Redesigns And Other Art I Am Proud Of OwO

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Bonjour mansters, ghouls and other entities that go bump in the night -

I am here to announce that this is probably an art dump I am the most proudest of since it has A LOT of work I am proud of and hopefully you guys will feel proud of me too and send feedback on it ^^

Hopefully you guys enjoy what you see in this art dump and ... Yeah ... ^^

Let's get started ;

This is a gift for FatYoshi5 and honestly, I hope you love it <33

It's Nacht trying to be edgy and failing since he's cuddling a birbun named Poppy and Fate is in a new sweater / outfit that I wanted to draw them in =v=

I hope you enjoy is love 💋💋💋💋

Also, here's a request that you sent in (the lineart as you get to color it <3)

Moving onto finished art trades uvu

CreativePrince here's your boi and my part of the art trade

Sorry if he comes off as edgy owo -

Midnight_starlight5 and here's my part of the art trade uvu

I like how she turned out owo , I was thinking of adding some small features to it but I decided to stay true to the design uvu

This is for lilspacebirb and is a crackship between one of my ocs and one of their's uvu

This was inspired off of a roleplay that we are doing and it's so sweet quq

It says everyone might say you're cold-hearted but I know they're all wrong

That's Zander thinking that about Sergei as they hold hands and it's just so cute and quq

I don't know why I drew hearts for the eyes of the skull on Zander's shirt but I felt like it would change based on Zander's emotions so owo

Now, onto some of the best (and most time consuming-) art I have made uvu

Now , remember my friend in the other art dump who I asked which country they wanted me to draw ?

They also said Spain and so, instead of doing a lineless art for Spain (because I would so badly mess up on his colors-) I inked him and finished him for this art dump uvu

I asked last art dump which countries you guys wanted to see and my phenomenal friend lilspacebirb (<33) said Ukraine !

Heres Ukraine uvu
He got a slight redesign change and honestly, I love how he looks ??

I like how I used more colors than just orange in his original design and I kept the flower crown (that's red, pink, yellow, green, blue, purple) and gave him fingerless , yellow gloves

Those are vines on his orange boots btw owo

In the last art dump, I made Axel say something encouraging and so, here's Jan to say something encouraging uvu

It might seem impossible right now, but things will get better 💜

Even stars shine without darkness and to shine, you need some darkness

Just breathe and believe 💜

Now, this picture is a redesign (revamped, I should say) picture of this :

Mitch in his old clothing ... Major oof

And poor buck didn't get included in this picture qnq

And so, I decided to change it with this redesigned / revamped picture uvu

Awwwwwwwww >w<

Look at em , they're such a pure family quq

I made Mitch hold Angel's hand since in the last picture Buck did and so uvu

Might make a family photo of these three if anyone really wants to see it owo

Another redesign !
Anyone remember this outfit of " pre!nato " ?

Yeah, well, I decided to redesign that one too since I redesigned the Nato one and I had an idea for this one uvu

Similar to the NASA design he has (like colors and stuff) but instead of NASA , it's 76 so he's historically accurate depending on the time period I put him in with this outfit

It's 10/10 better than the one 76 picture I drew for pre-nato shirt —

Moving away from redesigns owo

The story behind this picture was that I drew this in french class while our teacher played us a song named " Je Pense Encore A Toi "

This video was made in 2006 and when all the harry potter movies / books were coming out and this is what our teacher showed us as I can't find the original on youtube —

So yeah, the picture (is written in french) and here's the french words before I give a translation

Je pense encore a toi
Et je ne comprends pas je vis sans toi

English translation for anyone who doesn't know what that means

I'm still thinking about you
And I don't understand (how) I (can) live without you

And so I drew Paris with Archie's hat as a a soft reference of who she's thinking about with those lyrics ,))

Some new characters (or I finally finished their references uvu)

Remember when I drew Ancient Egypt and younger Egypt ? Here's what Anubis looks like when he's all grown up !

Sorry if his cloak colors are hard to see but it's a really, REALLY pale yellow

I really like how he turned out, I think it's better than his original design


Ewwww , am I right ? .')

Does anyone remember these guys (my personification of the oceans ?)

Yeah, well just expect a redesign and an ACTUAL DESIGN of them in the next art dump because I am cringing over those hair styles and colors —

Finished Daymare's bio uvu

Represents Guyana

He’s very patient and doesn’t mind waiting an eternity for someone to make up their mind. He loves nature and will snap someone’s neck if they harm nature in his country, or anywhere really. He’s resourceful, fast thinking and tends to live on the wild side of things. He’s ambiverted and doesn’t mind speaking to large crowds of people and is very supportive. He can sometimes not take responsibilities for mistakes he has made as he feels self conscious about judgement. He's laid back with people and reserved when it comes to other people's opinions but he will stick up for his friends when it warms them.


This category in this book will be of my .. favorites and ones that took the longest for me to do -

Let's start with a cover , shall we ?

This was SO time consuming and I am glad I had stuck with it until the very end ! uvu

This is the new cover for my oc book since I wanted to involve a lot of my ocs, I decided to go with a puzzle piece theme and give each piece a special meaning uvu

Top left hand corner is Archie saying bloody wankers . I made the corner pieces just be a singular oc and a quote they would say

Top middle piece is Buck and Mitch being cute beans qquqq

Top right is Maple saying you're worth it

Below Archie on the left hand side, we got Roman on stage acting . I wanted to go with an acting / stage thing for him since he's a dramatic person, he'd be into theater and dance , which is what is happening

Below Roman we have Sergei and Jan . Sergei is holding a bloody axe and has cornered poor Jan into a corner so qnq

The bottom left hand corner is Axel saying I'm gayer

Middle bottom is Tobias reading while István is reading over his shoulder and it's kind of a soft, fluffy moment quq

Paris in the bottom right hand corner is saying love yourself as you're beautiful

Above Paris, we have Nevis claiming independence as I wanted to do something with him and add " independence " into this picture and decided to say " why the fuck not ?? " xD
This was probably the hardest idea / thing to think about-

And last but not least, as a reference to the cover of what my oc book is / was , it's Fate and Nacht cuddling and being pure beans !

Anyways, this took a lot of time and effort and I struggled with how I wanted to do the middle but Nacht helped me with the quote

Adults are just overrated children and the rainbow, so thank Nacht for that <33

Feedback, what do you guys think on it ? ^^

Here's something I am proud of anatomy wise

Probably my favorite thing in this whole art dump as it is Archie sitting in a chair and being devilish and I'm EXTREMELY proud of how this one turned out !

The lyrics were from a song I am addicted to called " Alice " by shinedown

I recommend watching this video ^

I invite you to a world where there's no such thing as time

And every creature lends to change your state of mind

I love how Archie is holding a pocket watch that has an infinity sign on it as there's no such thing as time and that his " soul guards " are a reference to the creatures that want to change your state of mind

So, what do you guys think ? I'm extremely proud of this picture uvu

This picture was time consuming as I drew the allies (besides China, didn't have any space-) and I'm proud with the results of how it turned out and the different poses they're doing !

Specially love the backgrounds (which are their flags-)

Anyways , hope you enjoyed this art dump uvu

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