Ch. 5: Reactions and Results

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And angry they were as they all communicated via their emergency lines with their pearls by their sides.

"Yellow, Blue, tell me you saw that too." White said, gritting her teeth in frustration.

"How could we not?! Every gem in all the colonies saw what happened, how Black ruthlessly challenged and hurt Pink!" Blue said as she cried, hating the sight of Pink and Black fighting.

"And then Black has the audacity to challenge Blue next! What does he think he'll proof by fighting us?!" Yellow shouted.

"Dominance" White spoke, still mad but quickly getting logical. "He wants to prove that he is strong, that the fact he is the youngest doesn't mean he is the weakest. Can't you see how serious he was? He even demonstrated a new power, you should be serious to Blue. Because that boy is not playing around."

"But White, you can't be serious? I can't fight Black." Blue said between her tears.

"You don't have a choice because he wants to fight us. Unless we show that we can best him, all of Homeworld could call for a new order." White said.

"Besides, he has been acting like he seriously thinks we can lose to him. Is he so desperate to prove otherwise?" Yellow said harshly as she looked towards Blue. "We must fight accordingly, so wipe out those tears, Blue. Fight with all you have or face humiliation at a one sided fight because you refuse to fight back."

Blue was hurt by Yellow's words but she knew Yellow was right, both her and White were. If she held back or didn't do anything because of how much she cared for Black, she could lose the respect and faith of all her court.

"Very well. I....I'll take his challenge whenever it comes." Blue said as she wiped away her tears. "All will give Black everything I have and win."

"Hmm, good. Now go to your room and get ready, you won't make much progress crying like that." White Diamond said, looking back at the monitor.

Blue looked away from her before nodding, ending the communication to leave only White Diamond and Yellow Diamond. Which was exactly was needed as they needed to have a private conversation with the other diamond.

"Yellow." White Diamond said to her.

"You don't think Blue can win, do you?" Yellow asked, instantly assuming.

"I'm not saying it's not possible but Blue has always been the less combative of all of us. Even me." White said as she nodded once, looking into Yellow's eyes through the screens. "That why, out of all of us, you are our best chance in combat against Black. Especially with your powers."

Yellow nodded to this as she gestured for her Yellow Pearl to make a note of it to increase her training from now own.

"I understand but for now, I'll have faith in Blue and her strength." Yellow Diamond said to her.

"I sure hope she doesn't just start crying from the get go." White Diamond said as she clenched the bridge of her nose.

'She probably will.' Yellow Diamond thought, still having doubts.

10 planetary cycles(a week and a half) passed and the battle between Black and Pink was still the buzz of the Homeworld plus colonies through the universe. Gems were wondering if Black Diamond was even stronger than he showed them, if his skills were self taught, or even if he would take them into his court. The last question was the biggest since Black Diamond, the youngest diamond, didn't seem to have a court of his own or even an area among the four main sections of the Diamonds.

"Black? Can I come in?" Spinel asked, standing outside of her friend's room.

She learned that friends have boundaries and she had to respect them. Black had been silent for quite a while and she wanted to see how he was doing now.

"Come on in, Spinel. I'm just looking over the colony reports." Black said to her, letting Spinel enter.

After he won the Earth colony from Pink, Black Diamond had taken his job as it's overseer very seriously. Not just to prove he was more than ready than Pink but to build his own court with the gems that were being grown there. He felt a little bad for the life that was already there but gem life was more important and stronger. Survival of the fittest in all.

"What's on your mind, Spinel?" Black asked as he put the colony report away and smiled at Spinel.

"I just wanted to check on you and ask a personal question of you don't mind." Spinel said to him.

"Not at all. Go on and ask." He said with a nod.

"Okay. Is having a colony really that fun?" She asked as if she didn't understand why the Diamonds spend so much time on them.

Even if it was for the birth of more gems and to expand their empire.

"Honestly? No but it serves a purpose and it's rather fulfilling." Black said as he smiled to Spinel.

"How so?" Spinel asked as she moved to sit next to him.

"We can build more gems for an army or a court, teach them how to think for themselves. It's like we are being responsible for the next generation of gems and how they turn out to be will be thanks to us." Black explained as best as he could to Spinel.

"Huh, I guess that makes sense." Spinel said, but didn't look convinced.

Black knew just what to do to cheer her up.

"And maybe, if you want, I could have some of them hang out with you and get to know you. Let you have some more friends that truly want to be your friends." Black said to her.

"Really? But...aren't you and the Off Colors my friends?" Spinel asked him.

"Of course we are but you can never have too many friends." Black said as he tussled her hair.

"Hehe, I guess thats true but you guys will always be my special group of very true first friends though." Spinel said as she smiled at Black and moved to hug him, which got him to hug back.

Spinel always enjoyed their hugs, finding Black's embrace much better than the hugs she shared with Pink. She hoped nothing would ruin this, no matter how many friends she would have in the future or if any other diamonds tried to get her away from Black Diamond. He was her diamond now.

"So, what's the next step now? I bet you have been training your new power to face Blue, right?" Spinel asked as they stopped hugging.

"Yeah, I have. It's why I've also been a bit distant over the last few days, that astral projection is really something. I feel like I could take on an entire army and win." Black said with a smile. "I also think it could protect me from Blue's power, the one that make gems emotional."

"I think I've heard of that, she turns everything a shade of blue for it, right?" Spinel said to him.

"That's the one and if my astral projection can protect me from it, that means it can also-" Black Diamond said before he was cut off by a loud scream.

"BLACK!" Rhodonite screamed loudly!

The two gem fusion ran into his room in a panic, breathing heavily as she came to a halt and pointed outside of the room!

" Yikes! What seems to be all that racket, Rhodonite? Last time I saw you that scared, you thought a Jasper looked at you funny." Black said to her as he and Spinel looked to her.

"A-A-A-A-A gem is coming! One with water wings!" Rhodonite said she held herself, scared and shaking.

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