Super Hero Oc Form

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This is a character made for FatYoshi5's world since I was bored and had a great idea for a super hero! This page will serve as a "form"


❝ I wont tell. I dont need my identity to be exposed to the whole world. ❞
» Phantom Whisper Hexlyxs

❝ Shattered Reality. That's the name of the system we all agreed on and so, it'll be my official name ❞
» Shattered Reality

❝ Biologically male ❞
» male

❝ He/Its ❞
» He/Its. He is also fine with being called they/them as well.

❝ Does this matter? ❞
» homoromantic demi-ace

❝ I'd end up burdening my partner. Nobody deserves that ❞
» In my personal opinion, I kind of ship him with Gravity since the two could work well together owo so expect shipart in future >.33 —

❝ I have a large family and I'm the only one who ended up cursed. ❞
» He has 15 siblings that don't have powers.

» suit looks because I will probably never draw him as a "normal" human

❝ Im not the best talker ❞

» he isn't really talkative and is usually dark and brooding. He is known for having unstable mood swings, mental break downs and sloppiness. He is an anti-social kind of person, doesn't get close to a lot of people and is serious. Doesn't have a sense of humor, always sarcastic, thinks on the logical side and is keen. Often thinking of ways to think outside the box and usually knows a lot more than he should. Quiet, forceful and is known for having no fear and determination to get him through a hard fight. He is a left brainer, doesn't work well in a giant team as he already has a "giant team" in his head. His stubbornness and lone wolf attitude can make working in a group hard and often struggles to trust the ones he is with as he doesn't trust easily. Uses his detective skills to his advantage; however, he is constantly talking to himself (technically his alters-) and reliable "switchings" are almost unlikely.

❝ I believe it's called power stealing. It sounds fun until it isn't ❞

❝ Should I really invest all my time in telling you something that probably will make you yawn? ❞

» Phantom can "steal" anyone's power and manifest it for himself. When he does this, the power may manifest as trauma and become an alter. If he wants to use an alters power, he has to switch into that alter to use said power (for example; if he wanted to duplicate himself, he'd have to become one of his 16 alters he has)

❝ quite many ❞

» to balance this, his mind is a constant battlefield of who gets control and who should front. As the host, he often has to deal with the BS that some of his alters do and can make him prone to snapping

» when absorbing a new power and an alter forming, this can "awaken" or absorb trauma that hasn't been noticed by the system which can led to mental breakdowns and sloppy fighting.

» He has to constantly change or add something to his outfit to match what alter is fronting because some don't wanna wear the "host's suit" and wanna add something that'll get them recognized

» his battle style in combat is very messy and unpredictable. He always cant rely on alter switching or absorbing so he has trained in hand-to-hand combat and with a "staff" like object

» can grow tiring to keep absorbing powers as that means he has to recharge his body even more depending on who fronts in the system

❝ Wanna get whacked with this? It hurts pretty badly. ❞
» When Phantom can't rely on his super power or an alter, he often will use his intense martial arts skills. He fights with a "staff" like object that can be broken into two that have retractable blades

» he can also use his cape to temporarily bind and keep someone in place for a little while

❝ Lots of gray area in those fields. You can wake up a hero and manifest into a villain ❞


❝ Don't ask ❞

» he has 16 alters

» Enjoys hard rock and heavy metal

» Has DID (as you could possibly tell-)


❝ I dont wanna EVER talk about this, capiche? Hell, I dont remember most of it anyways. ❞

Trigger warning (features abuses, neglect, eating disorder (anorexia), violence and bullying

» Phantom had been an unwanted child of a family of 15. Most of all his siblings were powerless, except him since his mother had cheated on her abusive partner with a member of a powerful local mob. When finding out about his wife's betrayal, he took all his anger out on Phantom, leading to long years of abuse (emotionally, physically and sexually) and neglect. At the age of 5, his first alter, Alfred, formed when he accidentally touched someone with superhero strength (Alfred became his protector and still continues to be his primary protector to this day).
» At the age of 13, he suffered eating disorder (Anorexia) and unstable moodswings. He was often bullied in school, called a freakshow of his skinny frame and how he can seem like different people at times. Phantom would often live in fear as people with super powers weren't treated well at this private human school his father forced him to go to as "punishment". He'd often get beat up, shoved and get emotionally slurred at. He met his best friend, William, in gym when Phantom was getting pushed around and beaten up in the locker room
» When Phantom turned 16, he began to run away whenever his step father would drink alcohol and would run to the rich neighborhoods where the oldest of them, Kyle, lived. Kyle was a successful playboy businessman who didn't have time to support Phantom and his needs since he usually left the country for extended periods of times. However, whenever Kyle was around, he would teach Phantom how to fight different forms of martial arts to defend himself. When Phantom would master these martial arts forms, he'd blend them together and make them into his own "thing" often kicking the asses of the ones who bullied him up to this point in his life and prove he hasn't weak. William convinced Phantom to take what he is doing into the streets and help make the poor neighborhoods safe and reluctantly, Phantom agreed. Shattered Reality beats up and locks away rapists, pedophiles, abusers, addicts, mob bosses and the "scum" of the streets. He injuries them just enough so they can survive and heal from their injuries; however, if he ends up killing them it is because of a demonic alter named "The Beast" he constantly has battles with so he doesn't hurt the ones he loves. All his alters holds some form of trauma while Phantom holds the bullying he had gone through from school

❝ 16 alters for 16 powers I absorbed throughout my days. This list can continue to grow if I ever need it to ❞

» hero name: Mr. Attitude
Alter name: Alfred 
Role: Primary protector 

Age: 27; male

Sexuality: Gay

Power: Super strength
Weakness: water 

» hero name: Soaring Wings 
Alter name: Jake 
Role: Secondary Protector

Age: Age slider; male

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Power: flight 

Weakness: sore wings

» hero name: Flower's Petals
Alter name: Fae 
Role: Third protector 

Age: Age slider; MTF
Sexuality: questioning

Power: Can manipulate nature 
Weakness: fire

» hero name: Healing Wish 
Alter name: Emele
Role: Physical Protector

Age: Age slider; female

Sexuality: Straight 
Power: Regeneration - acts like the healer out of the system 

» Hero name; Love Song's Lyrics~ 
Alter Name: Sparrow 
Role: Sexual alter 

Age: 21; male
Sexuality: Omnisexual 

Super power: seductive singing to mind control people

Weakness: asexual individuals

» hero name: Void keeper
Alter name: Raven 
Role: Gatekeeper 
Age: 30; nonbinary

Sexuality: Demisexual homoromantic ace 
Powers: telekinesis and teleportation 

Weakness: using too much without breaks (strains system)

» hero name: Invisi dear
Alter name: Carol 
Role: Caretaker 
Age: Age slider ; female
Species: Satyr like features 

Sexuality: Lesbian 
Power: Invisibility 
Weakness: using it too much

» hero name: Empathy  
Alter name: Lilac 
Role: The soother 
Age: Age slider ; demi-girl

Sexuality: Asexual biromantic 
Powers: Empathic - can feel everyone's emotions around them 
Weakness: overwhelming emotional power

» hero name: Speedster
Alter name: Tommy 
Role: Little 
Age: 9 ; male

Sexuality: Too young but heteroromantic 
Power: Super speed 
Weakness: cockiness

» hero name:Doubling
(he pronounces it Do-bling)
alter name: Miles
role: Persecutor 
age: 48; male

sexuality: Demisexual panromantic 
power: Duplication 
weakness: too many doubles are up

» hero name: Truth Seeker 
alter name: Phoenix 
Role: Persecutor 

Age: 20 ; FTM
Sexuality: queer 
Powers: Read minds and knows when someone is lying to him or not 
Weakness: pushing himself to his limit

» hero name: Sea Ripples 
Alter name: Mercury 
Role: Persecutor 
Age: 14 ; demi-boy
Sexuality: Bicurious 
Power: Water Manipulation
Weakness: electric manipulation

» hero name: Thunderwave 
Alter name: Sir Jax Stars 
Role: Knight - angel alter 
Age: Ageslider ; male or it/its
Sexuality: Bisexual 

Power: Can control the weather 
Weakness: getting too wrapped up in what he is doing

» anti-villain name: Devil's Hellfire 
Alter name: Count Arthur Hellfire 
Role: Demon alter 
Age: 1500; male
Sexuality: Polysexual 
Powers: Using dark magic abilities 
Weakness: "Holy" items

??? Name: Nameless Victim 
Alter name:
Role: Ghost "dead" alter 
Age: Died at 16 ; female

Sexuality: Aro-ace
*could've been straight if still alive*

Power: Phase through objects.
Weakness: Can't speak and when Phantom switches to Z, he loses the ability to speak for a while 

» villain name: The Beast
Alter name: ????
Role: demonic alter
Age: 56 ; it/its
Sexuality: Aro-ace 
Powers: Has animal-like abilities and is often known as the "bad alter". Known for causing chaos 
Weakness: its uncontrollable rage


❝ Gimme something that, rocks

» Black Dahlia - Hollywood undead

» Monsters - Shinedown

» Kryptonite - Three Doors Down

» Pocket Full Of Holes - Embedded Systems

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