Pride Month Art Dump + Special Anniversary ❤️❤️

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Posted at 12 am EST June 12th, 2021 while listening to a giggling dork named Nacht—

Hey guys!

Big things happened in June towards me and I wanted to share em with you!

June 6th, 2020 I came out as trans and so, it has approximantly been a year since doing so! ... Damn, I did that during Covid? Felt like 2019 when I did it; regardless of coming out, I've always been a male

June 12th, 2019 is when my world began to seem brighter and brighter after the ugly gray skies that was hovering over my life. I got together with the love of my life, Nacht (FatYoshi5), and we have had good times that outweigh bad times and I am so proud of my little Starfire! It's been an honor and fooking fun to be in a serious relationship with an adorable, my best friend and the love of my life!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'm glad that we got together; there aren't enough stars in the night sky for how much things I love about you (you bet that's going to go on Fatch shipart in the future) and I freaking am having a blast talking 24/7, hanging out and being around you! You genuinely make me happy and I'm glad you're here because without you, I'd be lost and six feet under

Just... You mean a lot to me and I appreciate everything you do. I wanna take the time and say this: you're not ugly - you're worth more than diamonds and pearls; you're not fat and even if your chubby you should be proud of your accomplishments and how far you've been working and hearing your voice is like gold and full of love <333 ❤️❤️❤️

Since it's our anniversary, I wanted to start off with a small gift for Nacht and it fits under the theme of pride month... Sooooo happy pride month everyone!!

Furthermore, it's probably my favorite pride picture I have done!!

All these pictures in here have my new background style! I'm honestly proud of it for no reason whatsoever. It just speaks... Me??? Idk why, I am going to be working on a signature soon— 


I gave Fate a different outfit since I can and felt like it—
I wanted to give Nacht a different outfit; however, you seem to be attached to that German sweatshirt and I followed your request of leaving it uvu!

I gave myself trans attire since I'm a proud dad and I wanted to represent pride in both being trans and pansexual ! Nacht is being a sweet demisexual and we're both laughing and having a good time !

If you noticed, good for you, these are our matching profile pictures on discord! I plan on drawing a new pfp for Nacht and I in July but for now, these cuties smiling will have to do (hit me up with ideas, Nacht ~ ,) )

The next ones are for the lovely Gmrsugarart ! These two are both for payment of an Oc I adopted (who will be shown later down the road)

Your request was to redesign the Moon and Sun goddesses and so, here is the Moon goddess!

I kept her design simple, went with long sleeves since it gets cooler at night and gave her fluffy wings !

She has a ying-yang thing on her forehead which is actually a moon phase !

I thought purple would fit her best since purples are usually paralleled to the moon, space, stars and other galaxy kind of stuff!!

Probably my favorite out of the two! Yes, I did redesign the sun goddess and here she is!

I chose yellow, pink and orange to represent the sun since they're warm colors and can be connoted to the feelings of the sun!

I gave her wings like that because I didn't want to make her a fullblown angel and I didn't really have any ideas—  qwq;;

Took me a lot of brainstorming to plan out how to make her feel sunny and warm tbh so I struggled —

Even with struggling, hope you enjoyed Jackie! Feel free to use the two redesigns or pieces of them! If you need help with other redesigns (*pssst* my book is open—)

Two more things for Jackie ! These are customs I owed her since I adopted a character from em that became Cape Verde!

Here's a cat with wings! They're a gray tabby and I really like the soft blue background for some reason?? This cat got wings because I didn't want them to be "too bland" so I added stripes to em!

And the next one is a three legged doggo!

Three legged animals need more love and so, I decided to draw you one! Shadow better treat this doggo good or he is dead meat >.(((

Can we all just 👏👏 for three legged service animals?? They're literally so amazing and beautiful animals —

This was the character I got in return for these customs and I absolutely ADORE her! Her name is Bonny and was adopted from Jackie!

She's Cape Verde and I decided to make her cloak cover her whole body! This kind of reminds me of Ralsei in a way from Deltarune with the cloak covering most of the body!

I didn't change anything about her and I decided to go with her original drawing because I honestly really like how sweet and pure she looked! That doesn't mean I don't like the redesign I made for Bonny , far from it, however, this has charm to it and I honestly adored it the first time seeing it and still do!

Her and Rose would be soft best friends since they're my only "soft uwu" characters!!

Jumping onto a different category, these are new characters that were originally old characters that I adopted away as NTA's because I didn't like their designs. I always have a problem staying attracted to designs since I find them boring if they're not unique looking (which makes me look standoffish —)

Anyways, here is Albania!

Here's Ylbere! She used to be known as Roze and is Albania! I didn't hate Roze's design, far from it; however, I already had a character named Rose and I didn't wanna cause confusion. Plus, I had different ideas for Albania that I adore a lot (hense this being the design)

Doesn't Ylbere looks so cute due to her purples and pinks? That's the point. She is a master at using weapons and is a two faced mercenary—
Which I will be designing that outfit, don't you guys sweat. She also isn't really that much of a bean; however, she's a good sister trying to keep Vitinia safe from Neno—

Like the pose, like the deception and I love the theme that surrounds her!

Next one up is a wolf themed character named Ulvi! Fun fact, Ulvi has the name meaning of wolf in Iranian! ... So I guess you can see the theme ... —

I know I said I wouldn't use blues; however, it just really fit with the grays and such—

He is a loner, callous and unstable individual! Had a lot of fun thinking of something cool to give this guy a "chilling affect"

Honestly, could've done more wolf theme to this guy but he's perfectly fine where he is!

If I was going to do Iran, I would have to do Iraq! This is the character I adopted from Jackie when I redesigned the goddesses!

This guy was originally the god of death and his dark theme went well with what I envisioned for Iraq!

I didn't change anything about this character design wise. I only changed the name to Qasem since I need characters with the letter q and such xD

Next one is Syria!

I changed EVERYTHING about this character

Used to be named Jamal - changed to Tariq

Used to be blacks and reds - changed to purples

Used to just flat out be a brat - still is and two faced to be a manipulative, compulsive liar —

I really adore the pose he is in and the colors, he seems so fresh??? I know I say fresh a lot but it feels like something I can just draw, draw and draw!

This was a wip I showed in Lils's server and fun fact, this country never had a character I drawn out for it since I would always exclaim that I was done with my world

... But I was wrong—

I'm always wrong—

7 more designs left and their themes are going to be so far : pastel cloud pjs, rainclouds/storms, 5 are unknown, maybe ask people for customs or adopts? Who knows

Anyways, here is Virgo!

I really like the green and teal, I feel like it's very calming and honestly, this was very calming to color this royal dood! I know I have been doing a lot of royal designs; however, they're just so fun and can be kind of simple?

I didn't have a set theme, I kind of just... Doodled a random outfit and decided to go with my least favorite color (green) and teal and yellow to balance it out since he was originally all green ... And oh boi that was something else—

Like his pose a lot and now it's time to think of a personality for this dood since he's not going to be the bratty, stuck-up bottoms like Royal, Tariq and Zakariya—

The next ones are references for characters that were on paper and someone asked for my "villain" ocs! All my characters can classify as villains and heroes but there's a lot of gray area with them being countries sO—

Here's Oman! He is Pakistan and he is kind of the old "men do everything, woman cook" stereotype since that's a big issue going on there—

He doesn't like his sister talking (and dating) his worst enemy, Vihaan and can often throw hissy fits! Nothing much to say besides he's probably the most simplest oc to draw out of 244 characters—

Next one is Serbia!

I'm not proud of that blue at the end of his legs and how it's different from his cape and shirt—

Kind of morphed back into the old style with my hands and I hate seeing it; however, take this picture for now and I'll try to fix his coloring problem

Next one up is Sirgay! I'm sure if you follow my Oc book every time I upload, you would've already seen this picture; however, I'm showing it here!!

Here's the one and only Russian male! I don't really have much to say except I think I did a good job on color balancing! His red eyes could be a bit brighter tho; however, I like this digital design!

Now, these aren't really "villains" but I drew these guys out to give them a digital reference!

Here's tired™ also known as T H I C C Hristo! I used the colors from his flag since... His flag is his shirt -w-

The rest of the colors were picked out by Jackie when she created shipart for Hristo and Roman back in the day so don't give me much credit!

Anyways, I really like seeing Hristo digitalized and can't wait to redraw shipart of Roman and him since they need.... Updates

Speaking of Roman...

We have Roman's bb brother, Daniel! I used Moldova's flag colors for his shirt and decided to use teal and change up the boots!

I still really like this design, it looks better than his old one although only slight changes had occured.

Since we're on the topic of little brothers, have the youngest UK Brother, Ellias!

I actually drew dragons on his boots so this made me happy! I used his flag colors (one again) and gave his wings patterns on em to make them stand out more and honestly... I like it!

I'm planning on digitalizing Archie, Stephen and Ffion so look forward to that and then the UK brother picture redraw!

The last one for little brothers is Lars!

Ive never felt motivated enough to draw Lars out since Nacht had already beautifully redesigned him and now, I can finally say that I drew Lars!

Used colors from his flag for the red, blue and yellow and Nacht picked out the purple. I really adore this design and will redraw Lars and Mathias together for the... Hm... Fourth time?

Next up is Kaito! Don't know why he is placed here when he could've gone with the other references above the little brother section... I ... I dunno ...

He was redesigned by Lils and I tried to stay true to the original design! I dunno what particle brush you used for his sleeves to get it to look amazing so I blended some shades of gray together andddddddddddd .-.

The only thing I added was a sword since I feel like Kaito would fight using his ninja sword and martial arts since he'd probably say something pridefully, "... True men don't need guns to accomplish their goals..."

Take an incorrect character quote here:

Kaito : guns are informal. Knives are where it is at


Buck : ... I take it you don't use spoons at all—

Anastasio : forks .D

Kaito : ... What about with soup?

Anastasio : right back at you

Anastasio : everyone knows you can't eat food with knives!

Sorry, my tired brain decided to make that because it's fooking random like this book—

The last piece of this art dump I've been saving.

It took me 10+ hours to finish

It took me a long time to gather up some of these characters; however, it's finally done.

My second favorite pride picture —

I used a base; base was created by someone named Gentei_Sozai on Twitter!! This is my first time tracing a base so ... It felt weird -w-

From left to right we have ...

István - Gay
Tobias - Bisexual
Basillio - Polysexual
Negasi - agendered
Cho - genderfluid
Esi - demisexual
Intersex - Unity (from the Comoros System)
Sterling - nonbinary
Vanessa - Polyamory
Mercury - omnisexual
Demiboy - Kolma
Demigirl - Lucia
Melly - aromantic
Archie - pansexual
Paris - transgender
Sergei - asexual
Jahza - gender queer
Zlatica - lesbian

I honestly am really proud of how this turned out and I am glad my ambitious plans worked! I had made two before these in my... Old old style and I don't hate em but... I just don't like em either? This, however, really shows a unique community and how prideful ones can be!

I'm proud of this picture and I had so much fun making it, struggling with it and everything else in between !

Happy pride month guys <33 💛
Stay safe and have a good day!

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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