Every Vampire Plot Line

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A girl loved a boy. She found out he's a vampire. "I'm a monster," the vampire said.
"I don't care, I love you and you're beautiful and sparkly!" The girl replied defiantly, random tears for no apparent reason popping out of her eyes.
"But if I kiss you, you would be," he paused, "a monster too."
"I need no time to think and I have no hesitation, just take me away and allow me to change my whole life and future and abandon my responsibilities for you!"
The vampire smoldered sexily. "Ok. Come here." The girl glided into his arms and he tilted her downward and bit her neck. She swooned. He turned into a bat and flew away, leaving her. She somehow magically woke up and took off after him. They flew into the moonlight together and lived happily ever after.

Except for that one time that the villagers came by and burned everything they owned and shoved garlic down their throats.

But you know, that's besides the point.

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