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This oneshot is for lilspacebirb and since you got first place, this oneshot will be over 1,000+ words


" Just you wait, I am going to marry you when I am older " 

" Really-? You shouldn't promise something you can't keep.. " 

" If we're ever separated, just remember this... " The young aqua boy handed over a rainbow charm necklace and smiled up lightly at the Gold fairy. 

The gold fairies heart pounded that day. It was like a heavy drum pounding to the sound of a marching band. The Aqua fairy waved goodbye and there was a straight couple up ahead that the gold fairy could only assume were his parents. 

That was 6 years ago... 

The Gold fairy had never seen his childhood friend and only assumed the worst had happened to him. He trudged on and on, clutching onto the rainbow necklace charm that the male had given him... wishing he could recall the male's name. 

The Gold Fairy - Topaz - had stopped thinking about him, even when it pained him to do so. The name used to roll of his tongue so clean and clearly, but now... he couldn't even remember his name... 

He used to stay up and daydream of him every night, thinking about those perfect eyes and that dorky band-aid over the male's nose. The short bean was so... so perfect in Topaz's eyes, even though his flaws were almost prominent in every conversation. 

Topaz had been always the extroverted, hot and sexy model who was always friendly with his fans. When he saw the male, his career had skyrocketed down into the pits, were he abandoned his "dream" for the new one that started, finding that male. 

His brother said he was obsessed with finding that male, when he wasn't, he was only just curious. Curious. His brother would scoff and rolled his eyes, his brother would glance into the distance and take off. 

It felt like everyone had left him.. His thoughts were worse than that boy's hyperventilation problems, but he would shake away that awful thought and remind himself that hyper ventilating was a serious problem and his depressing thoughts can wait. 

One day, it got so intense for the Gold fairy. His thoughts became overwhelming and he knew ,for sure, he wasn't seeing his brother ever again. 

" I'll go the distance... " Topaz grabbed a yellow, ragged cloak and threw it over. 

" I know you're out there somewhere, a part of me... wants to know... ! " He began to sing a bit, his heart pounding heavy and his eyes glimmering like the stars. 

He nearly ripped open the door from so much... anxiety and so much thrill. He was so prepared for this... he WANTED this. Topaz lifted himself in the air because of his golden wings and decided to search the Fairy layer for his long, lost lover. 

First, he was going to need some help. 

He flew over to a small cafe shop and landed on the ground outside of it. A male with amberish looking hair and eyes wearing a shirt with a teddy bear on it only frowned as his boyfriend inside was reading a book. Topaz could always rely on these two.

" Hey Caramel " Topaz chirps to the male wearing a teddy bear shirt. 

Caramel doesn't respond and only huffs, pouring some coffee. His boyfriend turns towards Topaz who chirps, 

" Hey Hayden, I need to ask you a question . " 

" Alright , " Hayden shut his book and glanced at the golden winged fairy. The male's forest green wings glimmered in the light and he crossed his arms. " Yes ? " 

" Have you read where any Aqua Fairies lurk ? " Topaz responded. 

" Lurk ? " scoffed Caramel, who seemed to be listening in onto the conversation.

" I've read a book in the royal library that they live towards the outer rim parts of the Fairy layer. That's where they were moved during the 'Great Deportment'-"

It makes so much more sense why he had to leave... Topaz thought and waved goodbye to the two and rushed out before Hayden could finish. Hayden usually kept talking and talking, because he was the giant bookworm and geek he was. 

Topaz had flown for a while, tears threatened to burn from his eyes when all he saw were burning villages and dead bodies. In one village, there was a moving figure and the male touched the ground. 

The aqua turned around, tears flooding out of his eyes as his mouth dripped blood. He placed his hands on his shoulders, clutching his body tightly. 

" P... please... don't.. " 

Topaz took a step forward and glanced confused at the male. " Don't do what - ? " 

" ... Hurt me ... " he said flatly, tears began to flood his eyes again and he fell down onto his knees. Topaz watched the aqua so... so broken. His nose had blood all over it and the aqua didn't have a band-aid. 

His heart sunk. 
Maybe he could help this one male out though... 

Topaz took out the rainbow bracelet charm and ripped it from its place around his neck. His lover was dead, but maybe he could give this Aqua hope.. 

" My lover gave me this a long time ago , 6 years , and .. " Topaz grasped the male's broken and beaten hands. He handed over the necklace and smiled up sadly at the male. His heart starting to break into pieces. 

He couldn't find his lover... 
Had he failed? 
Most definitely. 
His depressing thoughts were true.. 

Topaz went to turn away , his gold wings lifting him off the broken and beaten ground and then the Aqua raced towards the male and hugged him. Hugged him.

It had taken the blond fairy by surprise and he turned around to face the aqua. The male's green eyes were on the verge of collapsing and the male had a sad smile on his face. 

" I'm glad you still want to get married when we're older.. " 

Topaz's heart stopped. 

" Zander ? "


Words : 1030

Hope you enjoyed the oneshot !!

Have a good day / night everyone ^^

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