Part Ten - Abrosexual

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The abrosexual flag.

A somewhat tired audience filters into their seats, glancing at their watches before grabbing their popcorn. The crowd, for the most part, is silent, save for the few mutters and snickers from a few within the crowd.

There are a few colorful flags scattered around on the ground and many of the cats seem mildly tipsy, likely from New Years parties. Everyone is excited and happy, though.

However quiet the audience is, everyone backstage is racing around. Particularly Gaystripe, but that was a given, considering the colorful marker scribbles all over the calendar.


Stagepaw: It's not that far from the fifth. It was like, a few hours ago at this point! I was visiting Nondawn after she started her news thing, you can't blame me!


Stagepaw: June...?

Stagepaw looks at the clock and then at the calendar. 

Stagepaw: Oh no, no, no, that's not our fault. It's... *turns slowly around*

QueerWarriors Admins, sitting in chairs nearby: Come on, you can't blame us for this again, we won't stand for it. And besides, Nondawn's been working hard, you can't-

Stagepaw: GUYS! Stop targeting me, you know that I wanted an update sooner and you are all the reason why it's been so dead, and besides why is Nondawn so much cooler than us? I-

QueerWarriors Admins: Nondawn ISN'T cooler than you guys, but we just had to focus on the show-

Stagepaw: "The show?" Yeah right, that's just an excuse, and besides, I think that perhaps a warning would've been nice? If you were gonna be focusing on Nondawn's News, then maybe a teeny bit of a head's up?


A QueerWarriors admin throws a small bottle of the gel at him and he quickly slicks his cat-hair up. He turns and throws it back, and the admins scatter swiftly. Gaystripe rolls his eyes before looking at Stagepaw.

Gaystripe: Chop chop! You must've been drinking or something, you're never this talkative. Make sure everything's set up for me please, I'm going to go on stage very shortly!

Stagepaw glares at him before scuttling to the back. Various stagehands help clean up the mess and Gaystripe looks at himself in the mirror, slicking his hair a bit more. 

Eventually, Gaystripe pats down his hair with a paw before peering out of the backstage area. The crowd is still excited, albeit quieter. He strolls out onstage as a bright light focuses in on him, and the curtain lifts.

Gaystripe: WELCOME EVERYONE, welcome back! Apologies for the wait. But we're back, isn't that so great??

Audience: *throws popcorn and a few roses up toward Gaystripe* YEAH!

Gaystripe, catching the flowers with a charmingly bright smile: Well great! Because today's segment is about abrosexuality!

A few cats in the audience share confused glances but overall, everyone appears interested, with even a few claps and a fair bit of cheering occurring before Gaystripe continues to speak.

Gaystripe: Abrosexuality refers to someone who has a fluid or rapidly changing sexuality. These sexualities may not be all of them and can definitely vary, and the changing depends on the individual.

With a swift paw-raise, a brown tabby speaks up.

Brown Tabby: Um, excuse me, but isn't that just questioning?

Gaystripe: *shakes his head* Not quite! Someone who is abrosexual isn't confused in their identity. For example, someone who is bisexual typically will not experience fluid changing in their identity. They will stay as bisexual. Someone who is abrosexual, however, may be lesbian one day, and then bisexual the next!

Brown Tabby: But how does it change? I don't get it.

Gaystripe stops for a minute and then he asks the tabby a question.

Gaystripe: Do you like ice cream?

Brown Tabby: Of course I do!

Gaystripe: What's your favorite type?

Brown Tabby: Vanilla chocolate chip!

Someone in the audience stands up and hands him a small bowl of vanilla and chocolate chip ice cream. The crowd snickers before he listens to Gaystripe and eats the ice cream.

Gaystripe: Okay, cool! Let's say for the next two months, whenever you want ice cream, the single flavor you eat is vanilla chocolate chip. And then on the first day of the third month, you don't want vanilla chocolate chip anymore. You go to eat it and you just don't want it anymore.

Gaystripe: Instead, you have chocolate fudge. And so you eat that for the next few months, then change to mint chocolate chip. 

The brown tabby continues to eat the ice cream, nodding.

Gaystripe: It isn't that the individual is deciding to change their identity. It simply just does change, just like how there's changes in preference of ice cream!

Brown Tabby: Okay, I get it now. Thanks!

With a nod, the cat trots off into the audience, still eating the ice cream. Gaystripe snaps his little paw-fingers and the bright screen behind him lights up, shiny with multiple colors.

Gaystripe: This is the abrosexual flag. Pretty, right?

After "ooooh"ing for a few moments, the crowd cheers in agreement.

Gaystripe: Because this identity is fairly small and considerably uncommon, there aren't specific meanings for any of the colors. However, it's still very pretty!

The audience claps, evidently in agreement.

Gaystripe: Wonderful! *he twirls charmingly* Does anyone have any questions?

A single paw raises and a tiny blue-gray spotted cat stands up.

Tiny Blue-Gray Cat: Excuse me? If an abrosexual individual's sexuality changes, how do they keep working relationships?

Gaystripe: Good question! Just because those who are abrosexual experience changing sexualities doesn't mean that they easily fall out of love. And relationships are not solely based around having 'fun' with your partner.

Gaystripe: Many abrosexual people are in very happy relationships with understanding partners!

The tiny blue-gray cat nods in understanding. They chirp a thank you to Gaystripe before sitting back down in their seat and chattering excitedly to those around them.

Gaystripe looks around before he raises his paws.

Gaystripe: Oh, right! Abrosexual individuals also have different timings of when their sexuality will change. For some, it is every few days, whereas others experience changes every few years or months.

Gaystripe: The frequency of the changing also depends on the individual. The majority of this identity depends on the specific individual, including timings and the sexuality it will change to, and even though the abrosexual community is still somewhat small, it's important to respect them!

The crowd cheers in agreement and Gaystripe takes a bow.

Gaystripe: Thank you, everyone! That'll be all for today. *he turns and waves at the audience*

Gaystripe smirks and the lights dim as the audience begins to clap.

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