Chapter 9: Carpathia

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On the other boat, Jean was mourning for her Darling.

Barbara: I'm sorry, Jean.
Jean: *sobs* I love him. Very much.
Kaeya: Come here.

He comforts her, Eula still hopes that Barbara will be alright. Then the boy on the crate as the raft swam towards the boat with guy on it so Jean and the crew members help him out. it was Diluc. After he helped the boy to get on the raft, he was exhausted, but the boy couldn't leave him so he tied him up with a rope and swan while dragging him in the water He was unconscious.

Jean: Diluc, it's me, Jean. Open your eyes.

She tearfully begs him to open his eyes, and Diluc finally opened his eyes.

Diluc: Told you we will be together again.
Jean: I'm glad that you're okay.

Then they kissed. Barbara was lying on the boat, covering herself to keep her warm. She felt sad that her beloved Venti was gone. It was sunrise. The boats are still waiting for the rescue ship to come.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Rose replaced Barbara, Ruth replaced Eula & Cal replaced Kaeya. Pretend Jean along with Diluc, Stanley, and Bennett there)

The survivors of the Titanic gathered on the deck of the Carpathia. Jean and the others saw Barbara.

Jean: Barb?
Barbara: Sister.

They hugged as they saw each other.

Diluc: I'm glad you're okay.
Barbara: Yeah...
Bennett: You're okay.
Stanley: We're all here.

They noticed Venti was missing.

Bennett: Where's Venti?

Barbara shedding her tears and nods no. They realized that Venti was gone, he died of hypothermia.

Bennett: I'm sorry...

Barbara: Just... leave me alone...

She left them and sat on the bench, She was mentally crying for her lost love. Carpathia departs from the sinking site and heads to New York City. She fell depressed and distraught as she lost Venti forever. The idol was so distraught to the point where she was nonresponsive. She wouldn't eat or drink, but merely prayed day and night, hoping to see Venti again. Her trip was pushed back as many knew the idol's mind wouldn't have been in the right place. Although no explanation was given, Jean put Barbara on leave from her duties at the church until further notice. Given that she was so beloved by the people, many had left gifts and flowers, sending their well wishes. They only piled up in Barbara's room as she couldn't bring herself to open them.

The only people, who could visit her, were her friends. Amber had stopped by, bringing sweets in hopes of cheering her up; Bennett came by, telling her of their adventures in an attempt to see her smile again; Diluc came by to give her some snacks he made with his late father that were proven to help improve moods; and, while Barbara appreciated his efforts, Eula came by, attempting to cheer the blonde up in her own way. However, the one person, who stayed by her side despite her darkest times, was none other than her older sister, Jean.

Jean came every day when she could, making sure her sister ate; keeping her hydrated; brushing her hair, and even going as far as bathing together with her and sleeping in the same bed so she wouldn't be alone. This was probably the first time in a long time the two sisters had spent so much time together. It was awkward of course, but Barbara appreciated having her sister by her side. The gentle strokes of Jean's hand on her head helped her to sleep. The taller blonde always let the smaller cry into her chest whenever she was reminded of her beloved. It probably was exhausting, having to take up another job, but Jean never once expressed frustration. She would only smile, and gently remind Barbara that she was there for her.

Then on April 18th, 1912, Carpathia arrived in New York City. at the railing of the Carpathia, 9pm April 18th. She gazes up at the Statue of Liberty, looking just as it does today, welcoming her home with her glowing torch. It is just as Bennett saw it, so clearly, in his mind.

At the Cunard pier, Pier 54. Over 30,000 people line the dock and fill the surrounding streets. The magnesium flashes of the photographers go off like small bombs, lighting an amazing tableau. Several hundred police keep the mob back. The dock is packes with friends and reletives, officials, ambulances, and the press-- Reporters and photographers swarm everywhere... 6 deep at the foot of the gangways, lining the tops of cars and trucks... it is the 1912 equivalent of a media circus. They jostle to get close to the survivors, tugging on them as they pass and shouting over each other to ask them questions.

Barbara is covered with a whoollen shawl and walking with a group of steerage passengers. Immigration officers are asking them questions as they come off the gangway.

Immigration Officer: Name?
Barbara: Dawson. Barbara Dawson.

The officer steers her toward a holding area for processing. Barbara walks forward with the dazed immigrants. The BOOM! of photographer's magnesium flashes cause them to flinch, and the glare is blinding. There is a sudden disturbance near her as two men burst through the cordon, running to embrace an older woman along the survivors, who cries out with joy. The reporters converge on this emotional scene, and flashes explode.

Barbara uses this moment to slip away into the crowd. She pushes through the jostling people, moving with purpose, and none challenges her in the confusion. She walks away, further and further until she flashes and the roar are far behind her, and she's still walking, determined.

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