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Sunburst was back to a life with no problems. She was going to an amazing school, she had an excellent boyfriend, and Starling was talking to her again. Her life had never been better. And the winglet cave was always empty during lunch, so it gave her some alone time with Seafoam. They hadn't kissed yet, but Sunburst knew it would happen soon. The only dragons that were there sometimes during lunch were Starling, of course, and Aero. She hadn't been feeling the best, and she thought it was best to stay in her winglet cave. The rest of them didn't mind. Sunburst walked between Seafoam and Starling, her tail twined with her boyfriends while she talked to Starling about the upcoming test. "...Webs said we had to have a study buddy, so.... I was wondering if you would be mine?" Sunburst asked Starling. Starling grinned. "Sure!" She glanced over at Seafoam, who just shrugged. "I might be buddies with, um, Flurry?" He said, and Sunburst laughed. "I got you a study buddy already, genius." She said. Seafoam tilted his head. "Who?" He asked. "A Skywing from another winglet. His name is Ember, I think." Seafoam nodded. "Oh, him. He's um...Skywingy?" Sunburst rolled her eyes. Starling nudged her friend. Sunburst looked at her. Starling raised her eyebrows (lets pretend dragons have eyebrows) at Sunburst, who rolled her eyes. Seafoam smiled. "So......Are we going to find Ember?" He asked, and Sunburst nodded. "I think he's in the Gold Winglet, so..." They went walking in a line towards the Gold Winglet cave. Inside were three dragons; A pale, almost white Sandwing, a purple-blue Nightwing, and a bright red Skywing with pale undersides of his wings that faded into orange. His underbelly was a pale, rusty orange color, his scales looking like glowing coals. The Skywing was a mottled mix of black and red, and rusted orange, making him look like he was alight with fire. Starling's pupils shrank, her wings tensed up, and her mouth twisted into a nervous smile. Sunburst looked at this odd reaction. When the Skywing looked over, blush started to warm Starling's cheeks. Sunburst slapped her with her tail. Starling went back to normal, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "Ember!" Sunburst called, walking across the cave to the Skywing. He gave her a smile. "Hi." He said, flicking his tail. As Skywings go, Ember was more friendly than most. Seafoam said hello, and then it was Starling's turn to introduce herself. "I'm Starling." She said calmly, adjusting her glasses yet again. Sunburst realized what was going on. Her friend had a crush on this Skywing! Sunburst grinned. She nudged Starling and whispered, "Ooooooooooo." In a singsong voice. Starling blushed, then growled softly at her friend and shot her a look. Sunburst sighed, fighting a smile. Seafoam twined tails with her, making her blush. Ember laughed a little. "You wanna start studying?" He asked Seafoam. "Sure!" He replied, going over to sit next to Ember. The girls left. Heading back to the cave, Starling didn't say a word. But when they got to the empty cave, she started talking. "Did you see him? I think he looked at me! Did I look stupid? Oh, Sunburst. What's happening to me?" She groaned. Sunburst grinned. "Someone's in love with a very special Skywing." As Sunburst talked, an orange head dotted with red poked up out of a bundle of animal pelt. "Aero!" Starling yelped. Aero sneezed, her scales looking slightly green. "Hey guys." She said, sounding congested. "Mind giving me a hand to the medicine cave?" Sunburst hopped up onto Aero's ledge and helped her down. "Not feeling too great, huh?" She asked, and Aero coughed in reply, a burst of flame escaping. Sunburst jumped back. "Woah!" She said. Aero wobbled towards the cave door. "Try flying." Starling suggested, and Aero spread her large wings, springing into the air. She did seem more comfortable up there, making it to the medicine cave faster. Outcast checked her scales, looking despairing. "Sorry, Aero." She said. "You've come down with a serious condition. We'll keep you here for another day, but then we'll have an escort take you home. We just can't risk the sickness spreading." Aero looked downcast, but that might've just been her appearance. "Thank you, girls. Are you in her winglet?" Outcast asked. The girls nodded. So did Outcast. "Alright. Your the Jade Winglet, right?" She continued after receiving yes's from the girls. "Well, we need to clean your cave. So, for now, you can stay with the Gold Winglet. Their cave is big, yes?" The girls nodded again. "Alright. And we'll have to find a new Skywing for your winglet, but we can worry about that later." Outcast sent them away. Starling was walking stiffly, her legs straight as sticks. "You ok?" Sunburst asked, but she knew it was a stupid question. "We're staying with him!" Starling moaned.

Hi guys! I had to add someone to heal Starlings heart, so here he is! Ember, the brave/dashing/on-fire Skywing! Stay flappy.


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