Chapter 7: The Final Hours of the Titanic

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Meanwhile, Officer fired the Distress Flare to signal other ships, Mr. Ismay filled with his regret, seeing his oppurtunity, steps quickly into Collapsible C. He stares straight ahead, not meeting Murdoch's eyes.

Murdoch: Take them down.

After Ismay gets into the boat collapsible C it was lowered. As hours passed, collapsible D lifeboat lowered away. Crew members, Officers, and Passengers managed to put down the collapsible lifeboats, collapsible B is from the starboard side and ended up upright and collapsible A is from the port side but ended up in upside-down.

Ajax: Give us chance!
Murdoch: Get back!
Wilde: Women and Children only!

One man got pushed out as Murdoch accidentally shot him with his revolver as the crowd got scared. He realized what he have done with guilt as he salute to Wilde and puts the pistol to his temple.

Wilde: No Will!

He shot himself as committed suicide, he drops like a puppet with the strings cut and topples over the edge of the boat deck into the water only a few feet below.

Wilde: Stand back, damn you!

Then Man who has a child rushes to the boat.

Man: I have a child! I have a child!
Wilde: Clear path here!
Man: Please, I have a child! Please... I'm all she has in the world.
Wilde: Go on. Step back, step back I say! Women and Children only!

Meanwhile, Harold wears his Lifebelt and goes to the wireless room to give it to Jack.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch the Video)

Then Harold left to the Boat deck. Meanwhile, Aether and Amber are rushing to the stern, then they met Mr. Andrews for one last time.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Jack and Rose replaced Venti & Barbara)

And with that, Aether and Amber make a run to the stern.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Watch the Video)

John and Benjamin shook their hands before they went their separate ways. Wallace played along with the band for one final performance. "Nearer my God to Thee."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start the Music)

They are prepared to abandon ship.

On the boat deck, Kaeya, Eula, and Amber got on the boat. Bennett told her to get her on the boat.

Eula: Don't worry, Diluc. Jean in going to be okay.

He nodded in agreement.

Amber: Hurry, get into the boat.
Kaeya: C'mon, let's go.

Jean hugs him as Diluc places his hand on her cheek, and she sheds her tears.

Kaeya: The Boat must go!
Jean: I'm not leaving you!
Diluc: Don't worry, We will be together again soon. I promise.

She tearfully nodded as she kissed him.

Jean: Just come back.

He hugged her as she did the same.

Diluc: I love you.

They share their one last hug before they broke their hug. Then she went to the boat as it finally lowered. The last lifeboat left. By 2:15 am, The Titanic started to sink fast as the bow and the bridge began to sink underwater below deck and the listing port was eased. Captain Smith went to the wheelhouse and went down with the ship. Collapsible A & B Boats were brought down but Collapsible B boat went upside down, trapping Harold underneath. Bennett and Stanley got on board the collapsible B boat and escaped along with Lightoller and Harold Bride.

Bennett: We gotta get away from her!
Stanley: She's going down! Hurry!

The bow pulls down, and the stern rises. As the Lifeboats rowed away from the ship, First Funnel collapses, crushing them to death, and causing a huge splash washing them away.

Then the stern rises to a high angle, and Venti and Barbara make the run for it.

Venti: We have to get to the stern and stay as long as possible, C'mon!
Barbara: Okay.

In Grand Staircase, it was flooding and people were trapped inside with no way out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Outside of the ship, The large crowd is running to the stern, and Venti and Barbara. Then they made it to the stern and clinging on the rail.

Venti: Hold on tight.

They are clinging to the rail tightly for their life.

Barbara: Venti, this is where we met.

He kissed her forehead and embrace at each other. Titanic's stern is now steep height, causing people to slide into the water while the people are jumping off the ship.

Then the Second Funnel sparks and explodes as it collapses. Jean and her friends witnessed it in horror. They hear their cries, screaming on their ship. Many of Men, Women, and Children were onboard the Titanic.

Molly: God Almighty.

On the other boat, Mr. Ismay looked at the sinking ship before turning away with guilt. On the ship, Diluc rescued the boy, then the lights went out as the ship started to break in half, and Diluc and a little boy jumped out of the ship. Then the Titanic splits in half, She broke into four sections.

Then the 3rd and 4th Funnels collapsed as the bow goes down while holding the double bottom and the stern rises then the double bottom lets go and the bow heads down until it finally reaches the bottom of the ocean.

Then the stern rises and began its final plunge.

The stern starts going down into the depths.

Venti: This is it!
Barbara: Oh Venti, Oh God, Oh, Oh God!
Venti: Hold On!
Barbara: Oh God.

The people are jumping off while the others cling on to it as the stern goes down.

Venti: The ship is gonna suck us down, take a deep breath what I say! Kick on the surface and keep kicking! Do not let go of my hand!

She nodded, as the water getting closer.

Venti: We're gonna make it Barbara, Trust Me!
Venti: I trust you!

Then the ship is about submerged.

Venti: Ready? Now!

Barbara took a deep as the ship submerged.

At 2:20 am, of April 15th, 1912, the Titanic sank taking along with her victims.

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