09 || respect for Hadeeth

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Ma’n b. ‘Īsa Al-Qazzāz reports:

Whenever Mālik b. Anas – Allah have mercy on him – would sit to narrate ḥadīth he would bath and perfume himself. If anyone raised his voice in the gathering [Imām Mālik] would reprimand him and say, “Lower your voice, for Allah tabāraka wa ta’ālā said:

O Believers! Do not raise your voices over that of the Prophet [Sūrah Al-Ḥujarāt: 2]

Whoever raises his voice over the sound of the ḥadīth of Allah’s Messenger – peace and blessing be upon him, then it is as if he is raising his voice over that of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him.”

Nasr b. Ibrāhīm Al-Maqdisī in Mukhtasar Al-Hujjah ‘alā Tārik Al-Mahajjah Vol.1 p121.

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