Time Machine gets...shot (NOOOOOO)

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But they survive :p

Credits to hypersdestiny for idea :3


Time Machine: hey guys guess what

Hexagon Force: what

Time: I finally finished building my time machine :3

Hex: omg so cool can we see it

Time: ur looking at it rn

The time machine:

Airborne Robots: oh

Hex: u used...a porta potty?

Time: Ye lol. U should see the inside tho! Its rlly cool *opens the door*

The inside (real):

Airborne: yea...pretty cool

Time: Trust me, it works! We're not gonna use it yet tho

Hex: yea cuz u know damn well it doesn't work

Time: stfu or ur not gonna time travel with me smh

Hex: bruh

Airborne: Are we going into the past or the future, and how far back or ahead?

Time: The past. We're gonna go check out WW2.

Hex: but we're in GD not the real world

Time: Well, there's also a teleporter in there, so we don't only get to visit the past or the future of GD, but also other universes!

A shit tom of yapping later because we need to get to the point already

Time: ok lets go to the store

And then the 3 nerds set out to the store

But meanwhile somewhere else...

Random bozo (???): UgH iM sO sIcK aNd TiReD oF tHaT cYaN hEaD aSs BoY tHiNkInG hE's So SmArT n ShIt. Time Machine more like Time DeezNuts! He DiDn'T eVeN bUiLd A pRoPeR tImE mAcHiNe!

*pIcKs Up Ak-47* I'm gonna teach him a lesson, REHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE-

at de store

Time: ok so here's a list of what we need for WW2

Hex: wait we're actually gonna join the war?

Time: I mean...not directly :3

???: FIRE👹 *pulls the trigger and shoots*

And then...the bullet goes through Time's head as Time falls to the ground (dun dun dun)


Airborne: we need to get tf out here *picks up Time and runs*

Hex: *runs after Airborne*

???: *attempts to shoot HF and AR as well cuz he doesn't want any witnesses but fails*

???2: bruh they're not gonna know it was u, let them be lol

???: i mean ok ig...

Meanwhile with HF and AR when they get home safely

Hex: will he be ok?

Airborne: bruh no call the ambulance

Hex: *cutely dials 911*

And im too lazy to continue so leik the ambulance takes TM in and like he survived but he had to undergo surgery n stuff. He stayed in the hospital for idk how long probably a couple weeks or more.

ToE and ToE2 came over at the wrong time

And these dumbasses still didn't find the assassin :3

ThE eNd

i wish i can be more serious this looks silly af lmao

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