Chapter 2: Geonosis

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~Location: Geonosis, Officer Academy~

After his arrival, Tartarus has been studying more about the Galaxy at large. He needs to get an understanding of the Galaxy; the different governments, politics, species, cultures, planets, etc. After all, any knowledge of the galaxy he now resides in can help him gain an advantage over his adversaries.

Dooku provided him a few data-pads about the history of the Jedi, and how they came to be.

He has read them and fortunately enough, the implants in his brain help him to understand their language and dialect by translating them for him, After reading the Datapads, Adam is needless to say is very impressed by what he has read. The history of the galaxy pales in comparison with Remnant's history.

First is the rise and fall of the Old Republic Era, sometime after the Jedi Order had begun its conflict against the Mandalorians, the Old Republic continued to fend off the onslaught of the Sith, who slowly began gaining the upper hand.

After thousands of years of constant warfare, the Sith would seize control of the galaxy for some time. During one of the wars that the Old Republic faced in the period of its fall, a Mandalorian of House Vizsla stole the Darksaber from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Eventually, both the Jedi and the remnants of the fallen Old Republic managed to reorganize their forces and fight back against the Sith during a period known as the "Dark Age". The Republic would emerge victorious from the war, managing to recapture Coruscant from the Sith who occupied the capital. The Dark Age ended with the Sith Order's defeat, with all but one Dark Lord dead. And with the crumbled Old Republic, now having brought peace to the galaxy, reorganized itself, resulting in the establishment of the Galactic Republic.

This impresses him to an extent that he realized that the incoming conflict would pale in comparison to Remnant's Great War.

This got him thinking, if the galactic scale is to happen like this then that means that Tartarus would have the experience to take over planets with ease. Then Remnant would be nothing more but a walk in the park.

He can imagine it right now, after the CIS wins the war he will use their resources to survey across the galaxy to look for Remnant. When they do find it, Adam will have his fleet bombard Atlas from space, then he will have his invasion force attack Mistral, Vale, and Vacuo. He can see this all now. Every opposition is destroyed as those who dare to oppose him will fall.

For one thing, is certain for Tartarus; he swore revenge on Blake. Someday he would return to Remnant and everyone associated with her will die by his hands and all of humanity will bow down to his feet!

"General Tartarus?" A mechanical voice was heard.

He was brought from his train of thought by his Guardsman. He looks at him as he spoke.

"'re called by Count Dooku for another training session." The IG-110 Guardsman reported to the cybernetic general.

The Bull Faunus internally sighs and says, "Very well..."

He sat up from his chair and walks pass the Guardsman and out of his chamber room, before he made his way into the hallway.

~Small Timeskip~

He walks on the hallways of the catacombs towards the destination of Dooku's training area. He passes by some geonosian chambers that are currently used for educating the cadets as Droid Officers, in each chamber he came across or walks past he can see a variety of species learning to be officers.

The first being is human, which is common in the galaxy much to Tartarus' disgust and disdain. Next Muuns, Twi'leks, Neimodians, etc. the republic must've been doing a poor job in managing different sectors in the Outer Rim.

He wondered what other species he hasn't touched upon in the Perhaps he might as well encounter other alien species if the conflict ever happens or take place. But for now, he has the training to go with.

He continues to make his way to the training room that Dooku has set up for him but as he walked, two officers ran past him in a blur, Tartarus was caught off-Guard when the officers ran past him.

"Sorry!" A Human said with prosthetic arm apologized as they ran pass him.

He looks at who ran past him; a human and Neimodian. They wore Separatist Tunic. Tartarus speculates they must be late since they are running, and this is after all the start of the training of future officers of the Separatist Alliance. It reminds him of his days as a recruit of the White Fang. Being late to training or such. But that's beside the point, he has training to head to.

Tartarus grunts before walking in the hallway of the Geonosian Catacombs, "They should watch they're going..."

After passing by a few chambers, he arrived at the training room he was instructed to enter.

The interior of the Room itself is no different from the rest of the chambers in the Geonosian hive but the difference to be noticed is how big and spacious the room is, almost suited for some sort of royalty or sorts. There is somewhat seems to be an upper level of the room with a balcony overlooking the interior of the small arena in the middle of the room, with some Battle Droids in the sidelines overlooking it.

When he entered he felt danger coming from behind, he turned around and ignited his lightsabers, and blocks the incoming attack. To his surprise and confusion, he was being attacked by his own Guardsmen, two of them.

With a growl, he pushes them away and jumps back to give some considerable distance from the two Guardsmen while he holds a lightsaber with one hand.

"What is the meaning of this!?" The Cyborg General demanded, but the two Guardsmen didn't respond and instead twirl their electro-staff around as they approach him.

Tartarus gets in a ready position but then his instincts have forced him to jump to the side, as unexpected blaster bolts hit where he used to stand. He looks up to see the battle droids on the balcony are now firing upon him as red-based plasma rains down.

Tartarus was quick enough and evaded all the incoming shots before he was then stopped by the two Guardsmen.

"Get him!!" The two Guardsmen then charges at him.

He sneers and started clashing with the two elite droids with great endurance and agility, better than he was as a full-blooded Faunus, he was able to block all of their electro-staff attacks and evade the incoming blaster bolts from the droids above.

There are many wonders that cybernetics can wield, and it's that he can't feel tired or fatigue so that's a plus. Tartarus calculates and strategizes what he should do to gain an edge over them. He found a solution he stops in his tracks as stood, as the battle droids from the top open fired but Tartarus took advantage of this and deflected the blaster bolts back to the owner, killing the droids above.

Though he has to worry with the Guardsmen charging at him he uses the remaining droids from the balcony to deflect the blaster bolt at the guardsmen who were able to block it in time. Seeing that it halted their charge, Tartarus took the initiative and charges in at them with his Lightsaber ignited.

The IG-110 Guardsmen block attacks his attacks with ease but is being pushed back even when they attacked at the same time. Tartarus' reflexes and speed were able to outpace the two droid elites.

But he then pushed back in a considerable distance by the two droids. After blocking and absorbing each attack from the two Guardsmen with a lightsaber, Tartarus starts to glow.

Tartarus chuckles maliciously at this and then lets out a flurry of slashes with his lightsaber, and re-emit that energy again in powerful red energy strikes at the two Guardsmen.

They didn't anticipate this and one of them wasn't able to block or dodge the attack, thus one Guardsman was cut down to pieces. Adam uses the absorbed energy to increase his speed and strength and attacks the last Guardsman.

But with his enhanced speed and strength, along with the cybernetics he augmented with, he was able to overpower his creation, the Guardsman, and with one final attack from the Guardsman, he was able to sidestep thus the Guardsman missed then the Cybernetic Bull Faunus then was able to cut him in half before he then crushes its head as its components to pieces.

After getting rid of the Guardsmen, he looks up at the balcony at the remaining battle droids that are still functioning and stopped firing after witnessing what happened.

One of the droids looks at his comrades and asks albeit nervously, "Do we retreat?"

"Nonsense! He can't reach us..." He then glances at the third Droid, "...right?"

"Of course not!" The Third Droid dismisses this.

He then glances at the other balcony... who has Tartarus holding the head of the Battle Droid he just dispatched.

"...Isn't that right, inconspicuous General-"

He wasn't able to finish when the cybernetic form of Adam Taurus then lunges at him. The poor droid wasn't able to let out a scream when he was then cut down to pieces as Tartarus landed on the platform. The remaining droids were about to fire at him but he launches powerful red waves of energy at the last remaining droids, killing them.

After that was done, he lets out a few steady breaths until he heard a familiar voice from below.

"A wonderful and most impressive display Tartarus..." he looks down and sees Count Dooku standing on the remains of the Guardsmen, "...most impressive indeed."

Tartarus merely growls at the human, he hops off the platform and lands on the ground below as he glares at the Count.

"You better have an explanation for this Count!" Tartarus shouted, "Why did you order my droids to attack me?!"

Count Dooku merely grins, which infuriates the Droid General, "Didn't you catch on? This is merely training, this is to test how you would be able to face multiple opponents at once. Your Guardsmen are perfect use as sparring partners, they come close to mimicking the Jedi's attack patterns and forms."

Tartarus merely glares behind his face mask, being tested in such way that could that got him killed. Even with his cybernetics he could been killed, "You could have warned me about this!"

"This is also a test of your awareness in combat, and it seems you're able to prove that. Perhaps that was from your Faunus." Count Dooku speculates.

Tartarus merely glares behind his mask at the Count, but Dooku isn't intimidated, not one bit. Count Dooku then pulls out a lightsaber, "... we will continue this type of training, it will continue until you're able to hold your own against a Jedi or multiple. Remember the Jedi are vastly different from the Huntsmen and Huntresses you faced. Remember that."

Tartarus said nothing as Dooku then finishes.

"...Don't disappoint Tartarus." He ignites his lightsaber as he gets into his fighting stance.

General Tartarus glares at him but nothing and ignites his lightsaber. The two warriors stared down at each other in silence as they circle each other waiting for one of them to attack.

It didn't take long before Tartarus then lunges a slash at him, with that both warriors clash as the red light briefly illuminates across the room.

This will be a long preparation for the upcoming conflict.

~Timeskip; 22 BBY~

Two years have passed as the storm of conflict is draws near. For two years, Factories in Geonosis continue to produce millions of droids and ships for the upcoming war.

Separatist Officers continued to train for the upcoming conflict. Learning strategies and making their own against the republic, learning how to formate plans and how to use the resources available to them.

Tartarus was also taught these things but it was only necessary as he is in a galaxy that is far different from his own. He only needed to know the logistics of the Army of the Confederacy and how he would lead in space combat, open battlefields, and other forms of conflicts. Psychological and Physical conflict, he excels in these things as a member of the White Fang.

Count Dooku took notice of this as well, since Tartarus explained he was a part of revolutionary force, his experiences as terrorist could be beneficial for the war. No doubt the Tactics he learned are guerrilla warfare and psychological warfare, which is something that Sienna Khan has taught Adam. Fear is a powerful weapon if used correctly. Also during this, Tartarus continues to learn more of the Jedi Order and Republic. It is important to know your enemy before your strike. As far he's concerned they have no standing army that would oppose them, which makes Tartarus be under the assumption this war would only last a few days.

As two years went on, Dooku continues to train Tartarus relentlessly. He was faced against, the IG-125 Paladin Droids, and IG-150 Praetorian Droids. This continues until he can face them all on his own without a problem. His fighting prowess improved beyond recognition from his old fighting style as a Faunus, he grew to adapt to the new cybernetics augmented and implemented on him. He showed no fear, and he fought Dooku for two years.

He has become the perfect Jedi Killer for the Separatist Alliance.

The time of war drew near, Adam Taurus grew anxious and eager to test his skills against a real Jedi. His desire to kill and his bloodlust will only be ceased once he has finally conquered Remnant, and humanity all in ashes.

However, he won't be facing any real battles soon when the war begins. He is strictly instructed by Count Dooku that he is only to be kept in reserve, to be revealed when the time is right.

This irks Tartarus to no end just to keep in shadows, but he of course obeyed nonetheless as much it makes him sick obeying human. He reminded himself, that this human is his only chance to give the Faunus the paradise and Faunus utopia they desire.

At this moment now, Tartarus is in his chambers overlooking the simulated training through via holo-screen. Observing how these cadets will lead in battle. When he first saw how they lead, they failed General Tartarus to scoff at the sight of how incompetent the Separatist Cadets are when they were leading.

But over two years he can see a lot of improvement thanks to the training they received from Admiral Trench and other Separatist General's teachings. He's certain he will one day have to be working on these cadets, but he scowls at the idea of working with humans. Due to his prejudiced views on humanity, he has no care of any human who died under his leadership, but if it was other species he is willing to work with them.

As Tartarus continues to watch the simulated battle of the cadets until it concludes the battle, which ends with the Separatist Cadet coming out of the victor along with his small batch of Droids.

After the simulation has been concluded which left Tartarus unimpressed, he then walks out of his chambers towards the training chamber, to test his skills once more.

On the way there, some Geonosians ran past him in a hurry. Tartarus wonders why are they such in a hurry. He dismisses this as something not unimportant.

But before he could continue any further he was stopped by two B1 Battle Droids, one of them informs him, "General, you are needed at the briefing room immediately."

Tartarus raised a non-existent eyebrow and demanded, "Elaborate, Droid."

"...A Jedi along with a Republic, was captured not too long ago. Count Dooku wants us to be in the briefing room immediately." The Droid explained.

This got the cybernetic bull Faunus's interest and speculates, "So the Republic and the Jedi now know of our intentions then?"

"Affirmative sir..."

"Good..." the Droid General walks past them.

This caught the two droids off-guards, "G-good?!"

Tartarus merely turns to them, "I'll be arriving soon to the briefing room. If the Jedi want to invade, let them. They have no army, and we overwhelmed them."

Tartarus turns away, his eyes behind the slits of his mask showa a sinister glint. If he has a mouth he would be grinning.

"Their invasion battle will be nothing more, but a massacre."

To be continued

A/N: well this chapter is done, I'm sorry if it took a long time for to finish this chapter but stay tuned.

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