting in its own way so yeah, that's what is behind her — quq

I don't think I'll EVER be good at backgrounds sooooooooooo that'll always be one thing to critise me for if you're looking for something to do—

Why am I — a lot ??? God, I don't know ?? I feel like I am going on forever and ever so I am sorry xD
Next one I'll keep it nice and short, okay?

Remember when I said to keep the Lex getting siblings thing in a pin? Yeah, this category is about siblings !!

Or siblings
Hey, he's like me with fucking 6 siblings; however, he has more—

Lex will have about... A lot of different siblings; however, this picture is of the second oldest and his boyfriend, representing two different species of Decietful-Demises

We are going to touch upon Lex's brother, Stolas! Fite me on the name, it's pretty—

Stolas is a owlrisk! An owlrisk is a demise that wears an owl skull, has white pupils and is half bird! Usually, brown is the most common color of these characters but *royalty* have fancier colors and since Stolas is a "Thane". A thane is where someone who holds land granted by the king! He is a very important figure in a city called Masserge!

Stolas is very cunning and sweet talking, two faced and usually is very cold and callous. He's very fancy and uses big words cause he is a noblemen!

And his boyfriend which was an arranged marriage but filled with love marriage! I'm sure OG readers of Mierralia will remember this guy, Jest! He's a glitch and their species is still underdevelopment; however, instead of being on the 4th layer "underworld", his kind live in Misshapen woods that is like the one world in FNAF World—

Jest is still the same Jest, over-the-top, comedic and puzzling to understand —

I'm going to be designing:
1.) Mauve the vampiric bat
2.) Caelum the Mothrix
3.) Ataraxia the Scintilla
4.) Bernardo (.>) the daemonic — spelled wrong on purpose
5.) Ensorrel the Malefic
6.) Constellatio System the host (Vespertine) is Anteric
7.) Phthartic the Darkling
8.) Seraphic the Umbras
9.) Cozen the Obeisance

And since I am running out of room in my Oc book, they will ALL share a chapter xD

Anyways, hope that was interesting to read and got you invested in my species I need to make references for —

Yeah so
We are changing topics, fuck it


This is a redraw of a VERY old drawing that I wanted to put in lilspacebirb VERRRRY first art contest in their first art book; however, I never did since I felt insecure about it-

Nala and Maple, the two beans! I don't know why I didn't attempt at the Maple leaf more times then one; however, I guess I can see it since this art style is kind of bad; however, I could've used a reference instead of making Maple look so... Bland by accident out of insecurity —

The nostalgia is heavy in this picture and I don't understand why I cut the border in half?? To show emotion or something maybe??? To show they're in different world's??

I didn't have much commentary on my drawing due to it being in my first art book and having only one sentence talking about my artwork and never really diving deeper than that when I had a lot of thoughts for this I can't remember?

Honestly, my art book was mostly just incorrect character quotes, bad writing and a small percentage of art. That's how insecure I felt about my art because a freaking third grader could probably draw better than me — xDD

Probably still can —

Anyways! I decided to draw them doing something different and in different poses since why not?

Nala is Lils' character and he's the smol bean on the right ! I honestly like the poses they're in, they look like they're having lots of fun; however, these poses aren't anything creative sO yey ! More for fun and to see improvement, I came a long way-

The only thing I wish I had done is spread the two away from each other and have given them room. They look very cramped together and ?? Oh well, it was good practicing different posing!

Next one is a character I adopted from Gmrsugarart, remember Eve, the gacha I adopted from you?

Yeah, I FINALLY found the gacha to use the correct colors and I digitalized Eve and she looks... Better than her drawn form that I did??

If you wanna see how it was, Oc book since I don't have enough room to show the art form and it isn't technically a redesign, just a redraw of a character —

I drew her in that pose since she's an underrated oc that I never draw much of and I really wanted to change that since she was designed by an amazing friend ! I need to draw more of my adopted ocs, you all are amazing friends —

I honestly love her a lot in this picture !! Makes me wanna draw Zaden x Basillio x Eve because I love these three characters a lot and I think they have good chemistry between the three of them uwu

Salty smart ass x horny flirt x tsundere is something that I LIVE for. I love a poly relationship like that, not too much soft moments but enough to leave one wanting more —

ANYWAYS, I think I did good on the pose, something fresh, better than her standing there and looking all dull in my original picture, it looks honestly bad and this gives this underrated character a chance to shine

And the last thing is a cover !! A cover for my oc book that I am in the process of editing and adding more ! ^^

Small rant warning : I've never felt proud of any version of the book I have been working on (there's been like, 5 before this-) as I always change my mind about wtf I want to add and describe to people!

I want this oc book to have a much more detailed form; furthermore, from the "edited chapters" those need to be re-edited because I added some more stuff and I wanna make it look as possibly aesthetically pleasing as I can —

I don't wanna rush out my Oc chapters as I believe that was what I was doing and how I was able to mass produce. Instead, I want to be detailed and go deeper and deeper into my characters without giving too much away about Destiny so you guys can create theories because I enjoy reading the small few I receive —

Anyways ! Onto the cover and the cover may change to something else; however, I am not quite sure so take this cover ^^

I drew my persona digitally for once and I am staring down at two heads that are sticking out, Mitch and Buck, my favorite oc couple! FatexNacht don't count since that isn't fictional—

I messed up on a bit because I am not used to drawing myself digitally as I have never done it before and honestly, I hate drawing myself. I enjoy drawing Nacht more being a soft bb than I being a potato —

Speaking of Nacht, words in rainbow and Nacht had written on the box since he isn't a character, he's an actual person, what a silly starfire. And I wanted to include him since he helped me a lot on my world and character building . And helped me with a lot of research and told me about their history and stuff and checked some of my wips to make sure they feel relatable to the countries, overall, he helped A LOT úwù

Anyways, I like this cover and it felt good to finally draw Fate out digitally.
Although I really like my Oc Book's cover now, I wanted to change it and make it into a digital piece!

I may do a cover for my art book; furthermore, ideas would be appreciated for that!

I am not doing Fate on the cover of it since I, Arthur, don't like that man. I already am on one cover and I am fine with keeping it that way and I hate drawing my persona over and over because it feels like I am forcing Fate down your throats —

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this art dump and look forward for more progress!!

Have a good day

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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