The levels (some) attack the male ENFP avatar

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Idea by hypersdestiny

Clutterfunk: *casually takes the 16p test and gets ENFP* Why tf did it type me as a feeler

Jumper: *spawns in out of nowhere* Wdya doing boy

Clutter: Just took the 16p test and got ENFP *shows Jumper*

Jumper: Why does it look like that bruh

Clutter: Idk

Jumper: What if I went and jumped him with some other levels lmaoo

Clutter: Why

Jumper: Cause it's ugly

Clutter: I mean it doesn't look that bad and besides it's just an avatar

Jumper: His hair LITERALLY looks like toothpaste that's a HUGE set-off

Clutter: Okay well do whatever ya want ima just hang out with the Steps (xStep and Clubstep btw)

Jumper: K Idc ima go bye loser

At the World Levels' Place (cuz Jumper likes being in control of ppl way younger than her, shes kind of a control freak here)

Beast Mode and Striker: *fucking doing drugs*

Frontlines: Give me the drugs or I'm snitching

Beast Mode: Fawk you

Striker: Snitches gets stiches, you know that.

Frontlines: Idgaf, just wait until RobbyToppy hears about this-

*Aggressive door banging*

Round 1: Lmfao who's knocking on the door like that

Frontlines: *rushes to the front door and opens it* Jumper what the hell man...

Jumper: *walks in like she owns the place* Everyone, get your spears ready because today we're going to attack the male ENFP avatar‼️

Striker: The what now

Embers: But we don't have spears here

Jumper: *notices Beast Mode and Striker* Now y'all know y'all not supposed to be doing drugs, y'all are too young. *snatches drugs away* Where'd you even get these?

Striker: Some mf was selling drugs on the street idk

Jumper: ...And y'all took it? If I catch y'all with drugs again I'm telling RobTop, okay??

Beast Mode: K whatever

Jumper: Anyways for those that didn't HEAR me...*stares at Striker for some seconds* we're going to attack the male ENFP avatar so get your spears ready.

Payload: What's that

Jumper: The male ENFP avatar?

Payload: ya

Jumper: *shows them*

Space Pirates and Monster Dance Off: *skull emojis irl*

Machina: He's kinda cute-

Jumper: NO. You're not supposed to say that you're supposed to say "eww wtf is thaat"

Machina: But-

Jumper: Shut up. You're done, go to your room.


Years: Wait can I stay back too?

Jumper: No. You dont get to stay back until I say so.

Frontlines: Okay who do you think you are to boss us around in our own house-

Jumper: *cutely grabs Frontlines and ties her to a chair* ANYWAYS WHO'S READY FOR AN ADVENTURE‼️‼️⁉️

The remaining world levels: 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏻🧍🏻🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏾🧍🏼‍♀️


*Jumper opens the door and walks out but nobody moves*

Jumper: *slowly turns around and pulls out a big ass gun she stole from Hexagon Force* (Hex is currently freaking out about his missing powergun btw) Are yall coming or not?!

Embers: I said we dont have any spears

Jumper: And I heard you the first time. We'll just get them from Viking Arena, she robbed a store for those mfs, so lets go.

The 8 levels: *slowly walks out the door*


Viking Arena's House

Viking Arena: *obsessing over the spears for whatever reason*

*Someone politely knocks on the door*

*On the other side*

Space Pirates: Why did you bang on our door like its the purge but knock on her door normally?

Jumper: Do you wanna end up like Frontlines and Machina?

Space: Actually yes-

Viking Arena: *opens door* hi :3

Jumper: Hi so uh can we like borrow some of your spears?

Viking: why

Jumper: We're going to attack someone with them

Viking: mmm ok ig- wait can i come?

Jumper: Absolutely! Welcome to the male ENFP avatar haters club

Viking: tf

Jumper: Unfortunately someone doesn't wanna join us so they'll be leaving...*geastures to Space Pirates*

Space: I can leave?

Jumper: yes gtfo


Years: ...can I go with her?

Jumper: No. We're not losing another member.

Years: :(

Jumper: Ok anyways lets head out

And then so like they head out to Theory's house and steal her UFO shit so that they can head to the MBTI universe
and they didnt get caughts


Hexagon Force: dawg where tf is my powergun I just made that shi

Polargeist: shall we ask the group chat?

Hex: Ig but its not like any of them will tell the truth

Polar: we can give it a shot

Hex: ight whatever

Official Levels GC

Hex: Did any of u take my powergun by any chance?

Theory of Everything: No but someone stole my damn UFO

Jumper: Srry that was me i needed those for smth lmao

Jumper: I'll give them back i promise

Electrodynamix: 🧢

Jumper: kys

Polar: girl u need to be locked up lmfao

Jumper: u can go die too

Hex: says the thief bruh

Real Life

Hex: ...u wanna jump her when she comes back?

Polar: im down

Hex: We need more ppl tho

Polar: Hmm...

MBTI Universe

Male ENFP: Ok just imagine if like...there was a sanitizer for feet

Male ENTP: Footsanitizer


*Random UFO in the sky real*

M. ENFP: LOL and the ISTJs said that aliens aren't real

M. ENTP: i like how the UFO is purple

M. ENFP: ourple...and why he ourple😹

*Inside the UFO*

Monster Dance Off: omg i see them

Jumper: Really? There's more than one person? *looks down* Oh it looks like the male ENTP is with him. Ok everyone get ur spears ready fr this time.

Payload: Are we attacking the ENPT one or whatever its called too?

Jumper: Absolutely. His face annoys me sm lmao.

Striker: LES GOOOO

*Lands and exits the UFO*

M. ENFP: yooo the aliens landed right infront of us

Jumper: Who are u calling an alien with THAT hair?!

M. ENFP: whaaa whats up with my hair???

Jumper: Ok quit yapping. EVERYONE GET EM‼️‼️‼️

And then the goofy mfs hold up their spears and goes to beat them up. Lmfao they aren't even using the spears correctly they're just straight up whacking them with them.

Once they have done the damage, both male Ne doms were knocked unconcious (one of the levels were hitting a lil too hard.) Not much damage has been done to the Male ENFP, the worst injury he possibly has at that moment was a dislocated nose. However the male ENTP was almost completely jacked, looks like the levels rlly dont like him xd.

Female ISTJ: *notices the scenery and runs away while calling the cops*

Beast Mode: ay uh i think shes calling the police

Striker: we should destroy her too!

Jumper: Nah lets just hurry up and gtfoutta here I dont feel like dealing with the police

And then they quickly enter the UFO and fly out

In space somewhere

Viking: can i have my spears back now

Jumper: they aren't even yours, u literally robbed a store for them


Jumper: Oh brother...everyone give her the spears-


Jumper: stop yelling bruh

Sometime later they finally get back to the Geometry Dash Universe and land in GD worl.

But when Jumper and them exit the UFO, multiple people that seemed like they're ready to fight (such as Hexagon Force, Polargeist, Theory of Everything, Machina, Frontlines, Space Pirates, and MANY more) we're standing around them. (They landed inside Theory's house btw)

Jumper: tf

Theory: so u think u can just take our stuff without asking?

Jumper: I mean...ok uh..yall can help me fight them off right? We can take em

The rest of the world levels just walk off while Viking Arena turns against her getting ready to jump her as well.

Frontlines: oh how unfortunate :3

End (real)

Srry it took long to get this posted btw
I be procrasinating lmao

1.3k+ words damn lol

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