Psychology Facts

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I'm lonely and I remember doing these in my first art book so why not bring that nostalgia back~?

It isn't the end >.) 

School doesn't test your intelligence, it tests your memory. 

If you want to know where your heart wanders, look where you brain wanders. 

The smell of oranges reduce stress. Smelling or eating an orange can reduce stress over 70%

People that are really close to you, can read your mind. 

People who understand sarcasm can read other's minds. 

The lyrics to your favorite song expresses everything that you struggle to say else wise to others. 

Never use your favorite song as your alarm clock. You'll end up hating it. 

Our mind has an ability to sense if somethings wrong, or you're going to be in danger. If you get a gut feeling, never ignore it. 

People with a sarcastic personality, tend to be more honest towards their friends. 

Attempting to convince yourself you don't care about someone is a clear indicator that you do. 

The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. 

People who tend to hide their feelings end up caring the most. 

Women are naturally better liars than men. They are also good at detecting lies. 

When you are crying, the first drop that comes out of your right eye is happiness. If the drop comes out of the left, its pain. And if its both, that indicates frustration. 

Your brain now processes a texted smile as a real one. .)

Humor is associated with intelligence. 

When an intoxicated person is talking, 65% of what they're saying is true. 

A messy room can influence creative thinking. 

A change of scenery can help fight depression.

Babies born in May are be heavier compared to other months. 

Humans are more honest when they're being watched. 

You look more attractive when talking about things that interest you. 

Slow eaters like to be in control and enjoy life, while fast eaters are more ambitious and goal-oriented. 

Love is biochemically undistinguished from having an OCD

Cold is tightly connected with the feelings of loneliness. 

Dreaming helps ease painful memories. 

When a person dies, they still have some minutes of bit of brain activity left. 

Psychology states 3 reasons for listening to music, they are - (a) to improve your performance on certain tasks (b) to stimulate intellectual curiosity and most importantly (c) to manipulate or influence your own emotional states to achieve the desired mood. 

People who view TV crime shows are often people who overestimate the frequency of crime in the real world.

Women with higher IQs often have a harder time finding a partner.

People with low self-esteem are more likely to criticize each other.

The average person can only remember seven things at any time.

Just watching someone preform a task triggers your brain to act as if you were doing it yourself.

The more you do something, the more you like it. 

On average, it takes 66 days to form a habit. 

 There are real "walking dead."

(Cotard's syndrome is a condition that was first described as the 'negation delirium' (le délire de négation) by Dr. Jules Cotard in 1882. It has been sensationalized as "walking corpse syndrome." The syndrome involves any one of a series of delusional beliefs that the individual is dead or has lost his/her soul. Some believe that the person is rotting on the inside, or has lost organs, blood, or body parts.

Neurologically, Cotard's syndrome is thought to be related to the Capgras syndrome. Both syndromes are related to brain damage which leads to feelings of derealization (i.e., an altered experience or perception of the external world so that it seems unreal.)

Hysteria was first attributable to only women.

Insanity is a legal term, not a psychological one.

Humans can life longer without food than they can without sleep

The color purple - or more specifically 'laveneder' creates a soothing effect. It is also a great color for your bed spreads. 

When you yawn and someone else yawns right after, it means they were watching you and/or are attracted to you.

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