Jeff and Liu?

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..Your Point of View..

I walked home and Ran to my Room and laid down and took an Breath Finally Home I Heard My Door Knock down Greatt They're Home No one yelled Rose we're Back  Which Worried I walked down Stairs and Saw Two Boys one with Black Hair and a Carved Smile in his Face and The Other Blond and has Stitches and I scream "JEZUS F*CKING LORD WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" I Said  they looked at me and I literally Felt my Heart Skip a Beat Twice I Ran out of the house"BURN THEM WITH FIRE" I Yelled and Gene Ran From Zane's House To our house I was Still yelling Burn them with Fire He Touched shoulder which made me Jump "AH" I Screeched he Looked at me Confused The Two Males Stepped out of our house and literally Just Laughing but it was Weird Because The Black haired one look way different he had Brown-ish Black-ish Hair like that make on the Rooftop I Ran over to them "What You Two Aren't The Two People who I saw in my house "Welllllllll BYE" They Yelled and they Ran I Ran after them "GET BACK HERE" I Yelled they Ran Really Fast I growled  almost Making it to them but I soon blacked out 

(The End For Now)

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