Tighnari x Hanahaki! Reader

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. This request was from @Lilacgamerrrr. Updates will be slower from now on because I've been burnt out for a while, but enjoy!

Everything was fine until you coughed up that first petal that day.

It was the day that marked a year of having realized that you'd had feelings for Tighnari. You knew exactly what you had when you saw that rose petal. Your eyes widened in horror at the realization of the fact that you'd caught Hanahaki, a fatal disease brought on by unrequited or unconfessed love. You knew of only two cures: the first being total removal of the disease and, subsequently, all feelings for the person who you liked. The second was receiving some sort of intimate affection back from the one you had feelings for. You'd been hoping that you'd never catch such a disease, but fate seemed to have an odd way of screwing you over time and time again, huh? You even went to Tighnari for confirmation on what type of flower petal it was.

"Ah, yes, this one's easy. It's a part of the genus Rosaceae, its botanical name is Rosa rubiginosa, also called a red rose. Next time, bring me something more difficult to name, alright? Even though you're one of my favorites, you still shouldn't waste time like this, (Y/N)." was his response. "Right, sorry, Tighnari, I'll head out on patrol if that's what's needed right now." you proposed. "Yes, please do. While you're at it, if you could bring me a few Sumeru Roses, that would be great. I'm running low on bookmarks, and they make wonderful ones when pressed properly." he explained. You nodded, heading out. Tighnari's ears flattened against his head as he realized that he'd caught the faint tangy scent of iron in the air. He sniffed the air again, eyes narrowing as he realized that it was the scent of blood he had picked up, and that it was coming from you.

First it was rose petals, and now it was whole roses a week later. You knew you'd be coughing up thorns next.

And cough thorns you certainly did. Your throat was sore and bleeding, and you couldn't stop coughing, either. However, when he thought of your symptoms, which were weakness, blood loss, and unnatural fatigue, he chalked it up to a nasty bout of strep. However, when he saw you coughing up roses as Cyno carried you through the door of his tent, despite your protests, he knew what was going on. "So that's why you asked about the petal, you coughed it up." he strode over to where you were laying on the bed and sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "What have I told you about taking care of yourself? Whoever it is that's causing this Hanahaki must be someone from Sumeru, since you barely remember your childhood in Inazuma. But I must say, studying this phenomenon and its stages would help to prevent any sort of fatalities in the future." he mused. "Tighnari, she's losing time, who is it that she likes?" Cyno asked. You wheezed, coughing harshly into the napkin you'd been given. Cyno grabbed your collar and was about to shake you when you grabbed his wrists and shook your head. There were tears in your eyes. "I don't care what's going on with you, I'm not about to leaf you alone in your struggles." he tried, hoping to cheer you up. You laughed slightly, only to continue coughing. You gasped for air before speaking. "Cyno, could you-" you were interrupted by another coughing fit. "Leave." you hissed, causing him to nod. He quickly exited the tent, leaving you and Tighnari alone. "Now then, may I ask-" "You." you whispered, causing his eyes to widen. "What?" "It's you, you're the one I like. You're the one I have feelings for." you whispered, more tears rolling down your face as you spoke. "I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you felt, and look at me now, fate must really like to take things from me, huh? First my home and my job in Inazuma, and now my life, and you with it. I'm sorry, Tighnari, I'm sorry to burden you with this knowledge, I'm sorry to burden you with caring for me, and I'm- mphh!?" you were caught off guard when he grabbed your collar and kissed you on the lips, one arm wrapped around your waist as you started to get dizzy from the lack of air. You pulled away after a minute and felt the thorny vines that seemed to crawl up your throat recede a bit. "It takes months to recover from a disease like Hanahaki, but I'll be the one looking after you in the meantime. You should consider yourself much luckier than you give yourself credit for, since Fennec fox hybrids mate for life." he said, eyes trained on you as he sat on the bed beside you. You looked at him in utter surprise and confusion. "Wait, but- why would you- are you sure you want to be with me? You have so many other options, and-" Tighnari cupped your face in his hands, cutting you off as he kissed you again. "I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't feel the same. Besides, these next few months are going to be full of safety lectures from yours truly, since you can't drill it into your head that there are people here who love you and actually want you to stay alive." he said, punctuating his last sentence by poking your forehead harshly. "Now then, lay down, I have medicine that can numb the pain slightly, but you have to get proper rest for at least the next two weeks before I'm going to allow you to take on any sort of forest ranger tasks," he commanded. Tighnari grabbed some papers and a book from his desk before grabbing a chair and sitting next to your bed. "What?" he asked, noticing your stare. "It's just that I'm not very tired- ack!" you yelped when he slapped you in the face with his tail and climbed into the bed with you. "Go. To. Sleep. You need it to heal faster. Hug my tail if it helps, but don't tug on it like those stupid mutts in the city do whenever I visit. I hate it when they do that." he huffed, taking out the report he had in the folder and reading over it. You hugged his fluffy tail and then looked up at his soft looking ears, before reaching up and rubbing the space between them. His breath hitched slightly, before his head snapped toward you. "Sorry." you squeaked, retracting your hand. "No, it's fine, just be careful, and don't tell anyone I let you do this." he replied, taking your hand and letting you touch the soft ears. You were getting more and more drowsy as time passed, and soon enough, your hand slipped down and fell at your side as you buried your face in Tighnari's tail and fell asleep. He looked over at you and pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you against his chest as he let himself rest with you. "Master Tighnari, I- s-sorry! I didn't know that you were-" "It's fine, Collei, she's asleep anyway." he interrupted. "Sorry, here's the report that you lost earlier, I'll just-" he held up his hand, motioning her over. "I need you to do me a favor and tell the other forest watchers that I'm going to be caring for (Y/N) for the next few days around the clock. Make sure they follow the regular procedures I've told them to, alright? If you need anything during these next few days, you'll find me in my tent. I'm here because I had to give her immediate care." he voiced, causing her to nod. "Oh, one more thing." he iterated. Collei peeked her head back into the tent. "Yes, what is it?" she asked. "Don't tell Cyno about this yet, and don't let anyone else know. I have a feeling that I won't hear the end of it if anyone else finds out." he advised. She nodded, before walking off. It was then and only then that Tighnari allowed himself the leisure of burying his face in your hair and breathing in your scent as he drifted off to sleep.

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