Chapter 2 Farmer🌻

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I was falling in another dimension, I think, holding down my skirt, noticing Ben and puppycat looking

"guys don't look!!"

Ben blushed and looked away quickly, puppycat pouted before looking away I then notice were falling through a hole then a giant blue square thing with a face and wings

"You don't get to look either"

It looked away I think

"okay, you may look now"

"I haven't seen you guys in a while, you smell good like home cooked food and home burnt food"

"Tempbot stop we don't have a lot of time we just came from the bathroom-"

"Ew you touched my face, wait did you wash your hands and who's your friend"

I smiled and waved since I have no idea what to say at this point

"that's [Y/N] and there's no time to wash hands we need quick cash"

I don't know what's going on anymore

"ewww , okay I have a simple temp job on file on jellycube planet no one's been wanting to do it for some reason"

maybe I'm dreaming, yeah that's gotta be it

"hold still for uniform assignment"

whaa, is it barfing on me?!

"cute" I meant what I said

"woah extra pockets....magic pockets"

We just keep playing with our pockets, I mean come on, they are so cute and magical

"I like this dream"

We went through its mouth

"you guys need me to hail yout a ride"
"no time let's go"
I nodded
I can't seem to make sense of this dream I might as well have fun in the meantime. we fell slipped and hit the ground Ben fell on puppycat

"Where's my gum"
Lol ^-^

"are you here to-"

"yeah we're here for the temp thing what do we have to do"

Da fuq is that guy person thing, idk what da fuq its supposed to be, the creepy ass motherfucker

"on the opposite side of my sweet jiggly planet on the top of my whipped cream puddle is a beautiful sugared cherry"

"okay you want it or something puppycat stay here your legs are to short to run fast keep [Y/N] safe okay here I go ahhh"

" anymore gum"

what's with the blush on his face, was it something I said??

~with Deckard and cam~

Cam was on top his sister doing a wrestling move that looked like it didn't even hurt but then again Deckard is kind of fragile

"ahhh get off"

"[Y/N] and Ben have been in the bathroom for a while now"

"who cares"

"Deckard don't you think it's weird he hasn't grown up yet"

"He's just having a hard time finding a job that suits him not everyone's a born computer expert"

"that's not what I mean, look I saw your acceptance letter"

"haha snooping , look who's not grown up now"

"look i know you like Ben and I know he likes you too , but if he findsout you've been avoiding your future so you can sit around finding excuses to mother him, I think hedo be upset" ;-;

"what about her??" now that got Cam by surprise

"what are you talking about"

"you know what I mean, you like her, but so does Ben, and that's what we're both really worried about isn't it?? What if I leave and one day when I come back to find that it was never me but her and won't you be heart broken too, you have been madly in love with her since second grade, but she likes you and Ben so much and determined not to let anyone get hurt, she decided to avoid love all together, I don't think she can keep it up much longer, be careful not to hurt her if she does chose you. she's special, kinda like Ben, you and I both know that"

~your pov~

"oh look, I think that snake likes you, or maybe it's just hungry"


"that cherry is the only nourishment I need to feed my animals"

"c'mon puppycat let's go help Ben carry that cherry back over here."

"oh there's no need to do that the cherry is just a vehicle to carry the fertilizer to my crops"

"huh, but you didn't give any fertilizer to him"

"that's because he IS the fertilizer"


~with Ben~

"oh very pretty"
I was about to touch it until I saw a shadow, no wait it was just a flying [Y/N] holding a puppycat cat and she was using my gum to fly

"[Y/N] look out!!"

the gum popped, before she could fall I caught her and she caught puppycat

"you two are so, heavy"

I fell backwards
[Y/N] in my lap puppycat in hers

"the traps souls in the jelly- blah blah blah-"

oh wow, are these people or aliens, wait what about my gum, I really wanted that gum, wasn't it in puppycats mouth, how did [Y/N] get a hold of it then

"Ben?? BEN!!"

" No time [Y/N] give me my gum"

I got it back the same way puppycat took it, now he's just screaming, it's not like I'm taking from him, it's just [Y/N] I'm taking it back from

" stupid trick cherry, stupid pockets, stupid stupid stupid!!"

I found a pointy garden tools in my magic pockets puppycat cat has WTF face and [Y/N] just touching her lips blushing, I knew what I was doing, I maybe stupid but I'm not an idiot I know what a kiss is, I was her second kiss, Deckard's brother Cam was her first, we were kids though so, yeah, I stabbed the trick cherry and put the gum in it after the souls flew away

"stupid gum"
I miss my gum ;-;

~my pov~

the world old alien guy was saying some weird shit while Ben walked up to him and punched his stupid face, he looked scared


"your still here and yet my animals....oh no please don't punish my animals for my decrigation(?)"

"I killed your stupid cherry thing but this gum works better than people"

"now pay us" wow puppycat does talk, kinda

"my payment was supposed to be the sweet release of death and-blah blah blah blah blah-"

I broke off the leaf thing from his head and hit him with it to get him to stop talking

"shut up"

"if you didn't have all these animals I'd murder you" Ben said while walking backwards me following behind holding puppycat

~at Dekards house~

"hello" Ben called

"guys I think we got back later then expected"

I picked up whatever was under the silver thingy

"I guess she finished it for us"


"Let's go, you can spend the night at our house if you'd like"

"that'd be great, thanks"

~back at Bens house~

Apparently it wasn't a dream, my house got caught on fire the day after I had everything packed since Ben and puppycat wanted me to live with them, I agreed, such luck right, I got everything out before the fire, how many people do you know that are that lucky, anyway Ben had promised puppycat a new leather jacket but didn't have the money for it say I gave him my baby jacket, he looked so cute in it.
"Okay open your eyes now"

"Sorry puppycat, Ben didn't have the money for a new one since you two never got paid so I'm recycling my old one by giving it to you, what do you think"

"Honestly I only like it because it was yours....why is there glitter and old candy in the pockets"

"reasons, goodnight puppycat, night Ben"

"Night" they said at the same time

Puppycat decided to speak up
"you kissed her on purpose"

"we both know you and I like her sorry puppycat, plus I wanted my gum back"

"what about Deckard's brother"

"what about him puppycat"

"aren't you worried he might take her away"

"everyday. since we were kids. I've liked her and Deckard since second grade, problem is so did Cam, but I know one day when she has to choose. I believe whoever she chooses it'll be the right choice."

"if you say so"

"well goodnight puppycat"

-------------------------------------My phones at 10% luckily I finished it in time, comment below and tell me what you think, I know the last chapter was kind of bad, but I promise this one might be better, thank you for reading!! Bye~

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