~ Tagged ~

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Dear readers,

I got tagged again actually three times I forgot I feel really lucky thank you everyone!

The first one comes from : @GalacticIsFairyTail

1- Do I have a crush?
~ Yes two but they are celebs.

2- Middle name
~ Can I not tell?

3 - Height
~ I never measured myself.

4 - Shoe size
~ Can I not tell?

5 - Eye colour
~ Dark brown.

6 - Last time you cried
~ A few weeks ago cause kids are so annoying and this is a really stupid reason going on my iPad and I was done with it and complained about it.

7 - Biggest fear
~ I do have a fear of spiders and other things but my biggest one yet of dying, like come one everyone always had those images when we were all gonna die.

8 - Last song you listened to
~ I don't remember.

9 - Last person you texted
~ A person who told me good things @Dat_Kawaii_Neko

10 - Favourite app
~ Wattpad

Anyone can be tagged.

The second one comes from: @May_Zoldyck

5 facts

1~ when I was younger I used to love putting on make up
2~ I make it really obvious if I like someone
3~ I dislike square shape pillows rectangles are my fave ones
4~ I like to party only when I'm hyper
5~ I hate showing skin

The last one comes from: @Ainstec

1. Who is Bae
I have a lot that I don't want to share

2. Hat is your favourite food

3. Do you ship
Yes I do

4. Do you enjoy tags
Sometimes cause when I write the questions I always have to look back in my photo album

5. Do I like reading
I do reading 24/7

Some of the questions I had to skip cause I wanted to finish this quick.
Author~chan out

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