Spaceballs ? Whelp, there goes the planet -

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Welcome back for another *awful* art dump and I hope you enjoy the ocs rhat are in this chapter quq uvu

My birthday is in 3 weeks and I'm mildly excited but at the same time I am not xD

Anyways , let's get started —

First things first, FatYoshi5 , this is a picture I drew in my old art style that I found in one of my notebooks and I really liked it so —

I'll give this to you tomorrow in french class since you like collecting these pictures uvu

The next is payment for lilspacebirb uvu

The first is ship art of my favorite couple of yours , Lawson x Andell ! I really love this ship and Andell is like, my favorite character of yours and they were so fun to draw quq

The next is also is for Lils, 2 headshots uvu

The next is going to be a oneshot I owe , which will take a while I apologize since school is killing my brain.

That is all I have for people right now and lets get onto new characters !

Characters that were in the the last art dump that I finished UwU

New characters uvu

He is in the newest character chapter I have posted so if you want info in him, that's the place to check uvu

Also, I am placing it all together ; organizing my oc book uvu

North america
South america
( Since those 3 have the least amount of countries)
And characters that were alive but aren't uvu

Edge lord .>
He's going to be in Africa , and I have to find the correct african country to represent him

Any ideas ? xD

I hate his design, all I love is his braided hair quq

If anyone wants to redesign this for me, Ill draw 2 full-bodies for you since I am desperate for a new design for Grenada —

Dm me

Shirtless boi uvu

He's barbados ^^

I'm really proud of her look quq

She doesn't wear shorts since native woman of Guatemala don't wear shorts and that usually means that the female is a tourist (the more you know—)

I like his simple design uvu

And yes —

He has a guitar case and a small ponytail

Tamara got an updated look and I love it uvu

She isn't a soft , uwu girl , that's only Rose —

Also I like her outfit quq

Augustine uvu

He may look like a girl, but he isn't —

He got heartbroken by the person down below him and I really love this design quq

SShe's a heartbreaker and she's very edgy.
Honestly, her and Bonsai were a really good couple until she decided to cut ties and give up on the relationship they had.

She doesn't have a name and her bio is a wip

Is an island in oceania

Love her colors , bio is a wip

Is an island in Oceania

He's a major wip —

He might go into Africa or South/Central America, it's TBD

And this last bit was a vent drawing I made on Sunday when I had bad thoughts.

I had went to my ex's bday party and he honestly ignored me the whole time and didn't even acknowledge I was there and his girlfriend basically clung and didn't give him space at all —

All the grown ups there said she wasn't letting him be his own person and my brother told me that she got mad at him for " ignoring her " .

Honestly, I was happy for him after I got together with Nacht and decided to let the fact go that he dated her 4 days after our break up and now?

I wished he would've choose someone who.. would let him be his own person ... Yanno ?

Plus, I friended him in discord and he didn't seem too happy about it.. sO

Like, he said we were friends but , it doesn't feel like it xD

Art trades : open

Have a good day / night everyone !

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