part 4

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In Delhi Headquarters
It's 2:30 a.m.

Is tossing and turning on his bed.
Chaubey' s words ringing in his ears.
Making breathing difficult for him
His chest is heavy....
Adding to his insomnia.....

1 of chaubey's regular call to him to brief him about Naina whereabouts.

Rajveer- han ch sab theek hai na

Ch - sir wo

First time Choubey is reluctant ,there is an uncertainty in his tone...... Whether to tell him or not.....
You don't need to be Einstein to understand what Naina is for Rajveer.
Being an Indian Intelligence Officer and working with Rajveer from last 3 years he know him in and out......
And for the first time he is not joking with him as he understand what he is about to tell him is so serious.

Ch - sir wo Naina ........

Rajveer - kya hua usse thik to hai na wo

Ch - ha sir thik hai..........

Rajveer - Toh Phir Kya Baat Hai

Ch - sir Naina Air Hooda........ Dono saath hain sir...... They are dating.

Rajveer said nothing after this he kept the phone.........

He died a bit more today......

Accepting the fact that some people are meant to stay in your heart in your mind but not in your life.

This process of slow death is so painful
Today for the first time he is jealous of Naveen.
Naveen was so lucky...... He got free.....

And here he is trapped in this life imprisonment.........

Where every thought is a battle
Every Breath is a war
And he is winning nowhere

How he wish to ask a favour from his best friend to end his sufferings.....
To set him free.

But he need to stretch this a bit more
The work is not done yet.
Few months may be.

But for now he desperately wants to sleep to stop thinking about her.....
But the irony is that she will come in his dream also....
But it's different there.
In his dreams he can touch her... Talk to her, hold her........

He got up from the bed walk to a cabinet.... Open the drawer and took out bottle of sleeping pills....

The one he ate 2 hours back was not enough.....
He ate one more.....

Came back and lay down counting backward from 100....
Trying hard to sleep and wishing  a miracle to happen and he never wakes up.

As the hardest part is waking up in the morning remembering the thing which you were trying to forget last night

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