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In universe #150 of Teyvat, portals appeared in certain locations and vacuums all the people in Teyvat the the portals closed up and left Teyvat silent. At the theater, a massive portal ripped through time and space from above.

The males fell down and landed on each other while the females, children, and elderly were gently ascending down to the floor. The portal that brought them closed up, the males got up from the floor groaning in pain. Everyone looked around and knew they were in a theater but the vibe was giving off an ominous feeling.

The Knights in Mondstadt and Millelith in Liyue noticed the Fatui and they immediately went in front of the civilians and important figures with their spears and swords raised towards the Fatui. The Fatui members raised their weapons for combat and the harbingers were glaring at the traveler.

The Abyss all grouped up and surrounded their highness. Lumine saw Aether and Aether notices Lumine looking at him and looks away.

Dulic summoned his claymore and points to the Fatui.

Dulic: Why have you, fatui's brought us here?!

Childe: We don't have any technology to teleport everyone in Teyvat?!

Ningguang: He's right.. Someone or something must've created those portals and brought us all here. Isn't that right, Mr?

Ningguang looks at the figure on stage. Every parent and grandparents hugged their children close to them.

The adults and kids were capable of fighting raised their weapons but the figure waved his left hand and their weapons turned to dust.

???: I don't want any fighting in my theater. Plus I am look scary but I promise you all that I won't hurt any of you unless someone decides to do something utterly stupid that can end all of mankind. Do you understand?

The audience nods their head and the figure spoke up.

???: Welcome, people of Teyvat, to my humble home and theater. Where you'll be reacting to different universes, comedy, music, and many more to watch.

Ei: Who are you?

Electricity begins to generate around her but he looked at her with a calm expression.

???: Well, Ms. Ei or Electro Archon. Why should I give you my name?

Sara: Just answer the question, you fool!

He wave his right hand and slaps Sara across her face. Sara touched her cheek and looks at him with anger.

Sara: Do you not have any shame for slapping a woman's face?!

???: Y'know... Nevermind, I was gonna say something so offensive but I can't with children being here.

Sara: What-

Sara was suddenly lifted up and slammed into the ceiling with such force that everyone heard a crack. Everyone flinched at the sound and saw him with his index finger pointing upwards. Sara's body begins to scream in agony as her body was slowly being crushed by an invisible force.

Ei: Stop this immediately!!!

He sighs and points his index finger down to her seat. Sara's almost crushed body teleports to her seat and his eyes glows a faint red as Sara's body begins to heal rapidly. Once Sara's body was healed, his eyes stopped glowing and he said.

Shad: That will be a warning and my name is Shad, the God of Death and Destruction. If any of you go against my rules, you will be the blame of Teyvat.. no, your universe's destruction, do you all understand?

The audience nods their head but the an uninvited guest has appeared. It was The Unknown God or Heavenly Principle, she saw the archons and mentally orders them to kill everyone but none of the archons moved an inch from their seats.

U.G: Fine, I'll do it myself then.

U.G begins to charge up her attack but she felt an overwhelming sense of fear creeping up behind her, she turns around to see it.

Shad: Stand down now, Unknown God or should I say.. Destiny.

U.G or Destiny stops charging her attack and back away from it in fear.

Shad: What's wrong, Destiny? Are you feeling scared or nervous? [floats to her slowly] Come on, Destiny.. Answer.. my.. question..

Destiny almost fell off the stage and stutters her words. Shad looks at the audience who were struggling from fainting from the overwhelming sense of fear. Shad transform back to his human form and places his right hand on Destiny's left cheek as he caresses her cheek.

Shad: It's been a centuries, my dear..

Destiny stops shaking in fear and hugs Shad as she puts her head on Shad's chest and starts crying. The audience or most likely the twins and archons were shocked to the Heavenly Principle crying and hugging Shad. Shad gently brushes Destiny's white silky hair and smiles. Shad and Destiny teleports to Shad's seat.

Shad: Now then, shall we continue or have a break?

Majority of the people of Teyvat said, "break." Shad nods his head and said:

Shad: We'll have a 2 hour break and once, that's done please focus on the screen infront of you.

Destiny raises her head and pecks Shad's neck and Shad looks at Destiny and kisses her forehead.

Destiny: I love you..

Shad: I love you too..

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