Simple Art Dump

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Hey guys, I am sorry if this art dump is small and filled with simple pictures! I've been really busy and it's been hard to draw while working and having school so, forgive me qwq

I promise to get more diverse art out; however, have this for now!!

The beginning will be FNaF because... It was the starter picture for the one before this so yey! I asked a server for an OTP prompt and lilspacebirb gave me hiding from the rain and I decided to use ShadowTrap!

I honestly really enjoy this picture! Why? Because it so wholesome of my OTP and Shadow is smelling a flower that is colored in Spring's colors!

Awkward Spring who can't get wet and Shadow out in the rain is something I had fun drawing and doing! Kind of shows a side of Spring that he doesn't like showing ... Softness ...!

Expect more of these in the future! Maybe I'll draw the whole cast but I dunno, what do you guys think?

Anyways, Arthur is off of FNAF and onto my Ocs because why not and I don't have a siege between these two

I showed a server a WIP I did on paper and it's finally done of my two personas, Fate and Azreal!

I'm really proud of this simplistic picture for some reason? Maybe it's because I finally drew my ocs in not so cringe worthy ways?

Anyways yeah, really like the colors, Azreal be lookin hot and I love Fate's light purple faded to dark wings!

Decided to give Fate wings since Azreal is a demon and although Fate isn't "angel material" , I wanted to practice drawing wings!

So yep! I really had fun drawing this picture, very fun!

New topic 👏👏

I said in past art dumps how I am going to redraw the first ever picture on ibis paint and finally after procrastination and feeling unmotivated, I finally did it!!

I don't hate this design and I wanted to draw it for fun; however, I gave it a small little tweak removing all the blue and stuff and frankly, I prefer it without the blue -

Here he issssssssssss!! Two-faced boy! I really like how the pose turned out that he is sitting in; however, I hate how the hands are so... Let's just... Ignore -w-

I really like the orange and yellow and I honestly prefer it without the blue since it's overused; however, I am glad that the first picture of Nergui got me into doing digital art!

Now, this is still on Nergui since this was *technically* the second picture I did on ibis paint

So, I decided to show the other side of Nergui! His Mongolian Empire spirit lurking within him!!

I don't know if I wanna make this canon since I have some ideas for a Mongolian Empire; however, it was fun to do nethertheless!

To get it like this, draw Nergui normally and then hit subtract and you'll get this form! I don't really have anything to add so.... Yeah!

The next ones were supposed to be transparent pictures; however, they ended up black when discord worked with them, so slutty backgrounds !

These are of the nordics and the first one is of Erik ! I didn't redesign him, I finally drew him good since his other designs have... Issues...

Yes, this is what Erik LOOKS LIKE. Crazy right? xD

It's of him doing a dance (or pose) and he since he has a strong feeling of self conscious as he is a very emotional person and thinks on the emotional side then the left brain side like Fin does; he is saying you're cool!

He's dancing and saying you're cool because I feel like he would impulsively dance !

This one is a redesign of Lucas so yey!

This is one where Lucas is saying you're strong and he is in a shy pose since he is the reserved and introverted brother of the 5 of them! I really like his new design and I kNOW I said red is overused; however, I took the blue out of his design so he's okay-

Also new hair style -

Next one up is Denmark!

And in all honesty, I didn't change his design since it already fits so well. Only thing I changed up is his Axe; however, that's just a small tweak-

Since his personality is very flamboyant and loud, I decided that he is going to swear in his emote since he has a sailor's mouth owo

Next one is Iceland! Probably the sweetest one I made-

I really love my soft gay hell boy, he is too precious to exist and him and Pablo are a very *sometimes* wholesome couple qwq

Axel is telling you to be yourself because you're wonderful the way you are and you shouldn't let anyone boss you around and decide your future for you!

The next one is of his twin brother Cuddles!!

This is probably the only time I have been proud of myself for drawing him out and finally doing his design correctly -

Added his sweater there since I always seem to forget about it??? Also, I struggled with doing the texture of his shirt's edges sO

He's telling you to be who you want to be, no matter what and I used this line for him since he's a baby trans boi and I can heavily relate to this quote and I am sure other LGBTQ+ people can relate in some way -

The last one is from my favorite Nordic, Fin, and I honestly really like his!!

Fin has always thought he was straight until he opened up to his best friend and fell in love with Martin/Estonia! At first he was scared of telling Martin and ruining their friendship; however, Martin felt the same way about Fin and this quote is for anyone who was scared to take a step into a relationship or were afraid to love!

I'm probably going to do this for all 195+ of my characters. If you wanna see certain ones first, comment here!! The ones I shown last art dump will be included since they all have "quotes"

Let's move onto redesigns!

First stop is Pedro! His design came out of Gacha and honestly, I could've done better —

Old art style and is just totally blue, why not change him into something fresh and unique?

Blue is an overused color pEDRO-

He is a LOVER OF CATS so I decided to make him cat themed !

I think it turned out real nice and simple, he's probably my favorite simple oc I have!

Why did I choose yellow and orange? Those two colors are underused (not counting blond hair colors) and I think his simplistic design is really cute and goes well with his design! A
And he is a bean and yellow is a bean color-

The only thing is, Pedro is supposed to be chubby and I don't think I captured that to the best of my abilities qwq;;

Anyways, hope you like the new look I gave Andorra! Hoping to get motivation and make SylviexPedro ship art soon!! ,)

Here's a character that got a tweak in her style since she was on paper, Inina!

I would show the original; however, I don't have space for the original picture!

Here she is!! Loving the blue theme and the swim suit theme since she is an Oceania Island and everyone (besides Emele) went with that!

Love the hair change and I actually drew tattoos on her flesh (whale shark and a wave triangle thingy-)

So yeah, honestly like the change up!

Another character I haven't drawn digitally and got bit of a redesign is Tamara !!

Here is Tamara and I changed up her hair into a different design and all I changed from the old design is her pigtails and her boots!

Yeah, I really like how soft she looks and I think this is really cute qwq

Of course, don't be deceived by her looks, she can be bit of a petty bitch at times

Switching targets towards Adopts! Why did I jump from redesigns to characters? I dunno .-.

This character was adopted from Gmrsugarart! Art belongs to them as well!!

Oh boy, this dood got a tragic backstory so bUCKLE UP
when I mean tRAGIC, I mean tRAGIC

They first were going to be Jamal (Syria) they didn't have any red and so, I decided to make them Mongolia, only for Nergui to exist and become my first digital piece on ibis paint that I should redraw -

tRAGIC am I right??

Now, you may be wondering: Arthur, what did you do now?? And are they being loved????

Well mortal, they ultimately became Burundi and their tragic tale ends here since I drew this bean !

I know I probably said Eiryls was Burundi when she's actually Burkina Faso, don't stab me, there's a lot of countries out there and they finally have a name to call their own!

Valera or Val ! I decided to draw this bean for everyone to see !!

I honestly didn't change their design at all, I already adored this design and I didn't want to make him syria since their design was so pure and I loved the concept of them!

I had so much fun drawing this bean and yeah quq !!

On the topic of adopts (since Val was an adoptable from Jackie), I was looking through my old art book and I stumbled upon an adopt that was created from kittykatsgomeowmeow which I think was Parker who moved from w.p to instagram (?)

Anyways, the art belongs to them !! ^-^

And I felt bad that I had a backstory for this character and then scrapped Mirerralia and I am still iffy about the Flyers/Sakuras that exist in this world and their abilities-

And since I loved the charm of this adoptable I had adopted and I didn't want to get rid of them, I decided to put them as the FTM Sudan named Caligo !

... Sadly, they won't have wings in HOD; however, I may draw them as a background pieces whenever I draw em !! Anyways, Caligo is a sassy individual and is high strung !

I didn't change anything from the original since I adored how cute the design looked !! ^^

Other than the wings, only thing I added was the necklace type thing around their neck since I loved the charm of this character!

Jackie had designed his dead gender's look and I will draw that soon to show the massive jump Caligo did because damn, there's a difference owo-

Caligo means mist, fog, darkness, inability to perceive mentally ! I really liked the name and I hope you guys too!

I may redraw this picture since it isn't good IMO; however, take it for now—

Have a good day/night ^^

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Ibis paint (phone) welcomed !

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