Chapter 35: Destiny Draw

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"Your alchemy will not save you here. I'll end this, once and for all !"

Amnael: It's too bad that you only see alchemy like so... In that case, look very carefully, Mokuba Kaiba ! Behold the power of Alchemy ! I draw ! And I activate the spell card, Chaos Distil !

Chumley: That really is a distil !

Syrus: So it's still about alchemy, isn't it...

Amnael: Its effects causes all the cards that would normally go to my Graveyard to be removed from play instead ! And I activate another spell ! Steel lamp !

Amnael: When Chaos Distil is on the field, this card lets me special summon the Alchemy beast, Salamandra the Steel !!

Amnael: The alchemy beasts cannot be normal summoned, but in exchange, they can attack you directly ! Then I activate two more spells ! Bronze Scale and Lead Compass ! Thanks to Chaos Distil, these let me summon the alchemy beasts, Ouroboros the Bronze, and Leon the Lead !

Amnael: I lay one card face down, and end my turn.

"Three monsters on your first turn, huh..."

Amnael: The standard reasoning when it comes to dueling are lost when faced by my alchemy, Mokuba.

"Then I'll take you up on that. I draw ! I summon Beta, the Electromagnet warrior to the field ! And thanks to its special ability, I can add another magnet to my hand, Alpha !"

"Next, I activate the spell Magnet induction ! Letting me special summon yet another magnet from my deck, Gamma ! And Gamma's special ability lets me special summon Alpha from my hand, adding Berserkion ! How's that for three monsters, huh ?"

Amnael: ... ... ...

"Nothing to say ? Then my monsters will speak for you ! Attack !"

Amnael: Such a simple tactic won't work ! I activate the continuous trap, Elemental Absorber !

Amnael: Now, by removing from play a monster from my hand, all of your monsters with the same attribute as the removed monster can't attack !

"But then... !"

Amnael: I remove an Earth-attribute monster from my hand, and negate the attacks of all your earth monsters !

"But... All the monsters in my deck are Earth-attribute !"

Amnael: I warned you. You will learn the true power of alchemy here.

"Kh... Don't think I'll go down so easily. I attack the equip spell Ring of Magnetism to Alpha ! It reduces its points by 500, but your monsters can only attack him now !"

Amnael: My turn.

Chumley: Don't you worry ! He can't attack you, and he only has one card left ! As soon as you get rid of that absorber, you'll turn that duel around !

Amnael: What an idiotic advice. Didn't I tell you ? My alchemy transforms everything you think knowing about duels ! I activate Dark Process, Negledo !

Amnael: If Chaos Distil is on my field, and I have no card in hand, I can remove from play all the Alchemy beasts on my field, and draw two cards for each one of them !

"So you're destroying your own monsters ?"

Amnael: the process of destruction and rebirth is key in alchemy, or did you sleep throught that class too ? But it does not matter. Little by little, this duel is tilting towards your defeat. Because I removed 3 alchemy beasts, I draw 6 cards ! Now ! Tin Magic spell ! Mercury Hourglass ! Silver Key !

Syrus: Three more Alchemy beasts ?!

Amnael: Naturally, these ones can also attack you directly.

"If you're done, then I activate Beta and Gamma's abilities ! Replacing Beta with Delta, and Gamma with its magnetic counterpart ! So Delta lets me put another magnet to the graveyard."

Amnael: It's useless to struggle, Mokuba. I know what you're thinking about. After all, our decks are more similar than you'd think.

"... See for yourself then ! I draw ! From my field and Grave, I banish three electromagnets, to special Summon Berserkion, the Electromagna warrior !! Next, Berserkion's ability activates ! By removing a Level 4 or lower magnet from my grave, I can destroy any of your cards ! Such as that Elemental Absorber ! Out with it !"


"I almost regret putting the rest in Defense mode, but you can't be too careful. Berserkion ! Destroy one of his Alchemist beasts ! Electro Rush !!"


Amnael: URK- !


"I put one card face-down, and end my turn. Now, care to tell me how our decks are similar ?"

Amnael: That is for you to find the answer. Although, It doesn't looks like you will have the occasion to do so. My turn ! I activate the spell, White Process Albedo !

Amnael: It lets me special summon Golden Homonculus ! It cannot be normal summoned, but it's attack and defense points are equal to the number of my cards removed from play, multiplied by 300 ! And thanks to you, 15 of my cards are now banished, bringing his total points to 4500 !

"Uh- Oh..."

Amnael: 'Mokuba Kaiba, are you the kind of duelist to break here after coming that far... ?'

Amnael: Go, my Alchemy Beasts ! SONIC BLAST ! SQUIRT GUN ! SILVER CUTTER !!




Amnael: You resisted admirably. Now, Golden Homonculus, attack ! Golden Harvest !!



"Haah... Haah... Haah... Berserkion's effect activates... Letting me summon the three electromagnets that were removed... Of course, since I filled my monster zones, I can't activate Gamma, but Beta and Alpha's effects activate !"

Amnael: Hmph. that's more like it. I put one card face down.

"I'll also activate their second effect ! Replacing Alpha and Beta with their magnetic counterparts, and Gamma with another Delta !"

"Now, It's my turn ! I draw ! I send three magnet warriors from my field to the grave, and remove three electromagnet warriors from my Grave, to special summon both Valkyrion and Berserkion !

Syrus: He... he won ! Aniki just won !

Chumley: Yeah ! He just has to activate Berserkion's ability to destroy the Golden Homonculus ! Or even, he can just attack ! That duel is over !

Pharaoh: Meooow.

Syrus: Pharaoh ? This is a really important moment, okay ? So cheer on Aniki with us.

Pharaoh: ... MIAAWWW !!

Syrus: GAAH !! IT HURTS !!

"Huh ? Pharaoh, don't go there ! It's dangerous !"

"... Pharaoh... ?"

Chumley: What's this... Pharaoh is never like that with strangers...

"Then... He's no stranger to him... And so far, Pharaoh only acted like that with one person..."

Amnael: I see you finally gets it, Mokuba... The truth.

"... I had some doubts, but I didn't wanted to believe it myself... All that time..."

Chumley: Professor Banner !

"But, if you're here... Then who's that mummy back there... ?"

Banner: Hehe... This mummy is also my body. I used alchemy to will myself back from the Great Beyond. You see, my physical body is dead a long time ago. My soul resides now in that artificial body I created with my Alchemy.

"Huh... ?"

Banner: I traveled the word as an Alchemist, looking for the philosopher's stone... The legendary jewel all alchemist sought to possess. The legend says it has the power to change any metal into gold, and create a medicine capable of preventing aging and death... That is why, through history, powerful men searched through alchemy the means to acquire the Philosopher's stone.

Amnael: As such, and under the orders of a certain person, I made some researches on the matter. And then... As Pegasus was drawn to the Duel Monsters... My researches also lead me to Egypt, to the origins of Duel Monsters.


Banner: But my journey took a toll on my body, and I was struck with an incurable illness. I then used alchemy to create an artificial life form called Homonculus, and entrusted my soul to it.

Syrus: Which means...

Banner: But from the beginning, that body was just borrowed time. It started to fall into pieces, and very soon, I'll reach the end of my life.


Banner: However, before my death, for the sake of the man who helped me in my research, I must acquire the power to control the ultimate spirits !

"So the Sacred Beasts..."

Banner: exactly. With the power of the three Sacred Beasts, I can finally create the Philosopher stone !

"So all this time... Everything about you... All of that was a lie, wasn't it, professor Banner ? Were we all really just pawns for you to use as you see fit ?"

Banner: ... Let's continue this duel. If you want to rescue those that I took, you must defeat me ! This is my final exam for you ! And shall you lose, your souls will be used as materials for my research !

"Just try it... You won't live long enough ! I attack !"

Banner: Threatening roar ! You cannot conduct your battle phase this turn.

"... Whatever. I activate Berserkion's ability ! By banishing 4 magnet warriors from my graveyard, I can destroy all of your monsters !"


Banner: My turn ! I activate the spell, Chaos Greed !

Banner: If I have more than 4 cards removed from play, and no cards in my graveyard, I can draw two cards ! I will then set two cards face down and end my turn.

'... No cards in his hand, no monsters on his field, and no elemental absorber... These two face down must be quite powerful traps for him to be so confident... I can't allow myself to trip and tumble now...'

"My turn ! I draw ! I activate the spell, Magna Return !"

"So now, I take one of each Magnet warrior and summon them to my field ! I'll also put Valkyrion in defense mode, since it can't attack this turn."

Banner: 'That's right, Mokuba.' A brilliant use of the Contact fusion. It represents your full potential !

"Shut up ! You lost the right to act as a teacher the moment you turned against your students !"

banner: 'Your true power still hasn't awakened... Mokuba, you don't realize the strength that dwells within you... The same blood runs through your veins, the blood of Kaiba...'

"Next, I'll activate the spell Magnet Amplificator ! All my magnets now gain 900 ATK and Def points !





Banner: Mokuba... Pay close attention ! This is the ultimate Alchemy that I achieved ! I activate the continuous trap, Macro Cosmos !!

Banner: I can activate this card by removing Chaos Distil from play !


"Ugh... Gaaaaaaaahh !!"

"Huh ? Where..."

Banner: Don't act so surprised. I just moved the site of our duel out of the world of humans, in space.

"What you want to use Satellite canon or something ?"

Banner: Not quite. Macro Cosmos lets me special summon another kind of monster from my deck... Helios, the Primordial Sun !

"That's... These are... Chazz ! Alexis ! Atticus ! ... And Crowler too, I guess..."

Banner: What is up, is like what is down. What is down, is like what is up. These words represent the true nature of existence, as engraved in the emerald tablet ! All things in this world originate from a single substance, altered several time to give birth to Heaven and Earth. Thanks to that, all things are connected, and affect each other. Even the microcosmos known as the "Human world", and the Macrocosmos we know as the sky and all that's beyond it.

"Are you trying to tell me the universe and the people are connected in some way..."

Banner: Hehehehe... I can't blame you. People like you, influenced by modern sciences, can't understand. But Alchemy is a miraculous course that makes the impossible possible. Be the witness of my last lesson, Mokuba Kaiba !

"... It's true, I don't really understand magic or Alchemy... But i've seen enough to know that when it comes to Duel monster, Impossible is a word to forget ! For all you did, I will make you pay !"

Banner: I activate my quick-play spell. Planet Alignment !

Banner: The gravity created by the planet Alignment destroys all monster you control and inflict you 300 points of damage.



"Kh... Berserkion's effect activates, letting me summon the three electromagnets back, and activating their effects... I activate my field spell, Catapult terrain, set one card face-down and end my turn..."

Banner: My turn, I draw. I activate the spell, Yellow process Kitolenics !

banner: This card lets me tribute Helios the Primordial sun, to special summon Helios Duo Megistus !

Banner: Helios Duo Megistus gains 200 Attack points for every monster removed from play. I removed 12 of them... But you were so kind to add 8 of your own to that.


Banner: Attack ! Vulcan flames !!

"I activate Catapult terrain ! By sending a rock to the grave, my monster isn't destroyed !"

Banner: But Macro Cosmos won't let it go to the grave. Instead, it'll be removed from play ! Powering Helios Duo Megistus even more ! You are digging your own grave.

"Don't be so sure, it's my turn ! I draw ! Perfect... I activate the continuous spell, Electromagnetic Railgun !"

"With this card, once a turn, I can tribute one of my electromagnets, to destroy any card on your side of the field ! So i'll discard Gamma, in order to destroy Helios Duo Megistus !


"So How's that, huh ?!"

Banner: Hehehe... Magnetism brought out your talent for Alchemy ! Understanding, deconstructing, reforming, those are the three pillars of Alchemy, and you instinctively use them to near perfection ! It's proof you're a first-rate Alchemist !

"Stop blabbering about that, I am no alchemist."

Banner: You still don't realize it ? The fusion, making stronger monsters with laughable attack, and alchemy, transmuting common metals into precious ones... It's the same thing, the same process ! You, who mastered the fusion, you possess endless potential for alchemy, without a doubt !

"... Just because we both take power from the Earth below doesn't make us the same."

Banner: This duel has another objective. To determine who is the ultimate alchemist. And speaking of... Helios Duo Megistus will now revive, more powerful than ever !

"What ?!

Banner: When Helios Duo Megistus is destroyed, it comes back, and has its attack increased by 300 !


Banner: I will also set one card face down, and end my turn.

"... But it only revive during the End phase... And I have two monsters on my field. I draw ! And I activate my Pot of Greed ! Next, it's time for Electromagnetic Railgun ! I can tribute one of my monsters to destroy yours, the second attack will hit and win !"

Banner: Hmph. Quick-play spell, Grand Convergence ! With macro Cosmos on the field, this destroys all monsters on play, and deals 300 points of damage to you.


"URG- !"


"... ... I... End my turn..."

Syrus: Aniki !

Banner: My turn... My alchemy will finally reach it's last step. Spell card, Red process Rubedo !

Banner: This card tributes Helios Duo Megistus, to special summon Helios Trice Megistus !!

Banner: This card receives 300 points for every monster removed from play. Which amounts now to 25 !


"You've got to be kidding me... This things has 7500 attack points ?!"

Banner: Helios Trice Megistus, attack ! PHOENIX PROMINENCE !!

"Kh... Last ditch defense it is ! Go, trap card ! Waboku ! It reduces all battle damage I take this turn to 0 !!"


"Haaah... Haaah... Haaah..."

Syrus: Aniki...

'Shit... My legs are wobbling... Can't feel my arms... Eyes... Blurry...'

"... Professor Banner... For once, I think you were wrong. I am no alchemist... And right now... I have nothing left to play..."

Banner: Hmph. Then does that mean you're no different from the one you were years ago ?

'Years ago... years ago, I was juts that coward little kid, constantly targeted and kidnapped... That one kid, constantly living in fear, hiding in his big brother's shadow... the one that wasn't even acknowledged... I was just "His brother"... But now...'

'... I've grown... I've learned, I've seen... All these battles... They made me into who I am now. Everything that I've done, and everyone that I've met... They shaped me through the years !'

"I have more than I ever had, right now... My hopes, my dreams, my faith, my friends... And I won't let anyone take anything away from me once again !"

Banner: 'You always had these... You just finally realized it. Let your blood awaken to your true potential.

Everything I have, everything I am... I BET IT ALL ON THAT ONE CARD !! MY TURN ! I DRAW !!"


"... ... Professor Banner... I pride myself in trying to build the best possible deck. In that regard, we are not so far off of each other. As such, I always have an ace up my sleeve. And today is no exception ! My faith and hope has been rewarded ! I SUMMON NECROFACE TO THE FIELD !!"

Banner: Necroface ?!

"I believe in the deck I built, and my cards answer to my faith ! Necroface's effect activates ! Whenever it's normal summoned... ALL BANISHED CARDS GO BACK TO THE DECK !!

Banner: They what ?!


Banner: All the cards... They're going back !

"Not just yours, mine too ! And with no cards removed from play, Helios Trice Megistus... Will see its attack plummeting all the way back to 0 !"


Banner: Impossible !

"And that's not all... For every card that goes back to the deck, Necroface gains 100 Attack points !


"This is checkmate, Shadow Riders !! My alchemy, made everything go back the way it was before ! This is... UNIVERSAL RESET !!

Banner: Ohh... URK- !!





"I think... Everything went back to normal... Professor Banner..."

Banner: Mokuba... You passed my last test flawlessly... The true power of alchemy, beyond the making of gold... To make the heart of man more pure and noble... You know that now... My objective is accomplished...

Banner: The one who supported my research, desperately trying to get their hands on a great power... Left their heart being shrouded in shadows... Mokuba... Soon, something even worse will arrive to this island, the likes of you've never faced before... But now, I'm certain, you're strong enough... You will ward it off, when the time comes... take this...

"professor Banner...

Banner: Mokuba, you're the only one who can fight this disaster...


"Banner !"

Syrus: ... I still can't believe Banner was one of the Shadow Riders...

"But it also means that all the Shadow Riders have been beaten now."

Chumley: So the academy is calm and peaceful again, right ?

"Honestly... I don't really know... Banner told of something even worse coming our way..."

Pharaoh: *GLOMP*

'Professor, that was your final test... As well as your last will. And i'll make sure to honor both of them, whatever may come !'

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